Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wife Of Bounty Hunter Dog Chapman Pleads Not Guilty

Beth Chapman and her ginormous breasts were not in a Colorado courtroom yesterday when her attorney entered a not guilty plea on her behalf. The wife of Duane "Dog" Chapman has been charged with verbal harassment of a 16 year old girl. This summer the girl was at a lake and was spotted by Beth Chapman. In front of multiple witnesses Beth walked up to the girl and called her a s**t, tramp and wh**re because Beth felt the 16 year old was not wearing appropriate clothing. Beth was arrested at the couple's home in Castle Rock, Colorado. The trial is on December 11th.

I don't think adults should be calling kids names but when did it become a crime to do so? Beth saw how the teen was dressed and didn't like it and told the girl what she thought about it. Was it mean? Yes. Was it uncalled for? Absolutely. Is it a crime? I don't think so. At what point do you cross the line from stating your opinion to harassment. Is it a word choice that does it or a tone?


  1. Huh? I know a lot of people are going to be getting arrested soon.

  2. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Far better ways to handle that. SMH

  3. Yeah, that doesn't gel.

  4. But she lets her husband go out looking like an idiot. That's. okay.

  5. I find it revolting that you feel the need to define a woman based on the size of her breasts. Haven't we come far enough as a society to value women for more than their intimate parts?

    I guess it is jealousy on Fugazi Enty's part. It is OK, Fugazi Enty, there are plenty of guys in the Itty Bitty Titty Committee fan club. Especially if the woman is young and has a fine ass. Oh...sorry.

  6. SHE was calling someone else out on their appearance?!?!


  7. When we get arrested for our choice of words, appropriate or not, we as a society are in some serious doo doo.

  8. I call her "torpedo t*ts" well pre surgery.

  9. Her boobs hang out of ever outfit she wears. She has no room to talk. Her hair is more offensive than any skimpy outfit you see on a 16 year old.

  10. I think it probably has to do with the fact that the recipient of her venom is a minor.

  11. If you don't know someone, you don't get to comment on anything about them unless they're a celebrity. That's the rule. It IS harassment to approach a stranger and call them names. And yeah, Beth, throwing stones and all that...

  12. I can't stand Beth. Her big mouth ruined the show as far as I'm concerned. And she looks like a hooker herself.

  13. more likely the girl had rich parents or the police enjoy arresting celebs

    while I agree that pot meet kettle in this case, the reality is the justice system really should be focusing on more serious matters

    harassment is a continuing pattern of behaviour not a one off slag

  14. much for Freedom of Speech. It's more like, you are free to speak openly, as long as you agree with the majority and don't offend.

    I agree that what this woman did was wrong, but give me a break.

  15. If that is all she did, then the law is not constitutional. Not at all. Speech that is likely to provoke a violent response is the closest you come to speech that can be controlled but that hasn't been good law since Chaplinsky.

  16. Well it was none if her business and she shoulda kept her big mouth shut because she prides herself on looking like a hooker, but I dont think its against the law. Just obnoxious and overbearing.

  17. And her boobs are completely ridiculous. You cant even see her face!

  18. It would depend on how she was saying it. Just the names she probably wouldn't be arrested, but if she got in the girl's face (a minor) or was yelling and wouldn't stop until physically removed or seemed potentially violent if she wasn't removed that would be harassment.

  19. When did they move to Colorado? I thought they were in Hawaii?

  20. I hands down believe this! I was in Vegas for my 21st birthdaya few years back and she was a total bitch to my cousin I... calling us bitches and worse because we asked for an autograph!

  21. I hands down believe this! I was in Vegas for my 21st birthdaya few years back and she was a total bitch to my cousin I... calling us bitches and worse because we asked for an autograph!

  22. Not for nothing but I can't think of two celebrities who are worse dressed than these two - they have no room to be throwing shade.

  23. Anon is obviously not metal.

  24. For someone claiming to be soooo religious, and always praying with their captured bail jumpers, She is not being very "Jesus like". Shocker!

  25. She needs breast reduction and the hubby needs a short haircut. Apperance matters.

  26. Waaaaahhhhhh!!!! And I don't give a sh*t about her. You need a cop to arrest someone because they hurt your feelings? I hate people.

  27. you have no authority to control other people how to dress.
    they're not even REAL cops for crying out loud! now suddenly she wants to be a fashion police too? what's next? is she gonna tell me how to eat my sandwich properly? her ugly oversized boobs is distracting me! now can i just go up to her and start screaming profanities?
