Friday, September 06, 2013

George Zimmerman's Wife Files For Divorce

It shouldn't really come as a surprise considering that Laurie Zimmerman said she and her killer husband, George Zimmerman were having marital troubles, but she has filed for divorce. The guy has been out late at night by himself and to me anyway, seems like he is acting strangely. Maybe he was always pulled over for speeding and had a love affair with buying and carrying guns, but to me it feels like he is just testing the limits and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets arrested for some other violent crime within the next year or ends up dead.

Last week after appearing on television to say they were having troubles, Laurie pleaded guilty to perjury charges because she had lied under oath about the finances of the couple. George has been paying Laurie every month from his legal defense fund which has a surplus of bucks in it from people who gave him thousands and thousands of dollars.

She says the couple have been separated since August 13th.


  1. No surprise there.

  2. File this right under Who Gives A F*ck.

  3. George's wife is named Shellie. I think the Zimmermans should be left alone. The stress this has put on them must have been unbearable.

    1. Fuck them and fuck you.

    2. Back at you sweetly, St. Skittles get your panties wet or something?

    3. Probably NOT, given that 'st. Skittles' was a child. Stay classy.

    4. Wow I'm disappointed to see that you are sympathetic to the Zimmermans.

    5. Why are u disappointed don't rain? Someone was found innocent quell horror! Anyone can be arrested, facts were presented to a jury and judge & they decided he acted within the law! It's ok to be sympathetic to the Zimmermans..not everyone has to buy into the anti gun Agenda that the Martin family has decided to embrace with Obama's help of course.

    6. @Valerie They're son was murdered! You were just crying in another post about someone sending you to google but you don't even have the capacity to sympathize with a family that lost a child? Amazing. The Zimmermans are ALIVE and free to do what ever they want. A teenage boy can't.
      She is probably divorcing him to hide assists in case there is a civil case against them in near future.

    7. Hollywood...hmm maybe that "innocent child" should have hung up the phone with his friend & called the cops bc he felt threatened. Oh wait he was a punk with an attitude & thought he "would teach that cracker a lesson" only he picked a fight he couldn't win. No I have no sympathy for wannabe gang bangers

    8. And what does calling a spade a spade in another post have to do with this?

    9. Wow 'Valerie'. I wish you peace in your life because you are obviously miserable.

    10. Oh Valerie don't waste your time

    11. Wow Valerie. Did someone shot on your face as a child? You have NO class or an ounce of humanity. Shame on you!

    12. Agreed, gal. End the spectacle already.

  4. Now he can find someone younger and prettier.

  5. I think her name is Shellie not Laurie.

  6. Where's Shelly?

  7. Will he use those legal defense $$ to pay his divorce attorney?

    Hey, maybe he and Casey Anthony can have a little Floridian romance....

    1. That just made me vomit a bit in my mouth.

  8. FSP for the win! Yeah really, not sure who's writing this, but everyone (well, I guess not everyone) knows her name is Shellie.

  9. Oh, I meant to add: after he raised all that money, he had the nerve to file papers to have the state of Florida pay his legal fees! (Apparently people who are acquitted in Florida have the right to do so.)

    1. Soooo...and what? He was proven innocent. People donated bc they were sympathetic to his plight - that's their choice. h...if (sorry on iPhone & blogger doesn't let. You correct) he was found guilty he would have nothing with fees and fines the only reason for a surplus is his innocence. Why don't people get that innocent people get arrested all the time! Cops arrest first and say the ct's will sort it out & courts say well the cops should have only arrested after an the people get screwed! For every guilty person who gets off ahem Casey Anthony there is an innocent person convicted. The system worked for once

  10. This poor dude has suffered enough. He first was beaten by a 17 y/o Marlo Stanfield wannabe (, not a child, but a smoker teenager who wanted to be in a gang as the other African Americans who killed an Australian the other day. Then he had to suffer the trial, where barack hussein said that "if he had a son, he would be as the hopper" (he forgot to say the same every time someone like skittles kills another one in shitcago). Then he suffered all the riots that African Americans did because "law abiding citizens" is not something they know, unless it's a biased trial on their behalf.
    With all those premises, most couples would part ways.

