Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

September 23, 2012

What 90210 actress was at an event and ate one piece of food and then spent the night complaining that she was getting fat. She has reportedly lost 20 pounds off her already thin frame in the past three months. Love problems and trying to juggle a boyfriend and a guy she just has sex with.

AnnaLynne McCord


  1. VIP! Girl, you look beautiful to me.

  2. VIP ur beautiful just the way u are! ;)

  3. Did I miss a comment or something?

  4. You are beautiful VIP, and we like you clickey links!

  5. I KNEW IT. Remember a few ago that I said that anna lynne was looking gaunt in one of the random photos.

  6. She looks alright to me.

    Besides, everyone know food doesn't taste as good as skinny feels.

  7. I agree Count Jerkula, although she could do some deadlifts.


    Full disclosure, that's pretty much my advice for everyone...


  8. Why does everyone always think that VIP is this AnnaLynne person? I must have missed a post or two.

  9. Yes VIP looks real fine would be an asset on my or any beach!

  10. AKM - That's my impression based on this thread. I have no idea (but I'm relatively new here).

    That said, her profile picture is clearly some other blonde.

    Crap, I was going to make a joke about your profile pic, but I can't for the life of me place the lady in it.

  11. MEATROS--that is WEEZER/Shirley McClaine in all of her glory

  12. Dammit!

    Ugh, back to the urine caked side of the pool for me...

  13. VIP you don't need to lose weight. You are gorgeous! Who is the guy you were sleeping with on the side, kellan lutz?

  14. Are you friends with Amanda Peet?

  15. Yup yup. Miz Ouiser is my spirit animal.

    Yeah, I know that people have said this about VIP for a while. I think that some of her posts have shown that she IS an industry insider. I just can't remember what might have come out to link her to ALM. (No disrespect at all, but I'm not sure who she is. I'm just old and can't keep up with the WB youngsters because I don't watch much TV, despite my love for pop culture/gossip.)

  16. I believe that is Katie Price in VIP's picture. Looks like it.

  17. VIP = Best. Clickies evaaahs! :)

  18. Yup yup. Miz Ouiser is my spirit animal.

    Yeah, I know that people have said this about VIP for a while. I think that some of her posts have shown that she IS an industry insider. I just can't remember what might have come out to link her to ALM. (No disrespect at all, but I'm not sure who she is. I'm just old and can't keep up with the WB youngsters because I don't watch much TV, despite my love for pop culture/gossip.)

  19. Yup yup. Miz Ouiser is my spirit animal.

    Yeah, I know that people have said this about VIP for a while. I think that some of her posts have shown that she IS an industry insider. I just can't remember what might have come out to link her to ALM. (No disrespect at all, but I'm not sure who she is. I'm just old and can't keep up with the WB youngsters because I don't watch much TV, despite my love for pop culture/gossip.)

  20. AND trying to keep up with that massive coke habit she has!!

  21. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Who? No one here knows who she is.
