Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Elizabeth Berkley heading into rehearsals for DWTS.
This is Gwyneth Paltrow on her Vespa with her daughter on the back.
Not very safe.
How long has Halle Berry been pregnant? It seems like two years.
Heidi Klum and her youngest daughter.
Angelina Jolie takes her kids bowling. She looks thrilled.
Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux did some shopping.
Jude law shows off the bathroom he uses for sex on the plane. Hey you date Sienna Miller and see what happens.
Jamie Lynn Sigler makes her first post baby public appearance.


  1. Obviously it is the bus driver's fault. He/she should have stopped to let Queen Goop out onto the street. Isn't all traffic supposed to stop for her?

    She becomes more unlikable every day.

  2. My first thought when I read that Angelina and the kids were going bowling was, "Where are their socks?!"

  3. Goop. DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO!!!

  4. I'd rather do Meadow Soprano than any of the others, but since there are so many turbo cunts in this mix, I list them. In order from least vile session to most vile session

    Halle berry


    Aniston, I think she raises the most ire in me, because she is so beautiful, even at her rapidly advancing age, yet she is such a friggin turbo cunt, it ruins her. Don't believe me? Ask Brad Pitt and Vince Vaughn.

  5. Meadow is looking fantastic....

  6. I like Jamie Lynn's sandals. That is all.

  7. @MM, I keep socks in the car all the time, just in case an impromptu game should arise :)

  8. What the hell happened to Jude Law's hotness??

  9. I can't believe Goop just jumped out in front of a school bus. What a reckless idiot endangering her child like that...more importantly, herself.

  10. I'm not defending Goopy's reckless behavior crossing continuous lines (do they mean the same in the US than in Europe?) without looking but, WTF is the other bus (not the school one) doing stuck in the middle of the road just near a crossroad?

  11. Bat Paste – Make sure you try this last because it could kill you.

    First, net a bunch of flying mouse, fruit, or fox bats in a remote village.

    Drop live into a pot of boiling water or milk.

    Roast to desired doneness.

    Chop and make into paste with Thai herbs and spices.

    Or when you have an abundance of fruit bats, try this optional Fruit Bat Soup recipe.

    Bats are part of the native cuisine in Thailand, parts of China, Guam and more, but they are considered notorious disease carriers. You might want to consider dropping them to the bottom of your culinary To-Try list.

  12. I just hit a bat w/ my car the other night.

  13. Anti-trolling is "definitely something you're seeing more and more," says Marie Shanahan, assistant professor of journalism at the University of Connecticut and former deputy online editor at the Courant. "People are deciding that if comment streams aren't working, we have to do something different."

    Enter Twitter. Last month, a caustic, harassing flood of tweets struck at two women who fought for a female face to appear on U.K. banknotes. More than 120,000 people signed petitions for Twitter to clamp down on abuse. Celebrity tweeters did one-day boycotts.

    On Aug. 3, Twitter announced it had set new worldwide rules to police tweets and make it easier for users to report abuse.

    Calling such attacks "not acceptable," general manager Tony Wang assured in a statement: "There is more we can and will be doing to protect our users."

    On its main website and on apps, Twitter instituted an "abuse button" that allows users, in a single click, to report abuses.

    Twitter added staff to monitor content in certain sensitive areas, and updated its rules to forbid the use of impersonation, targeted abuse, violence, and threats, and the revelation of others' personal information.

    In the late 1990s, great was the excitement about online comments. "We liked the reader connection," Taylor says. But "we didn't know what we were getting into."

    Discussion sites and comment threads proliferated. So did trolls, ruining it for the rest.

  14. The full video of Goop pulling out in front of a schoolbus (MichaelK posted it yesterday).

    The video is odd, like the person was in the street when it happened, and then they pulled up right next to what appears to be a police car.

  15. I better get some show girls jump off from Jessie.

  16. Jen A must really smirk her ass off before she heads out with Justin Theroux with his wearing of the belt buckle way over to the side like so in this and every pic of them together. I just don't get what he is trying to express. Maybe he thinks people will look at his crotch and link this belt style to a kind of sexual confidence.

  17. Jen A must really smirk her ass off before she heads out with Justin Theroux with his wearing of the belt buckle way over to the side like so in this and every pic of them together. I just don't get what he is trying to express. Maybe he thinks people will look at his crotch and link this belt style to a kind of sexual confidence.

  18. Sorry for the unintended double-post.. Long time lurker and just couldn't resist...

  19. Goop cut off that bus. If you watch the video, she AND her husband were each pulling away from their kids' school (why there was another bus there) with one kid on the back of each vespa. She pulled out right in front of that bus, and it had to stop there. The driver then waited for Chris to pull out.

  20. And, I have to ask: Does Justin Theroux own any clothes that are NOT two sizes too small???? Even his hat is too small!

  21. Yes! Justin with shirt two sizes too small and tiny hat perched way on top BUT the cherry on top really may be the Frankenstein boots he borrowed from Courtney Stodden's husband. I just do not see how even Jen A can stand it

  22. I love shiloh-she looks like she doesnt give crap about what anyone thinks, she is just enjoying her life.
    Heidi's daughter is adorable but looks NOTHING like her. I wonder what thats like, to have your children look nothing like you.

  23. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Justin Theroux looks so silly as an older guy wearing pants three sizes too small with a tiny hat just so askew. Go back and change for your age group man. Even just clothes that fit would be nice.

  24. Shiloh will probably be the Jodi Foster of her generation....