    Leave this fat "Cracker Hispanic" ( alone.

    1. Kermit, looks like we're racists for telling the truth. P.C. crap is killing this nation.

    2. Kermit THIS! I respectfully don't usually agree with ur posts but spot on with this one. Angela yup those of us who deign to not buy the media propaganda & Obama admin portrayal of Martin get labelled as racists...well at least we have each other :)

    3. Holy fucking shit, you are both miserable racist, bigoted, awful, terrible, nogood, very bad people. I am so glad you have website to post your hateful ramblings.

  11. Um...I can only guess that the above post is meant to piss off black folks.
    You don't know all of us. SOME if not ALL of us try to stay on the right side of the law.
    Nothing like being tailed by cops constantly.
    Trying to sully Barack's name is lame.
    But clearly you just don't like black
    You should.
    When you're stranded on the side of the road, we help. When you need us, we what I'm sensing is that white folks don't want our help.
    Thought we were all in this together.
    Apparently not.

    1. @jocasta talk to Dave chapelle. Racism is alive and well.

    2. The whole point is an entire race can't be judged or sympathized with bc of what the media says. Zimmerman isn't even white so lay off

    3. Guess that one drop rule applies in your world.

      Btw, Hispanics/Latinos can be white. It's in the US census.

    4.'s real funny cuz whenever there's a race question there clearly a Caucasian line to ck and a Hispanic/Latino/not Caucausian specifically spelled out. So good for u for knowing some obscure fact. U dont even know my heritage so don't act like u know me. That 1 drop BS, no more like Zimmerman himself says he identifies as Latino. God why do people have to make things about race when this is a 2nd amendment issue is beyond me.

  12. This is worthwhile news because makes you wonder if the wife knows Zimmermans true character.

  13. portlandjewel, he wasn't a child. He was a thug. NBC put a picture of him as a 12 year old on TV so you would get your panties in a wad. Evidently, it worked.

    1. Keep drinking the kool-aid, @sbar1960.

    2. I'm guessing you missed his Facebook and text messages where he was looking for guns, posing with guns, looking for sizzurp ingredients, his prior criminal acts, his own mother couldn't handle him. Make a hero out of the kids who saved the little girl last month, not this thug.

    3. He was a child since he was not yet 18 years old. I didn't make the rules but those are the facts. He was a child (looking for a gun???) murdered by a man WITH a GUN.

    4. Umm veech ur the one drinking the Kool aid - keep buying what the media and Obama admin tells u

    5. So if a teenage girl is raped then she's just a slut asking for it right?! No matter how adult kids want to act, they are still legally kids because they can't even form "adult" thoughts yet. It's biology!!!!! And no wonder Zimmerman never became a cop- TERRIBLE assessment of situations and REFUSES to follow orders or protocol. Worst wannabe pig EVER.

      Which reminds me, when's the last time you snapped at attention for NOT a police officer? Would you yield freedom to another citizen for no reason? I'm not worried about the race war as much as any gun happy asshole starting fights then claiming self dense. Is it still self dense when you started the altercation? Neighborhood watch is NOT a badge. This is the beginning of a police state.

  14. I wonder if this will turn into one of those political meltdowns in which some fool says "Why can't white people use the n-word."

  15. well, its good to know that ignorance is alive and well in the comments section.

    and one doesn't have to be black to be offended by racism. isn't there a kkk blog or something Angela and Kermit can frequent instead of this one?

    1. +2. So sick of politics that's why I come here! The most racially dividing thing I have seen in my lifetime....all these comments about Skittles and everything else makes me sick. If it were their child who died, would they say the same?!?!

  16. I think this dude just loves the attention that he's getting. He's not going to stop anytime soon.

    1. What's he doing? He's been pulled over for mild speeding twice....sounds like cops wanna bust his balls whenever they can. We as Americans have the 2nd Amendment right to carry a firearm, he was not convicted & is able to posses & purchase weapons, his wife is divorcing him...what exactly is he doing to seek out the spotlight? He's not hitting up red carpets for godsakes

  17. @...RememberKermit-
    What is your avatar a picture of? I can never figure it out.

    I wonder if Shelly will get half of George's NBC lawsuit money??

