Monday, September 30, 2013

Today's Blind Items - He Screwed With His Wife

This actress has had some of the worst luck when it comes to guys. She has been with some very big names but they all walk all over her and she doesn't do anything about it. Our actress used to be almost A list. She has been right there a few times but is probably going to be a B forever. Great name recognition. Amazing actress. Terrible taste in guys. One A list actor cheated on her so many times that she wasn't even sure they were actually dating any longer. He said they were but he cheated on her almost every day.

The worst was her husband though. This guy was a piece of work. He kept telling her he would change and she would believe him and then she would catch him with someone and he would apologize and he finally told her it was all her fault that he was cheating and that she should go to therapy so he would stop cheating on her. She actually went to therapy and he kept cheating on her anyway and she finally gave up when she realized he was cheating on her with the nanny while she was at therapy.


  1. My first thought is Laura Dern.

  2. Yeah, Uma. Ethan Hawke married the nanny.

  3. Uma had to A list at some point though, right?

  4. The practice of stars dating stars in order to guarantee good press is clearly maladaptive, and I get way tired of people pretending that these relationships are healthy in the slightest.

  5. How bout Drew Barrymore?

  6. Uma's A-List for sure. Renee Zellweger?

  7. I think Liv's divorce was over money....a musician who didn't work...very much like Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson.

  8. This blind fits so many, but I like the Uma guess.

  9. Starlets marry musicians for the cachet, and discard them when they've milked that enough.

  10. I will never understand why people hire hot nannys.

    1. Mbk, they arent all that hot. Look at arnolds nanny bedmate-she was no femme fatale. Or ribin williams 2nd wife, marsha garces, she was the nanny snd shes not a looker. Mb you just hv to be there? Idk.

    2. She was a housekeeper not nanny

    3. These guys are insecure and needy. They see a woman who nurtures the children and cleans the house, everything his wife Isn't doing as she works her career. The nanny/ housekeeper is an old fashion wife and they gotta have it.

  11. Send the wife to therapy to fix the marriage then nail the nanny while she's there. This guy is brilliant.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Or heartless,manipulative,mindfucking,evil,soulless,sociopathic,vicious, and cruel. You douche.

  12. I was just going to say Robin Williams' Nanny wasn't so hot but he ended up with her. Maybe they are fantastic in the sack.

  13. Sorry but Ethan Hawke can't be better-noted ( A list) if Uma is only B list
    And Uma never seemed to be a victim of men

  14. I'm with you, Alice, I thought Laura Dern right away.

  15. Uma is not a victim of men, they are her victims if anything. She's a supreme Bitch! They should all run from her!

    I too think this is Laura Dern.

  16. bullshit on Chris Robinson, the Black Crowes record and tour year round. He probably got sick of being married to a self absorbed, narcissistic, fame by nepotism wife.

    I gotta go with Laura Dern, what he did to her with Angelina under her nose and the ex husband tried to reconcile and fell apart seems to fit more.

  17. laura dern for sure.

  18. Robin Wright (Penn)

  19. Huh, Robin is a good guess. I tend to think she stuck it out for the children, not because she believed Sean.

    Laura fits perfectly.

  20. "He screwed with his wife". Isn't he supposed to do it? Perhaps I'm lost in translation, but I read it as "he banged his wife".
    Laura Dern amazing actress? The broad in "Jurassic park"? Maybe in blue velvet or wild at heart, but after that... I can't talk about inland empire, I slept thirty minutes after it started.

  21. I agree with French Girl Uma strikes me as being much tougher even before she played that character in Kill Bill.

  22. Well people in the real world date and marry people they work with so why would actors and actresses be any different?

    Are there PR relationships sure but there are more actual relationships, and dual careers are hard on ANY marriage esp when it requires both parties to be apart for any length of time

    How do those military marriages work - well often times they don't work.

  23. I would think of this was Laura Derm her lineage would be mentioned.

  24. If I told my wife that she needed to go to therapy so that I'd stop cheating on her...

    Sorry. Even thinking 'bout it was scary. Probably double tap me in the guts with a .45

  25. Why do serial cheaters even get married?

    Kids? Just have them out of wedlock.

  26. Anonymous1:08 PM

    tip to all married women : hire an ugly nanny. actually, no. if he's going to cheat, dump that arse hat

  27. I just can't see Ben Harper doing that to Laura Dern. Sure, I love him. And I've met him a few times. He's so nice. I'm not saying it's impossible but I just really REALLY hope he's not like that.

  28. I always had good looking nannies. I wanted nannies who were in shape, healthy and took pride in themselves to set a good example for my kids. It would be just as easy for him to find a hot girl at work or at the gym if he wanted to cheat. Plus, I figure if he cheats, the other woman can have him.

    1. Jessica Seinfeld, is that you? LOL

  29. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Meg Ryan/dennis quaid/russel

  30. Anonymous3:20 PM


  31. F*ck nannies. Granny or Manny is the only way to go ....

  32. I agree with the Robin Wright guess.

  33. I feel like a variation of a similar blind has been posted before.

  34. After the last paragraph, I think it isn't bad luck, what she has is stupidity retardation.
