Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

"So, Katie Holmes the way we want you to pose is to get as close as you can to snapping your leg like a twig while at the same time looking like you need to use the bathroom. This is how we sell mayo."
Haven't I seen Kanye West wear this outfit before?
Katy Perry or wax? Russell Brand had a go at both.
Avril Lavigne likes to pretend she is still 13.
Liam Hemsworth got dressed up but went out solo last night.
Somehow Lindsay Lohan got invited to a
Madonna party that also included Sean Penn.
Lea Michele out shopping yesterday.
Matthew Broderick explains his internet porn injury again.


  1. Lol on katie's pose.
    Avril likes to pretend she still has a career

  2. Liam looks very yummy
    Katie perrys wax figure makes her look fat.

  3. Lindsay's pic looks like she is being held up so she does not fall flat on her face.

    Eeeeww @ Sean & Madonna (big time facelift)

    LOL@Matthew injury

  4. 1.) I am so embarrassed for Katie Holmes. Look, I will go to the opening of an envelope, but I also don't have a kid with a guy who's worth hundreds of millions. I mean, she's basically shilling for a condiment. If she care about feeding America, she can just, you know, *feed a bunch of Americans*.

    2.) Of all the late-90s trends I never wanted to see again, platform boots, a la Baby Spice, are the worst. I blame Robin Thicke's stupid video.

    3.) Madonna and Sean Penn should get back together. Why should four people be miserable when it can just be two?

    4.) One the one hand, SJP is doing the gangster cuff with the one leg of those jeans. On the other hand... they have an ELASTIC WAISTBAND. Final ruling: Mom Jeans.

  5. That Madonna/Penn photo is the most revolting thing I've seen in a while

    1. Agreed. Thankfully they didn't have a child together. Can you imagine?

    2. That kid would make Kanye look humble and modest

  6. So the guy that claims he got mugged after hitting on a not gay guy.......Matthew Broderick?

  7. I must be blind, I thought that Kimberly K was a pic of Scarlet J who had got some kilos.

    Wasn't Avril pregnant?

    If LiLo isn't the worst guest to a party (sean peen and madonna are way worse), I don't want to be there.

  8. Watched Sean in This Must be the Place was weird as hell but I liked it. Crazy, scuzzy, creepy as he is, the man can act.

  9. Blowhan putting herself in situations where there are alcohol and drugs almost every night tells me she is not sober. If she was really serious, she'd stay AWAY.

    Besides having even MORE work done on her face, Kim K looks good. Anyone else notice her "pregnancy lips" have not gone away? Now I believe she had injections while pregnant.


    I'm horrified that Matthew would be a C+. He's Ferris f**king Bueller! How is he not B at least? I'm sure he can still get a movie greenlit/opened.

  11. OMG! LOLOLOL! I saw the photo of Madonna/Penn on my phone on Dlisted and I thought it was Lilo! Hahahaha didn't realize that was Madge until I got here.

    "Damn Lilo's face is all bloated!" I'm crying.

  12. Katy has a teeny waist IRL. Wax figure is bad.

  13. I can't believe Vadge can actually get near Penn. From what I read in an unauthorized bio of her, she was pregnant by Penn but didn't have the baby.

  14. Madonna and Sean Penn belong together. Totally agree with nomnom!

    I thought Avril was pregnant too. And pretty far along by now. I can't hate on her.

    Even with blonde hair Kimmode looks like a kow. Shouldn't she be nursing the spawn of satan?

  15. Can someone explain the rolled up pant leg thing to this very out of the loop middle aged woman? I don't get it...especially when I see other middle aged women wear their pants like this. Is this new for fall?

  16. Lea never looks too broken up about losing her boyfriend.

  17. She's baacckk :cue scary music:

  18. She's baacckk :cue scary music:

  19. @cleodacat I thought the EXACT same thing!!
