Thursday, September 05, 2013

Clint Eastwood And Dina Eastwood Swap Spouses

I was about to ask who knew that Clint Eastwood could be so freak, but for an 80 something year old the guy has plenty of freak in him and he always has. I want someone to write all the stories about this guy and all the women he has had sex with over the years and the things he made them do. Lets just say the chairs weren't always empty and you needed a lot of rope.

Anyway, at some point in her marriage to Clint, his wife, Dina Eastwood decided she would much rather be with her old high school sweetheart. One tiny problem. he too was married. No problem in the Eastwood house because Clint just started hooking up with the wife (above) and Dina could have the husband. The question you have to ask yourself is if you feel lucky. No, really the question you need to ask yourself is if this started out as some kind of foursome that morphed into the pairs deciding they liked the other spouse better.


  1. If I were into swapping and octogenarians, Clint would be fine by me.

  2. Foursome with an 80 yr old dude? Ewww. What's the next step, Lemon Party?

  3. Oh hell no!! It's too fucking early to think of sexing it up with beef jerky!

    /reaches for brain bleach

  4. If it works for them, go for it. I can't say I'd be into it personally, but hey, no one asked me to swap.

  5. One of the things that I like about Clint is that he keeps his vehicles for a long time. Along with that older Merc in the picture he also has a Jimmy from the 80's or 90's. Looks after them and drives them all the time. Very cool.

  6. Its Clint Eastwood, I'd still hit it.

    It's early to be channeling Michael K, isn't it? ~sigh~

  7. I like Clint as a person and as a movie god, but the first paragraph has made me think of his sexual life, and that is gross as hell. I must think about beautiful things in order to forget the mental image.

  8. How can a person seemingly sensitive to lives and characters as shown in his movies be rather the opposite in how he's treated some of the women in his life? It doesn't seem as if his latest wife cares all that much about him since she was seeking out old boyfriends, but some of the women in his past seemed to have loved him dearly and were traded in with a lot less wear on them than those old cars have that he kept.

  9. These people really know how to complicate their lives.

  10. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I agree that it sounds like a swap gone right

  11. Jesus Christ, FSP, I'll NEVER be able to unsee that now! I used to be innocent! I will ALWAYS google these phrases before I click from now on...

  12. Yup, would still hit that

  13. Now THERE is a Celebrity Wife Swap that I would WATCH for reals!

  14. What ever happened to Sandra Locke? I know she didn't have nice things to say about him.

  15. If that's the case then, I guess, mazel tov? I mean, where's the victim? Maybe not the smoothest of transitions, but also maybe minimal collateral damage?

  16. Fer Fucks sake @FSP. EEEE-YECCCHH!!

  17. Harry, Clint probably thinks the cars are still new. I was wearing a fave tie one day when a PYT asked me if it was "vintage". I looked at her and then the tie and realized the tie was older than her. My reply, "not when I bought it". Purchased new, btw.

  18. Octogenarian Clint could probably still kick the asses of the snarkmeisters commenting on his age. We should all admire the SOB and hope we'll be getting laid at that age.

  19. This is like those two Eagles songs.