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. @Valerie, people are not "found innocent" by American juries. They are acquitted when the prosecutor does not meet the - very high - standard of proof of "beyond a reasonable doubt." Those are two extremely different things.

  20. Valerie Takacs - you're sadly mistaken. He was found "not guilty," which is very different from "innocent." Don't forget that he admitted killing Trayvon. An "innocent" person doesn't kill someone. This has nothing to do with race - these are the facts.

  21. No shit staples...semantics...I'm a criminal paralegal, it's the point u missed. But thanks really for pointing out that menial detail.

  22. An innocent person doesn't kill someone? Oh ok so if I'm being raped & I kill my attacker I'm a murderer instead of a victim? Go sell it to someone else Surfer

  23. No, Valerie, if someone rapes you, you're still a victim. But if you make the decision to kill someone with a gun, you are not innocent regarding taking someone's life. Whether or not you were justified is beside the point.

  24. Zimmerman was being raped? What foolishness is this?

  25. @Valerie - if you were a paralegal at my law firm (where I am an attorney), you would get fired over not knowing that "menial detail."

    In the law, details matter.

    1. And ur right "Enty" if I was at work instead of home sick today ON A GOSSIP SITE I would actually give a shit but since this is a gossip site & not everyone understands legal jargon...who cares??? Besides everyone knows the attorney takes in the big bucks while people like me are the ones who do all the actual work, resulting in allowing u to be on a gossip site in the middle of the day instead of hard at work representing ur clients

  26. @Valerie, JFC if you're a paralegal, you of all people should know the fucking difference between 'found innocent' and 'acquitted'. The only way your analogy stands was if TM killed GZ after GZ went after him with a gun. I bet if GZ had thought of the 'pre-emptive strike' defense, he would have used it like that brain trust in Florida is trying to do. It boils down to vigilantism, pure and simple.

    I despair.

    1. I will point u to my above comment about being home sick today, hence why I'm on a gossip site instead of working. It's a simple 2nd amendment issue. Those who are against guns think Martin is some saint who was gunned down in cold blood while those of us who like our constitutional rights realize the law worked in this case.

  27. Surfer...u just contradicted yourself. "An innocent person doesn't kill someone" but killing someone while defending urself is an innocent person killing someone. it's lovely how u all forget that Treyvon picked the fight, just cuz he lost doesn't make him a saint it makes him a thug...he didnt call 911 panicked saying some crazy man was stalking him. He did however continue his convo with his female friend & say he was gonna teach this cracker a lesson. Treyvon is the only racist here.

    1. Valerie, please go die. Thanks.

    2. Lost the fight??? What fight- Trayvon didn't have a gun!! Not much of a fight for a wannabe like Zimmy. Bang- 17 year old boy dead. I am a white, middle class, gun owning, ALL amendment loving American woman. Give me a break!!

  28. Oh FFS Valerie, Trayvon didn't pick that fight. Talk about selective memory. GZ was the one who followed him, and when GZ called 911, he was told very clearly not to do that, but still did what he wanted. He was the instigator. If he had only listened to the 911 dispatcher, TM would likely be alive today.

    And no, I didn't contradict myself.

    Interesting that you just created a Google account a week ago, then come here to stir the pot.

    To paraphrase what staples said, if you're really a paralegal, you wouldn't last very lon in most firms.

    1. Oh god in a troll bc I just made a google account like a week ago. Sorry to tell u sweetie, I've commented here before, under different names & when blogger let u comment anonymously. NOT EVERYONE IS A TROLL BC THEY DON'T AGREE WITH YOU. It has nothing to do with the fact my ex husband hacked my yahoo email account so I signed up for a google one....oh wait that's EXACTLY why. Sorry to disappoint you sweetie, but I'm sure u'll catch one sooner or later. Btw I have nothing to prove to people on the Internet, why say I'm a paralegal if I'm not? Make no sense, it's a crappy career to own up to, if I was gonna make something up I would've gone for grandeur & said I was an attorney...that would make more sense. Again bc I'm home with a fever & stomach bug & make a statement on a gossip site, I'm branded a troll? This is why this site sucks & is Nothing like it was before the whole RDJ debacle. I MISS THE OLD CDAN... Where it was a nice community and the people were nice. God bless u all cuz this country needs it.

