Monday, September 30, 2013

The Guidices Are Clueless

Last night while viewing What What Happens Live I was shocked by just how clueless Joe and Teresa Guidice were when it came to the charges they are facing. First, they didn't even know what they all were and neither of them knew how long they faced in prison. They said they had no idea how they even got charged for any of the crimes because they didn't handle any of the finances. Joe said he was a US citizen even though he isn't. Teresa acts as if she is not facing any charges and that Joe is facing them all because has to be a rock for her kids and Joe. Teresa begged to be allowed to stay on the show for the next season despite having the charges against them. My thinking is that when Joe has his driver's license trial and gets thrown in jail that Teresa will make a deal with prosecutors for her portion of the federal case and throw Joe under the bus and testify against him and keep herself out of jail and Joe will serve some jail time and when he gets out he will be deported and by the time he gets deported Teresa will have divorced him and found a new husband and the whole dating and marriage will be a spin off show and she will have her kids refer to her new husband as dad.


  1. I couldn't be any less interested in these people or with any of the reality show people. All of the shows are fake as hell and from what I can see of the "stars" there is just nothing appealing about them. I'm in a pissy mood.

  2. At what point did she "beg" to stay on the show? Did you actually watch the show? Clueless, your adjective of choice can also be applied to your account of lat night's show.

  3. Proud to say I've never watched an episode, but even I know that there's no way, after a few court appearances with an attorney, that she's clueless about the charges.

  4. She didn't beg to be on the show.

    RHNJ sucked this year. Did any of you even understand the fight last night? It was so edited and chopped, I had no idea what was going on. I've gleaned lots of bits and pieces from housewives blogs, but this year's season was so obviously producer-manipulated it was embarrassing.

    The most entertaining moment's involved Joe Gorga's hair grease and Joe Giudice and Rosie's intellectual discussions.

    I thought Andy Cohen came off as a massive douchebag. And the Giudices came off as really ignorant. Can't tell if that's an act or if they really are THAT dumb.

    I truly do not think Joe Giudice is going to jail for the driver's license thing. Now, the tax stuff, that's a different story.

    1. I'm so over the whole housewives deal. It's played out. Andy needs some new ideas. I watched Teresa on the Apprectice and she worked hard, but didn't have a brain in her head. Joe is a pig.

  5. These two look like they would be found frozen solid in a meat locker in the days following the announcement of RICO charges against some wannabe gangster.

  6. Dat's what happens when you got meatballs fer brains.

    They are 2 morons who believe if they tell a lie long enough it becomes fact. I'd love to see Teresa's courtroom meltdown when the judge does the sentencing.

  7. Andy Cohen is a massive douchebag. I can't stand him.

  8. Denial is a coping mechanism.

  9. 1. Andy Cohen IS a major douchebag. Trust me when I say that not everybody in STL loves him.

    2. I truly think that Teresa IS that ignorant. I think she trusted Juicy to handle EVERYTHING financial and she's completely clueless about everything unless he tries to explain it to her, which I doubt anyway.

    3. That woman will NEVER leave him. She is completely old-school and she DOES love him. No divorce, no life-without-Joe spinoff. Not gonna happen.

    4. I'm pissed because I'm about 5 episodes behind because I don't have cable. If anyone knows where I can find full episodes, I'd be super-grateful.

  10. I thought that she had already tried a plea deal with Joe doing all of the jail time and it was refused. I believe the interview was a waste of time, because they can't talk about anything without it being used against them in court.

  11. Much as I loathe these two people who can't decide how their last name is said... I honestly think Teresa with her tragically low twohead (1/2 a forehead) loves Joe. She's had tons of excuses and opportunities to walk away from him, but keeps putting up the brave front.

    She'll get probation. He'll go to jail. With luck? We won't have to hear from either for awhile.

  12. I don't believe for a second that they don't know exactly what is going on.

    I believe they are playing the legal game and acting nonchalant. Or their lawyers carefully coached them.

    I will say going on these shows and commenting on all this is a mistake for them, and as a lawyer Enty, you should know that defendants commenting publicly on charges can be used against them and is a slippery slope.

  13. I can't believe their lawyers let them talk about it. Really risky. And Joe won't get deported- if none of the many other non-citizens commit even more serious crimes why would he get singled out? Won't happen, but I absolutely think he'll do some time.

  14. What did happen is throughout this show is we, the viewers got to find out how much this show is really a "scripted reality show". Ugh.

