Friday, September 13, 2013

Dina Lohan Arrested For DUI

Dina Lohan has finally joined her ex-husband Michael and her daughter Lindsay with her very own mugshot. Last night Dina was going about 20 miles per hour over the speed limit so the cops pulled her over for speeding. She appeared drunk and she was. Almost twice the legal limit over. Maybe she can go halfsies with Lindsay on the sober companion. Apparently Dina has never heard the term car service.


  1. That photo looks just like Lindsay today.

  2. FFS what a family!

  3. The Cannonball Run is a race from Connecticut to your ass.

  4. Next "celebrity" on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew?

  5. I said it in a post below, but I am DYING to hear her excuse;
    Evil Michael Lohan drugged her?
    She has auditioned for a bad ass movie role and wants to show the directors how much of a daredevil she is?
    Since alcohol factories are going broke because
    Indsay isnt drinking anymore, she decides to step in and give them some income?
    She wants to see life through Lindsays eyes so acts like Lindsay?
    She thought she was drinking alcohol free cocktails but they turned out to be full of the juicy stuff?

    Ohhh Dina enlighten me!

  6. See? I told you guys that Enty would cover this as soon as he got out of the courtroom for his big case!

    1. @enty love

      It's about friggin time! Only took 4 hours.

  7. Dina is looking a bit rough!!

  8. Too bad she didn't hit a telephone pole and die. Her only purpose in life is to pimp her daughters and swipe their coke.

  9. wow, new enty can't do math -> .20 where the limit is .08 is actually 2.5 times the limit.

    Semantics aside, this makes me happy. I wonder how pissed Oprah is, wasn't White Oprah gonna be on Lindsay's reality show? I'm actually surprised this is WO's first DUI.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Enty has a JOB. Can YOU say the same? So what if it takes a few hours. It's on here.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @Bells: Pray for Dina's daughters. Her death would be the best thing for them.

    1. The count is correct. Dina a drunken, useless hag.

    2. Agree with Count! Again he is the voice of reason.

  14. It would have been a blessing to all if she died (not injuring anyone else). This woman is a nightmare.

    At least she can add to the Family Album of Mugshots?

  15. You are a sexual delinquent.

    1. Yeah, so?! What's it to ya? Why are you in charge of that?

  16. @hazeldazel, Enty does this website for FUN, ok?! He does it for us because he loves each and every one of his readers so stop making fun of his math abilities! He was probably rushing to make sure that we got this important news as soon as he heard it himself!

  17. People all'a time bitching about people all'a time bitching. How pathetic all you little people are!


  18. wackest mom
    what a waste of vagina

  19. Tihs waist of spice is nothang butt an oxajen theif. i hop she gest put to jale and hastu do sum ov da tings her doughters hastu do for money. Mebbe den she wil now hows it felt.

  20. For all the female trolls posting today

    Are you hot, fat or a cross dresser?

  21. I'm hot, fat & a cross-dresser.

    FFS! It's a gossip blog. People all'a time bitching about people all'a time bitching.

    Don't you have anything better to do with your lives?

  22. @Bells: I know that. They always say getting past denial is the hardest step, but it was really easy for me. Then I looked up at the other 11 steps and said, "Fuck that, this is great."

    1. Yay Count! Own that deviancy! That is why you are so refreshing if somewhat repugnant at times. I am just so sick of the pearl clutchers. And the moralists who say they will pray for you are the WORST. Deal with your own same lives you Pharisees! Didn't you read the Bible? Didn't Jesus say that whoever is without sin should be the one to cast the first stone? Judge not lest ye be judged? See? I read the Bible and I actually UNDERSTAND what the message is.

      Bels, just take care of your own life. I am sure there is personal work for you to do since you have time to read and comment on this lowlife blog.

  23. HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13th! Guess its only unlucky if you are a Lohan!!!!

  24. @Sandybrook: You think its chicks trolling? I always figured chicks trolling would be like that YouTube of the lady trying to back out of her garage from a couple weeks ago.

    Next thing yer gonna tell me is that a broad can be president or can change a tire or will STFU during the last 5 minutes of a show you just invested 55minutes of your life in.


    1. Are YOU the new enty? Annoying the hell out of readers with snarky posts and bad grammar, then trolling in the comments with logic, porn, and misogyny? Brilliant and apparently it works.

    2. If I was the Fuhrher around here I would cut down the amount of ads and posts each day. I would increase the amount of rape/molestation/incest blinds and put an end to the rampant MANsogyny.

      To make up for this lost revenue, I would create a NSFW sister site and post nude celeb pix with each story I ran. LiLo arrested? Here's a Playboy or nip slip pic. Kim Kardashian news? Here is a screencap of her with a dick in her mouth. Liam Neeson movie opening? There is VIP's gif of his cock flopping around as he runs.

      But, to answer your question, I have no financial interests in this website. My web portfolio is next to nil, although I may expand it in the coming months.

    3. Point proven. One in the original posts, entirely different in the comments complaining about the original to drive traffic. The FFF blog you stopped because of ad pullouts but the archive is still up under a different name, with the same ads. Sister site? You gave it away.

  25. @auntliddy whu luvs ya bebee!

  26. @Count that's why I asked if they were cross dressers

  27. Enty, you left off the part that she started ranting at cops that they injured her. Playing by the book with the lush, the cops called emergency med to offer assistance to any supposed injury - and to document her lying ass. Dina quickly recanted her allegation.


    Michael Lohan hit a utility pole a few years ago in the same neighborhood while under the influence.

  29. Dina is in the system now. Exxxxx-cellent

    Didn't LiLo start her multi-year parole/parole violations/court appearances/imprisonment/rehab yo-yoing with a DUI where no one was injured?

  30. Please throw the book at her.

  31. She looks really rough! Great image for the Cracken to see fresh out of rehab!

  32. @Wikiwoman: You forgot to mention that I tell erotic tales in random spots to keep the ladies in need of buzz time material checking every post. Betches love that theater of the mind shit. And the fact that it is coming from a disgusting, coarse, pathetic, "Low Life Lover" (as Sophia B so eloquently put it) probably makes em love it even more.

    I do the creative writing for fun and attention. I rail against MANsogyny, because some broads actually believe everything they read. I try to bait people, because I work alone all day and miss the breaking balls that went on at jobs I held in my youth.

    If you actually think I am driving that much traffic, then I might just have to go on strike until Fugazi Enty coughs up the bi-weekly hooker I talked about in the past. With the plethora of sex workers who seem to post here, Fugazi Enty could probably cut a CDAN disCount with one.

  33. Teee heeee. Count, your writing does nothing for me down there, but it amuses my brain cells no end. That is why I come here, for the giggles.

  34. What is the deal with Auntliddy? Everyone keeps mentioning her but she isn't around lately. I'm sure I missed something.
