Monday, September 09, 2013

No One Likes Kate Gosselin Any More

I'm not sure if anyone used to really love Kate Gosselin but she did have some fans. I would say people liked her and then when they would watch a marathon of Jon and Kate they would see that she could be a little mean. OK, a lot mean, but hey, look who she was married to. When she realized people had a negative impression of her, she tried to change. She would try and smile when the cameras were on and be nice to the paps who used to follow her. Yeah, it wasn't that long ago that paps used to stake out her house and her town to get photos of Kate. Now, she has to have friends take photos and then she sends them in herself to make a few bucks. Her attempts to make it back to the top of the celebrity heap have been pretty futile and she blew every favor she had accumulated over the past few years to get a Kneepads cover and try and sell copies of her cookbook. You know, because Kate is always cooking. Please. Her book is bombing in pre-sales and it when it comes out in two weeks it's going to bomb even more. It makes no sense to buy a cookbook from someone who never cooks.


  1. Then why do people buy Goop's cookbooks when she never eats?

  2. Now if only The Kartrashians would fade away like she has, it would restore a little of bit of my faith in the human race.

    1. Those bitches eat more food than everyone on the food network combined. They're ALWAYS eating!

  3. I crack up everytime I see a picture of that God awful hairdo.

  4. I live about 15 minutes from her. She has always been a money hungry, nasty bitch. At the height of her "fame" she would go to the grocery store with 2 bodyguards and have them stand at each end of the aisle she was shopping in, blocking anyone else from going into that aisle. Everyone around here has always hated her.

  5. How long until she starts doing porn? Always a good idea for a has-been celebrity in need of cash.

  6. Lulu, i totally believe that. She supp alienated EVERYONE-right down to cameramen and light crew, so they wld delib put her in most unflattering light and camera angles. A wretched, deeply unhappy person. I feel for those kids. My question:does the 'bodyguard' still live with her? And to be fair, in the first few seasons, she did indeed cook.

  7. Anonymous7:21 AM

    That haircut is making me angry.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      @fancyscreen -- hahaha! : D

  8. Nobody on DWTS would even speak to her she was so awful.

  9. 2008/2009 called and they would like their famewhore back. And their story too.

    She is no longer relevant and should look for "normal" work.

  10. I have developed the bad habit of pulling and twisting my hair so it breaks off to about 1-2 inch long hairs sticking out of my crown. That haircut looks like a possibility for me. ;)

  11. That hair.

    Having said, that, I mildly liked her. She was good television, even if she was probably not the best person who ever lived. I hope she socked away the money in good interest-building accounts and safe stocks and property. I think she was as surprised by the success as the rest of the world.

  12. 20 bucks says when Miley is forced to grow out her hair she will style Gosselin style

  13. If she doesn't do porn she will end up taking extended visits to some of those special "ranches" out in Nevada.

  14. "Anymore" implies she was ever liked. Ever.

    Can't wait till the kids grow up and write a tell-all book.

  15. Hmmmmmm. Today I read about the weirdest cookbook. How to cook in your dishwasher. Apparently it's a thing, and is a way of saving money.

    Me? If you really need to save money, sell the frigging dishwasher.

  16. Gawd. Kate has the worst hair EVER!!

  17. I don't get it. She was a nurse. I can't believe she was a good nurse, with her selfish attitude, but she was a real nurse! Why doesn't she just get back into nursing?? Oh, yeah, I forgot...because we work our asses off, putting our own health in jeopardy, for not a lot of money. Probably not what she's looking for.

  18. The person that I feel sorry for (besides her poor kids) is her EX John. She totally destroyed that guy's life and I think he lives under a bridge somewhere in a cardboard box.

  19. hee! i'd forgotten about that hair! i'm so glad it gets to live on in internet infamy.

  20. "Look who she was married to??" What the hell does that mean? He was stupid enough to agree to additional artificial insemination, and that's about it. He's the only one who showed ANY affection to those kids! Kate is a disgusting human being. I am reminded of an episode of J&K+8 where one of the sextuplets got sick and she made him a bed on the laundry room floor. Or the time she took the sextuplets for a birthday party at a bakery and then freaked out when they dared to get icing on themselves. She is a royal piece of shit, and a hundred times worse than Jon could ever be. The show was a cute show, and then she got a tummy tuck and breast lift (free) and everything went downhill. Karma is a bitch, Katie.

  21. I remember the episode she did with Emeril Lagasse. She hit him twice on the arm with a spatula (hard enough to make a thwacking sound) because she was upset that he was listening to what Jon what saying and ignoring her when she tried to butt in. I think they were making granola bars or something.

    If she could lose control like that around a celebrity while being filmed by a camera crew, I wondered what she was like when she was angry with the kids and no one else was around. And not just with her famous wooden spoon spankings(google it).

  22. Kate has said a couple of times that her kids miss the spotlight and wish they could be on TV again. I don't believe this, but it does make me suspect that once she is completely out of money she will push those kids to get back on TV. I could see her trying to get them a Disney sitcom or something. She will then sit back and collect their $$$ while explaining it's what the kids always wanted.

  23. who even buyS cookbooks anymore anyway? I get all my recipes online now.

  24. who even buyS cookbooks anymore anyway? I get all my recipes online now.

  25. Ashamed as I am to admit it, I used to watch her show and she did actually cook a lot. She made her own break daily and cooked organically from scratch. She also had her own chickens for fresh eggs and I believe they had a garden.

    That said, she is the meanest person I have ever seen on reality t.v. and cannot even imagine what she is like in real life. I feel so bad for the kids. I have never understood why she doesn't go back to nursing either.

  26. The truth?