    There are some pretty interesting websites with people posting articles and court documents, who have nothing to lose, with information at some of the length some of these ladies go to for fame.

    One of the shockers for me was Albert's affairs, Melissa's sisters and their twitter accounts (40 of them), Kathy and her husband back story shenanigans and the hilarious account of Penelope Pit Stop (Penny) under faux "reality" entertainment.

    One of the most disgusting and deplorable behaviors (to me) was Jacqueline's harassment of a real and true autism advocate that she harassed on twitter, her followers then harassed the woman as well. I do not remember what started it, I know it had something to do with her son and what was shown on the show. The twitters were pretty nasty towards this woman.

    And, yes, Andy is a douchebag, not a good interview at all.

  15. Is this news? The woman is illiterate. She has trouble pronouncing simple words and doesn't understand half the words that come out of her mouth.. I feel horrible for their children that inherited their genes! Oh and the fact they won't know their parents due to their selfish greed and idiocy.

  16. So how IS their last name pronounced?
    gwa 'DEE chee? 'JOO dice? What is it?

    I know she can't help it but her hairline is so unfortunate.

  17. I would pronounce it "gweedees"

  18. AKM - Forgive my ignorance, but what does STL mean?

    Sis - I follow those crazy blogs, too. I totally think that Caroline lost her shit at the Posche party because Al's extra marital affairs were brought up. I also think that's why she's leaving the show.

    Who do you think runs Famewhorgas?

    What kills me is that the show focuses so much on Teresa, but really I find Melissa and Joe Gorga to be SO repulsive. Melissa's attempt at singing. Oh, bitch please. My 2-year-old hums with better pitch.

    Did you follow Penny's blogs? The last one was all redacted. (That word will always remind me of The Office.)

    And all the focus is on who spread the rumors of Melissa's alleged affairs instead of being on the alleged affair. Makes no sense.

    I'm just so ready for Top Chef. Padma looks hot!!

    1. St. Louis Missouri where Andy Cohen is from.

  19. Oh. Sorry. Yes, St. Louis is where Andy is from (and where I unfortunately live). Susan, you must not be a baseball fan if STL doesn't look familiar. ;-)

    In one of the cookbooks, Teresa says that their last name is pronounced like "Judy Chay," only said really fast. Her FIL apparently bitched once they got famous and everyone on the show and Bravo pronounced it "Jew-deece," so Teresa wanted to make him happy and have it said correctly from then on.

    Also, how about the hubbub about Melissa's book?! I read some really disgusting excerpts that basically advocated for marital rape, among other disgusting ideas.

  20. I am completely against marital rape. If a dude has to put that much effort into boning his wife, it aint worth it. Better she wake up with a consolation prize crusted to her back so she gets the hint and either takes herself to the couch or starts putting out.

  21. @NapAssasian - In what world do non-citzens who commit crimes not deported? Certainly not this one. I have a friend who's an ICE officer. All she does is fly criminals out of the country.

  22. There is no way they will not both go to jail.

  23. Does anybody care about these people?

  24. They know EXACTLY what they're facing. They're just lying douchebags.

  25. Oh, god. Now I feel like a moron regarding STL. I didn't know where Andy Cohen came from.

    The excerpts from Melissa's book are ridiculous. Talk about male/female relations straight up circa 1852.

    Count: Melissa claims that she and her husband Joe have sexy times every night. With three kids and a husband who doesn't lift a finger to help. Bitch puh-lease, I'm not buying that bs. Tantrums, diapers, picking up toys, laundry. Sorry, but those facts of a baby momma life can kill your buzz. Factor in that your husband is a moronic chauvinistic "Angel from God," and that makes these claims even more laughable. From what we see on RHNJ, it seems that Joe Gorga gets major roid rage, as well.

    I just want Bev Hills to start so that I can gaze into Lisa's closet and Yolanda's refrigerator.

  26. @susan: yeah, I saw that rapey clip where he said sometimes she puts up a fight. When he stops the juice and has floppy noodle she'll be raping the pool boy once a week.

  27. Oh, no, you're not a moron. We're just stuck in baseball playoff mode right now and we figure everyone's following the STL. ;-)

  28. And yeah, the book sounds ridiculous, to say the least. Part of me wants to get it from the library just to read all of the craziness, but I don't want the librarians to judge me.

  29. AKM - LMAO re: judgy librarians.
