Sunday, September 22, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

October 20, 2012

This won't go away reality star from a somehow hit network show has been practically living with a guy for the past month but you won't see him in public. She is in talks for a deal which would see him do something that has been done before once in the past and give the show a much needed boost in success rates.

Emily Maynard "The Bachelorette"
Done before: Trista and Ryan dated each other prior to show


  1. Why would the ratings soar?

  2. They would actually be a successful couple, staying together after the show ends, like Trista and Ryan. Only I think Maynard and her dude broke up.

  3. Especially after word gets out that she has dated on of the bachelors???

  4. Guess it didn't work? Because Trista and Ryan were set up to be the successful fairytale and that boosted the ratings. It is alleged that T and R were a couple before her season so they could be assured of a wedding proposal and televised wedding and T and R are held up as the proof the show can work cough cough.

    Now everyone in even Bachelor fandom knows the couple will break up at a time to be determined usually by ABC. Usually just before a new season begins. The show is even more fake than most of us already think.

  5. Well looks like Emily didn't not follow the plan or she was never looking for "Love" but attention. Sunce T & R are still married they clearly were really in love and on the same page.

  6. So are Ashley and JP!

  7. The Bachelor & Bachelorette are ridiculous. I know a girl who was on the Bachelor same time as Emily and she had a boyfriend the whole time. She went on that show through her agent and only did it for publicity - she's now the host of an entertainment show. Most of the people who go on those shows have agents and significant others and all that. I also went to high school with a dude who was on the bachelorette (the season with Jillian) and he did it for publicity for his pizza business and he also had pictures of his girlfriend on his facebook the whole time. Total attention whores if you ask me.

  8. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Maynard is a special breed of vapid.

  9. You mean, you mean........ These shows ARENT for real??!! They really arent in love??!! Well, my day is ruined:(

  10. We should round up and the Bachelors and Bachelorettes, put em on a plane with all the Real House Wives and send them to Syria to look for chemical and biological weapons.

  11. Count I like your plan.

  12. Come on now, Count, haven't the Syrians suffered enough?

    1. Anonymous10:54 PM

      Abob: hilarious!

  13. It's not the ratings they're looking to boost, it's the success rate (i.e., actually sticking together after the last rose or whatever the hell it is). Doing that will help with future seasons of the show, because you really CAN find your soulmate in ten weeks or whatever, you just never know! Blech.
