Saturday, September 14, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 26, 2013

This A+ list mostly movie comedic actor who is very tall was at an event this week and somehow the conversation turned to celebrity sex tapes and someone asked the actor if he had ever seen Paris Hilton's sex tape. The actor said he had not, but then again he didn't need to because he had already had sex with her so knew what it was like. I would never imagine them together. he must have been drunk at the time.

Vince Vaughn


  1. I hope he got checked!

  2. No!!! No, Vince! Why!?!?!?

  3. Oh...don't let Phruphra read this!

    1. @Mel - too late! But hey, who hasn't made a drunken WTF bootie call (because I choose to believe that's all it was :- ) ).

      Seriously, though, don't let Sunny see this - sister is seriously in luv with VV. She'll have the sad yuckies all day!

  4. Is it weird to anyone else that he would admit that? He's a married man with kids and she is gutter trash. I would expect he would shake his head and simply say, "no".

  5. Just another link in the Six Degrees of Chlamydia chain...

  6. Wouldn't it be a better blind item to reveal who HASN'T had sex with Paris?

  7. And just like that I lost any respect I ever had for him. (Which wasn't much to begin with.) Now you have to wonder if he is herpe ridden and who he has passed that onto.

    1. Anonymous5:26 AM

      Ahh, we've all got our shame fucks. I wouldn't publicise mine though.

  8. maybe was joking? still that visualization will hunt.

  9. I've heard of V. Vaugh. Las Vegas, but V. Vaugh. Paris is just gross.

  10. dont care for Paris but enough with double standard "slut shaming"

  11. This sounds more like a smart ass remark than a confession.

  12. I wonder if this was pre or post Aniston?

  13. Ew. I hope he was kidding.

  14. @NaughtyNurse - my thought, too. Maybe it was just a joke (she says, hopefully).

  15. It's not hard to get Paris Hilton to have sex with you. All you need is money.

  16. Yes, why usnt HE the slut? Paris, she is what she is, but why is it cool for him to sleep around?

  17. Oh calm down. About ten years ago when I lived in Manhattan Beach on my way to meet up with friends at a local bar he yelled at me from across the street in appreciation. His standards aren't very high in other words...

  18. Kron, you don't even need money. i know a few people who banged her and I probably had a chance when she was doing that reality show show with Nicole about living with the rednecks. They came to a club I was at doing Karaoke (I am told I have a great voice, so people always get me to do songs for them so I end up doing 4 or 5 times the songs that everyone else does). Anyway, after I did the KISS song "Beth" (one of my signature songs) I went right into Poison's "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" and while I was doing it Paris came and sat on my lap. I probably would've given in since I had a few drinks in me, but luckily I was there with my sort of at the time girlfriend who shoved her off of me and told her she didn't care how much money she had she was going to get her ass kicked lol Paris sent us over some shots to apologize I presume and then she ended up hooking up with a guy I went to school with who I introduced her to. He showed me pictures the next week.

    I guess she had asked someone who I was because she knew who I was and stuff I was into, so even though it was Paris and not a bigger celeb, I had a celebrity interested in me. I could just see the look on my brothers, mom's and dad's faces if I had taken her home that night lol

    1. I tip my hat to you Sir. Best sarcastic post ever.

    2. Anonymous3:58 PM

      It's the most ridiculous humble brag!

  19. This is a match made in heaven - he has seems so oily and douchey

  20. He was a greasy ass in the late 90's through early 2000's. I just shutter thinking about him. BLEH!

  21. There are sure a lot of people jumping to conclusions. For all we know, Vince could have had sex with Paris 14 years ago when she was 18. Paris was an attractive enough woman that most guys would want to have sex with her when she was younger and less “worn out”. He’s only been married for less than 4 years so the odds are he had sex with her before he got married.
    I’m a LOT more grossed out that he actually dated Aniston. I guarantee you Jennifer has had sex with a lot more different partners than Paris.

  22. Vince Vaughan has slept with a lot of women. And is kind of an ass about it. Booted my friend right off the first date when she played.hard to get.

  23. Vince Vaughan has slept with a lot of women. And is kind of an ass about it. Booted my friend right off the first date when she played.hard to get.

  24. Vince Vaughan has slept with a lot of women. And is kind of an ass about it. Booted my friend right off the first date when she played.hard to get.

  25. Vince Vaughan has slept with a lot of women. And is kind of an ass about it. Booted my friend right off the first date when she played.hard to get.

  26. Btw Paris has slept with about every Hollywood actor you can imagine. Before making the sex tape and post break up with rick Solomon and pre release of sex take and especially right after she would practically go hunting for celebs and if you said hi it was out the door and in bed with her. Kim kardashian was the same way, but with black dudes... Especially rmusic and althletes.

  27. Btw Paris has slept with about every Hollywood actor you can imagine. Before making the sex tape and post break up with rick Solomon and pre release of sex take and especially right after she would practically go hunting for celebs and if you said hi it was out the door and in bed with her. Kim kardashian was the same way, but with black dudes... Especially rmusic and althletes.

  28. Vince Vaughn used to be pretty hot years ago. He's a bloated mess now.

  29. Paris is a cockeyed slut, but Vaughn looks like a greasy car salesman.
