Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Blind Item #11

This A list mostly movie actor who flirts with A+list yelled at a man on the street who called the actor gay. The actor went nuts. The actor was telling the story at a bar and one of the women with him said, "You are gay though right?"


  1. Haven't there been B Coop reveals about him being with women ? This sounds like Franco but not sure if the rating is right .

  2. Gerald butler? Although he could be a B.

  3. Probably Franco just because I think he has at least implied he is bi and maybe gay and that is the only reason some chick would say that to him in a conversation.

  4. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Love it!

  5. Doesn't Renner have a short fuse?

  6. B Coop for sure. Franco doesn't have much of an angry streak and doesn't give any fucks at all if people think he's gay.

  7. Joseph Gordon levitt

  8. Watched This Is the End last night and Franco was great! Made me love him more....and there were quite a few gay jokes at his expense. He couldn't care less.

  9. Franco doesn't drink. He says he goes to parties still, but the fact that the guy was at a bar makes me think this isn't him. Cooper?

    I think most people thik that James is straight and gossip insiders/Hollywood industry people think he's not straight. Hence the gay jokes at the roast.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Agree with Basil-Toothy Tile!

  12. hugh jackman ftw. renner and toothy tile are not a list

  13. I believe Bradley Cooper is straight and a douche.
    Same for Franco, he is just acting gay to get attention. He was Cyrus-virus: shock to get attention.
