Friday, September 06, 2013

Jack Osbourne's Wife Has A Miscarriage

Just one week after announcing to the world that they were expecting a baby, Jack and Lisa Osbourne had to tell the same world that Lisa had a miscarriage. This morning on her blog, Lisa says that she and Jack lost the baby last week. She was believed to be in her second trimester.

I have been dreading this announcement. I needed some time before being able to say it. Jack and I lost our baby boy last week. Having a late term miscarriage is by far the hardest thing either of us have ever had to go through. We appreciate all of your prayers and ask for privacy and respect during this time. It’s important to stay hopeful and optimistic through life’s toughest moments. We never know why things like this happen. All we can do is trust in God and know he has a plan for our lives.”

It's one of those things where you can try and come up with some words to say about it, but there are no words that are good enough and nothing that you can say that will make their pain go away. Hopefully they can heal, and at least try not to think about it all the time.


  1. So you don't post when they announce they are pregnant, but you do when she has a miscarriage? Stay classy, Enties!

  2. Starting quotation marks are your friend Enty! I thought the quote from the blog was you being sarcastic. Whew.

  3. Anonymous6:27 AM

    My prayers are with them. After having two miscarriages, I didn't think I would ever get over it. At least they already have a child, so they know that she can carry a healthy baby.

  4. Been there, I wish her well...those hormones will be driving her crazy for months...

  5. I have no problem with Enty posting about the miscarriage. This wasn't rumor mill speculation. They released a statement to the public.

  6. So hard no matter how far along, for whatever reason, it's hard to lose a baby, I lost two, and have two children alive and healthy. Still think about the lost ones though.

  7. He would never get a woman that good looking if his dad wasn't famous.

    1. @pip- I think he's hot and he'd probably do alright by himself even if he were a no name. I know I've made sone disgusting mistakes in the past and some of them I wish I could forget; this guy tho, nom nom nom.

  8. Lol @pip ... Way to go... You injected some humor in this otherwise depressing post. I agree BTW. Same goes for Kelly, who has landed a sweet good looking guy.

  9. I really feel sorry for them, but why post such news on your blog?! WTF is wrong with people these days????

  10. @Wen because this is an entertainment blog and they announced their misfortune ---duh

  11. Just had my first pregnancy at age 35 this summer and lost the baby at 8 weeks. It's so painful. I'm sending good thoughts her way

  12. A miscarriage is one of the most devastating things to happen to you. The physical pain leaves but the emotional turmoil you feel lingers for what seems like eons. That unending heartache... Thoughts of what could have been, constant self blame, questions of faith, or science, of life itself. I hope they and anyone else who suffers gets through it.

  13. I've had a second trimester loss as well. It is not easy, I wish them peace

  14. Damn guess she will have to stick around abut more before she can divorce him and start collecting child support.

  15. Word that must be really heartbreaking. Sending good vibes out for them :(
