Friday, September 13, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 29, 2013

This former B list mostly television actor who was on a very hit almost network show has been spending the past several weeks after his breakup basically living with three women. He was trying to see all of them independently, but just gave up and said that if they wanted to be with him, they all needed to live with him. They all accepted and it is like a mini Playboy Mansion.

Penn Badgley


  1. This is not bad. I ridicule polyamory a lot (the fights, the rage, the denial that there are fights and rage and grudgefucking) but when it works, it works. He's tall dark and handsome, and I can see this working.

  2. This is not bad. I ridicule polyamory a lot (the fights, the rage, the denial that there are fights and rage and grudgefucking) but when it works, it works. He's tall dark and handsome, and I can see this working.

    1. You must have an in with the NSA since you seem to be an expert on all things polyamorous. Dunno what city you live in but my contacts in many cities in the US and Canada (maybe 20?) rarely report big drama. Call it denial on their part or ignorance and massive overstatement and smearing on your end, I am gonna go with the latter. Why would you make such a superfluous statement about millions of people rather than just thumbs up Penn Badgely? I gotta question your intent and your agenda. Not denying that there is a buncha drama in the poly community, but have you paid any attention to the monogamous folks?

  3. He must have skills!

  4. he must be getting testosterone therapy. That shit is recommended all over AM radio.

  5. It's a gossip blog, ffs! People all'a time gotta be bitching about people all'a time bitching.


  6. I hope he took my advice and had them spayed. Or at least called them all fat long enough so they starved till their ovaries stopped working. Triple dip of Shark Week would have me in the garage w/ a hose going from the tailpipe to the driver side window.

    1. Ha ha ha how many sisters did you have to endure while you were growing up count?

      We aren't all that bad, unless we are knocked up, honest!

  7. Isn't he one of the actors in the blinds who was using a beard?

  8. Cool guy. Who are the three ladies?

  9. I thought he was gay.

    1. Anonymous11:39 PM

      hothot: I also thought he was gay.

  10. Wait isn't he with zoe kravitz

  11. tihs guys has game. Gets it were yu can my mane

  12. @Little Broken Bird: 2

    1. Ha ha I thought so, you must have suffered
      Hubby has 3, and the scars to prove it, you remind me a lot of him.
      Th only reason he married me was because I wasn't mental like a woman, lucky me lol

  13. I wish he would accept a fourth: me.

  14. They were older, so the torture was only until I was about 13. At that point one married out of the house and I could lift the other one off her feet, by her throat.

  15. Funny! 13 was the age of my little brother when he punched me in the face. I left him alone after that ha ha. We get on well now though. Needless to say my daughter will remain an only child!

  16. So, three star (used loosely) f*ckers who don't mind rancid BO, layered with old weed smoke, and moth balled thrift shop clothes? Hot.

  17. since chase crawford and ed westwick are probably gay, by default badgley pretty much gets the entire gossip girl fanbase to himself. dude must have plunged an absurd amount of teen snatch by now

  18. I would love to be part of that posse

  19. Didn't he date Blake Lively for a few years? I don't think that was a PR relationship.
