Saturday, September 07, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 14, 2012

I would normally save this kind of blind item for Friday, but I honestly could not wait three more days to share it so here it is now. This deception is almost movie worthy. You have a foreign born B list actress and singer who is barely known here in the US but is A list back home and has had some very interesting boyfriends in the past. Their previous choices makes you wonder how she ended up with them. Anyway, her part of the deception was simple. She found a former A list tweener and convinced him she was in like with him. He even got to fool around with her once or twice.

On the other side of the equation is a former almost A list singer. Now you feel like the singer is not far from playing casinos and state fairs. Anyway, our singer is married to a reality star and has been for quite some time. There are kids involved. So, we have the foreign born star and the singer and they have been together for about six months. The thing is they can never go anywhere when she is in LA and have to really sneak around and use her friend's apartments even with her pretending to be the girlfriend of the former A list tweener. Now though they will have several weeks together alone while they film a new show out of the country. They are going to use this time to decide if the final cut should be made and the singer can move on with the foreign born star.

Foreign-born B lister - Delta Goodrem
A-List Tweener - Nick Jonas
Former A-List Singer - Seal
Reality Star Wife - Heidi Klum
Show - The Voice Australia 


  1. I think you all got this one.

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Now I feel bad for bring so hard on Heidi

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Just goes to show that it doesnt matter how rich,nice,accomplished you are a douche can and will still cheat on you with an unknown australian beard.

  4. Delta is gorgeous. How does the scarecrow get these ladies. Must have some good coke.

  5. I think I got it all...

    Hilarious about Nick Jonas though.

  6. Everyone got the Delta/ Nick part but didn't everyone think the singer married to a reality star was whatever Madden is married to Nicole Ritchie?

  7. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Delta plays the holier than thou girl next door card- yet she is utterly insufferable.
    I don't understand the Heidi-hate as I'm new (fill me in!)
    But I can't imagine Delta being much of an improvement

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Agreed she shagged Brian McFadden when he was married with kids

  8. None of this would have happened if Heidi hadn't boffed that blow job in the limo. . . . .

  9. If it's a Klum BI you can be pretty sure it's a legit ur-Enty bit.

  10. Is it sad that i dont understand this?

  11. these kind of people are all immature and narcissistic and it is all part of the games they need to play to amuse themselves

  12. @auntliddy--from what I understand, Seal and Delta were having an affair behind Heidi's back. Delta convinced Nick Jonas that she liked him to use him as a cover for the affair with Seal. Does that sound right? Terrible writing!!

  13. therese, thank you love, for clarifying! I dont come here to be confused, lol Dont care for seal anyway.

  14. @sbalb yes,l the majority thought it was Joel Madden, not Seal. However it was a smallish majority.

  15. I felt like we thought it was Seal.

    Delta is the worst.

  16. The only good thing I can say psitive about Delta is she is a goodrim.

  17. How on earth does Seal get all these hot women to fall for him? He is not attractive at all. To think everyone gave Heidi such a hard time when she started dating so soon after the divorce whilst her husband was fooling whilst they were married!

  18. P.S Delta is a known marriage wrecker too...this is not the first marriage she ruined.

  19. and delta is suck a starfucker.

  20. such** SHEESH.

    ive always found delta insufferable. loved it when the whole nation turned on her last year.

    has anyone else heard the rumour that Delta didnt have Hodgkins Lymphoma?
