Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Robin Thicke Butt Grab Person Says She Hooked Up With Him - Paula Was There

It's been a busy week for Lana Scolaro. She has gone from an absolute nobody to someone who is being interviewed for Life & Style this week and probably is wondering how she can score one of those Vivid porn deals and make herself a few bucks. Lana is the person who is having her genital region fingered by Robin during a photo op. Lana said that the butt grab photo took place a week after they had met and that she and Robin made out the night of the butt grab and that he encouraged her to talk to Paula about everything and that Paula was "chill" with it all and that the three of them went to an after party together and at the party is where Robin hooked up with her in a bathroom before Robin and Paula ended up leaving earlier than planned without Lana. Yeah, that is pretty much what I said happened other than Lana didn't give a reason why she released the photo.


  1. We know she cant keep her bunghole shut, but could she keep her mouth shut? Why this driving need to tell all your private business??!! Ugh. Classless.

    1. 15 minutes of cheap fame.

    2. I agree. STFU about it. Famous people should choose their Fbuddies more carefully.

  2. She released it because she is a tramp who wants to get famous and make money. Robin and Paula are tramps who already famous and already have money. Wonder if she tried to get a payoff out of them before releasing the photo publicly.

  3. Sounds like Robin and Paula don't give a crap.

  4. This is a page out of "Fame Whoring 101"...

  5. Not gonna lie, i`d definitely watch that porno!

  6. What on earth could they interview her about?

    I: "So, tell us, how did you prep for having your butthole fingered? What are your secrets?"

    L: "It's not as easy as you would think. First you have to get your whore-vibe going. Then you have to make sure that you are clean (cause you won't be wearing underwear, so your vapors are going to be announcing yourself to the world). Oh, and also, you pretty much have to eye-phuck every guy who looks like he could be famous."

    I: "Wait, you mean you don't target people you know are celebrities."

    L: "If I know they are celebrities, then, sure, I'll toss them my panties or otherwise make sure they know I'm available. That said, I don't have a lot of brain wattage, so I try to send out my whore-signals to anyone who looks like they could be famous. Yeah, this has netted me a homeless man in the past (that was a silly mix up, I thought he was just being fashionable!), but it also netted me an Alan Thicke!".

    I: "Robin".

    L: "No, I didn't. I resent that. I'm an honest lady and I would never steal from anyone."

    I: "No I meant, Robin Thicke, not Alan. You said Alan."

    L: Nervous laughter..."Oh, whatever..."

  7. If she wants real attention, she would release pics of herself bent over and buttcheeks spread captioned ROBIN THICKE WUZ HERE.

    Instead all she is doing is telling other celebs "I am a pig. Use me."

  8. Well well well, aren't you Judgy McJudgerson all of a sudden, Count? ;)

  9. LOL @dontrainonmyprada.

  10. It's never a good sign when your face is five shade lighter than the rest of your body.

  11. Hes holding a clutch in that picture, so idk what she thought she was doing.

  12. Some of us have been saying all along that this couple have threesome and an open relationship. Big freaking deal. This chick might be trying to get her 15 minutes if fame. She's probably feeling some kind of way because they left the party without her.

    As for all of you who were crying poor Paula on Sunday's post (poor Paula my ass) she's a willing participant. If this is how they choose to get down who are we to judge.

  13. Some of us have been saying all along that this couple have threesome and an open relationship. Big freaking deal. This chick might be trying to get her 15 minutes if fame. She's probably feeling some kind of way because they left the party without her.

    As for all of you who were crying poor Paula on Sunday's post (poor Paula my ass) she's a willing participant. If this is how they choose to get down who are we to judge.

  14. How sad to go through life being known only as the "Robin Thicke butt grab person".

  15. So this is the person bitter about the failed threesome? I apologize, last week's Cranky Enty, for implying it was you.

  16. Lol @ 'i am a pig. Use me'. Nice one, Count.

  17. She looks like she's one shot away from Vodka_Samm's mugshot.

  18. I don't know why but I find this guy and his smirk so icky.

  19. Why, Count, you're not looking down your nose at her, are you? Because it sure sounds that way....

    1. Liddy, I don't claim to be a feminist, then look down my nose at women making their way through life. I'm a degenerate who tells it like it is, genrally in a humorous way. If I didn't bad mouth people, 3/4 of my material would be out the window.

    2. Count, ahhhh, so theres a double standard. One for you and one for me and other commenters. Good to know.

  20. from what I read she is a rich girl living off her daddy's money.

    She won't do porn but she will do anything for fame now. I mean what's money without fame?

    See the Paulina Gretzky...

  21. Trying to look like Tara Reid doesn't help a bitch out so much.

  22. Wow. Just when I think Hollywood (and Thicke and this trick) can't get any sleazier...

  23. This also occurs to me: Imagine the plethora of STDs Thicke is harboring. He must go in for antibiotic courses on a monthly basis.

  24. Paula has a movie coming out, her first starring role I believe...I'm thinking it's alll PR stunts.

  25. Nah Liddy, the one with the double standard is the person lookin at you in the mirror. All for the rights of women, except the trashy ones who don't meet your expectations. They debase and degrade themselves and don't deserve the right to say, "This is my body, I'll do what I want with it." Right?

    You are a hypocrite, I am an asshole. You try to hide your affliction, I don't.

    1. Count I never once identified as a feminist. I never once judged any whores or porn stars or prostitutes. I expressed sympathy for them. You have, not for the first time, have forced your words into my narrative. Certainly women can do as they please with their body, but i do think circumstances dictate the choice they make, again, its not all rainbows and condoms. I think its a serous issue of lack of respect for self, low self esteem and soul crushing. I dont care if they make zillions. If thats hypocritical, so be it. And what do you think? If i saw a pro or porn actress on the street I would spit on them? Not at all. Anyway, thank you for a thought provoking conversation.

  26. Count Jerkula: lemme tell you a thing.
    When I first read you, you pissed me off. But over the've grown on me.
    And I am a 56 year old feminist.
    I see your comedy: it just takes a while.
    Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
    And it's not like you need a gal to stand by your side. I just will. I've read your stuff for years. Clearly others haven't. I say you stay here on this message board or I won't have a reason to even bother to visit this website.
    And I'll bet I'm not the only one.

  27. I just want to say.....ROBIN THICKE!

  28. This could be the answer to the blind about the person who became suddenly famous but has a coke habit to conceal. Although with this skank, I can't imagine her concealing anything except pimples, with dollar-store concealer.

  29. @Jocasta: Years? Email me and tell me what other sites you've seen me on.

    How tall?