  29. @Valerie, are you Marcy the criminal prosecutor with the ranty blog? Or Kermit's "wife"?

    I took a pre-law course and I remember that conjecture was one of the words they emphasized when it comes to disseminating a case. You should google that word.

    And calling a dead kid "the only racist here" just smacks of class. You go, girl.

    1. Seven, i like the word 'ranty'. And your use of it.

  30. Christ almighty, some people *smh*

  31. Also, an i the only one who thinks they look like siblings in that pic?

  32. And to think, I had thought that this topic would cause a shameful meltdown. Instead, nothing but reasoned and prudent discourse! cough cough

  33. Valerie, you're right, lets take the race out of this.

    A child who had been walking home after purchasing some junk food begins being stalked by a man, an adult. In spite of the fact that this child was doing nothing other than talking on the phone to his friend and carrying prior-mentioned junk-food, the man continued, even calling 911.

    That same man continued pursuing this child, ignoring the dispatchers orders to not get out of the car. Suddenly he does, he chases him and things get physical and this kid is shot dead.

    Now that we've taken race out of it, it's much clear, huh ?

    What was it about Trayvons behavior that made him so suspicious I wonder. A black man walking in a nice neighborhood at night must be up to no good. Or a 'nigger' as I am sure you've called us before.

    Also, I hope you heal well so you can go back to your job and hopefully leave this board alone and stop posting.


    Non-Angry Black Woman

  34. It's ok to be sympathetic to the Zimmermans..not everyone has to buy into the anti gun Agenda that the Martin family has decided to embrace with Obama's help of course.

    Umm veech ur the one drinking the Kool aid - keep buying what the media and Obama admin tells u

    When I first read those quotes by Valerie Takacs, I was totally expecting a White Oprah rant. I called my abuelita and demanded she fire up the George Foreman, because there's gonna be some cajones that need roasting tonight! I hate it when I'm disappointed and have to pull out the Orville Reddenrocker when Valerie pulls out the full stops with this fantastic comeback:

    No shit staples...semantics...I'm a criminal paralegal, it's the point u missed.

    A paralegal? At a real life law firm? Can't they afford real Crackberries or iPhones so U don't have type U? I wasn't the only one disappointed, though, because Pauletta Dean barfed this one out:

    Sorry to disappoint you sweetie, but I'm sure u'll catch one sooner or later.

    those of us who deign to not buy the media propaganda & Obama admin portrayal of Martin get labelled as racists...well at least we have each other :)

    At least you have each other! What a wacky threesome! I wonder if Kermit, Angela, and Valerie are looking to expand. Word on the street is Mel Gibson wouldn't say no. While I'm wondering, is Civics still a required course in high school? Why does everyone keep saying "a comment on a gossip website" when they know damn well they're going Miley Cyrus twerk us with their random thoughts? Inquiring minds want to know.

    If anything, at least Valerie has the last word:

    This is why this site sucks & is Nothing like it was before the whole RDJ debacle.

    I MISS THE OLD CDAN... Where it was a nice community and the people were nice. God bless u all cuz this country needs it.

    It does, Valerie, it does!

  35. Oh and Valery, for someone who damn near had a nervous break-down over someone telling you to google something, you're surely acting like a 'thug' on this thread. I guess you only like picking on people who (in this case, literally) can't defend themselves, but god forbid someone claps back.

    I lived in Florida for a bit, it's INHERENTLY racist. I am not saying everyone is, but it's pretty darn racist.

  36. The prosecution was a JOKE. He initially claimed 'stand your ground' when please correct me if I am wrong, IT'S ONLY VALID WHEN YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY? I remember hearing about it when I was 15, and being amazed.

  37. What the hell was the topic? I guess I am a less angry/more busy paralegal. The man was acquitted. Kid dead, man free, case over. I will say that I myself have worked on divorcing a couple when one party was about to be on trial for murder, which did go along way toward protecting the assets of the non murderous party, for the wrongful death suit that followed the murder trial.

  38. are so MichaelK from DListed.
    I lover dover dove you sweetheart.

