Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

I'm usually critical of what Nicole Richie wears but I really like this on her. She looks great.
At the opposite end of the spectrum is Olivia Wilde. This doesn't look good on her at all.
Aaron Paul and his wife hit up Disneyland.
A very skinny looking Penn Badgley hit a red carpet last night.
Robin Thicke and Paula Patton stop the threesomes long enough to take a walk with their son.
Rachel Hunter got invited somewhere. She looks amazing.
I must be in a good mood because even Sarah Jessica Parker looks good.
Sofia Vergara keeps earning those bucks for Prada. She gets the bag in the photo with its label showing and also manages to get her engagement ring in the same shot. Pro.
Tyra Banks at lunch in NYC.


  1. No good mood, this is just nice Enty. Sucker us in today, tomorrow will be Go to Hell Thursday.

  2. Wilde

    Paul's w ife


  3. Ugh I think Nicole looks awful!

  4. I think Nicole's effect is nice.

    And Enty, stick to talking about bacon and donuts and booze because Olivia Munn is killing it in that leather.

  5. I want Penns jacket

  6. @msgirl

    My thoughts exactly.

    And Olivia Wilde looking really, really great on that picture. Wow!

  7. Nicole Richie looks super hawt. (Things I never thought I'd say.) That's a good style for her.

  8. I have a comforter set that looks exactly like what Nicole is wearing.

  9. Richie has some Asian lookalike dress. She is too thin, but the dress is not bad for her.

    Wilde looks like a cheap hooker with all that cleavage and her lack of boob size.

  10. Jesse Pinkman at Disneyland: great way to scare the kiddies.

  11. Tyra probably left a shitty tip---she is one cheap bitch

  12. @ethorne...thanks for the heads-up for Go To Hell Thursday! Always good to be prepared!

  13. Wilde's bod looks great. The bewbs not so much.

  14. Olivia should have had them tape her boobs a bit, to give her some cleavage. Otherwise she looks fine to me.

  15. I don't understand Wilde's boobs.

  16. Aaron paul seems so happy with his wife and life. Nice to see. The tein SJP is holding looks just like matthew-adorable!

  17. Nicole's dress doesn't work for her. It's the turtleneck. And all Rachel is wearing is a tube dress with seemingly no bra. Honestly, she comes off as a slightly older Tara Reid here.

  18. Olivia's pic makes me think of Cannonball Run.