    Val...Idk what law office you work for, but your spelling, grammar, everything about your writing reeks...I hope you don't draw up legal documents or do any kind of professional writing. Also, you're a fucking idiot regardless of your opinion.on Zimmerman and you're probably a real joy in bed. And you're ugly.

  39. Goes in circles said:

    "And you're ugly. "

    God help me, but this made me laugh my ass off. You win the internet for the day.

  40. Zimmerman noticed Martin's actions, not his color. Had he "profiled" other black residents? The only way it could have gone down is if Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman.

    1) The 911 dispatcher- who is not a peace officer- asked Zimmerman “which way did he run?” Zimmerman followed him to find out. At that point, Martin was at the T-intersection and proceeding south toward his house, according to Rachel Jeantel.

    2) When the 911 dispatcher realized that Zimmerman was following he said “We don’t need you to do that” and Zimmerman said “Ok.” A few seconds later, he told the dispatcher that he couldn’t see Martin anymore. Zimmerman told the dispatcher he would hang out waiting for the police. That was at the T-intersection.

    3) Rachel Jeantel testified that Martin said he was by his father’s fiancé’s home which is approximately 60 yards south of where Zimmerman was. She also testified that a couple of minutes after that, Trayvon initiated the contact with Zimmerman.

    4) All of the forensic evidence shows that the fight started at the T-intersection of the sidewalk.

    If Martin went home, then why did the fight begin 60 yards away, back in the direction he came from?

    The only explanation is that Zimmerman broke off from following, and Martin then doubled back. That means that he pursued the "crazy ass cracker" and attacked Zimmerman.

    According to eyewitness John Good, Zimmerman was flat on his back with Trayvon Martin on his chest punching. Again forensics showed that only Zimmerman’s back and Martin’s knees had grass stains. Also, Zimmerman was the only one with any fight related injuries.

    This was a tragedy but we should not let emotions override facts. Again.

  41. I can't believe it went "The evil Martins are opposed to guns, with the help of the Satanic holographic atheistic Kenyan Muslim homosexual Obama, so all godloving people must celebrate the shooting of Trayvon" so fast.

  42. Nicole V- Whose orders did Zimmerman refuse to follow? The 911 dispatcher? Because that is not a police officer. The "we don't need you to follow him" was a CYA statement, because if a government employee requested Zimmerman to do anything that might place him in danger from a suspiciously acting person, that gov't entity (city, county, state) could be found liable for any adverse results.

    And again, Zimmerman did not start the fight. Martin did.

  43. 0_0 said...

    Nicole V- Whose orders did Zimmerman refuse to follow? The 911 dispatcher? Because that is not a police officer.

    And neither was Zimmerman. Zimmerman was a self-appointed Neighborhood Watch guy. If HE had stayed in HIS car and just called the cops, TM would be alive. Take off your rose-colored glasses and see that HE was the instigator in all of this.

    You can't go after someone and then claim self-defense when they respond to YOUR actions.

  44. Surfer- He was observing and reporting. He DID call 911. He was standing on the sidewalk, waiting for the police, when Martin went back from his father's fiancee's home to attack Zimmerman.

    If someone is following me from a distance, I might feel a little creeped out, but that does not justify my physically attacking that person.

    Whether I appeared to be looking into homes or not.

  45. Kinda late to this guns of the navarone going on here.... Curious how do you mildly speed or in other words mildly break the law? This statement leads me to believe you are
    A) not a paralegal
    B) must b really pretty or blowing someone for your job
    C) qualified but in need of attention be it negative

    Oh wow look at me I too can make uneducated assumptions and we all know what happens to people that assume...

  46. Kinda late to this guns of the navarone going on here.... Curious how do you mildly speed or in other words mildly break the law? This statement leads me to believe you are
    A) not a paralegal
    B) must b really pretty or blowing someone for your job
    C) qualified but in need of attention be it negative

    Oh wow look at me I too can make uneducated assumptions and we all know what happens to people that assume...

  47. CarriOn, Barton, Michaelak, you made reading through the whacko comments here worthwhile :)

    I'm pretty sure that when Valerie claims to be a "criminal paralegal," what she means is, "I've watched a lot of Law & Order."
