Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blind Item #1

This A list rapper/producer is getting divorced because his wife found out about the three women he got pregnant in the past year and the sex he had with this A++ list celebrity/singer that even the celebrity's friends and family don't know about.


  1. Timbaland 's wife has asked the divorce yesterday so he's my guess

  2. and A++ celebrity/ singer ? Rihanna or Miley

  3. Pull out for Pete's Sake!

  4. The celebrity's friends don't know about it...but somehow *you* do? Oh, okay. And obviously this is timbaland but I don't trust blinds that come after the fact.

  5. FrenchGirl's response makes me wonder now just how much Miley has already been passed around.

  6. Ha! Kid you not, I was thinking about that too!

  7. @veee : so it's the return of the comeback of JT bisexual guy's rumors

  8. @hollywood dime :
    Enty knows about who killed Kennedy ,where is Charly and who is the bitch who stole my dessert this lunch

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Frenchgirl: those thieving lunch time cunts need to be shamed! Tip: pour rotten milk into an as yet not expired carton of milk, and bake some laxette brownies. When you see the culprit running to the bogs with their ants around their ankles with a mean case of the green ape splatters, you can test assured, it won't happen again.

    2. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Green APPLE splatters

  9. Yeah lets mix it up and say Justin Timberlake for the one he slept with that no one knows about. I mean, sleeping with Rhi and Miley is pretty much a given at this point. (good job girls! >sarcasm<)

  10. Wahh???Oh French Girl it's just wrong when someone takes your food from the company refrigerator. You need to make something nasty and teach them a lesson.

  11. veee- the only one that didn't get pregnant!!!

  12. @Sherry Or... work with culinary Philistines. When I bring in leftover sauteed squid with pancetta and red onion; nobody seems to want to foodjack it.

    "What's creme brulee? Trust me, it tastes like warmed up cat vomit. You wouldn't like it."

  13. @Sherry: thank you !
    i'm pretty sure that the bitch is... my husband (since our baby is again a baby and the dog doesn't know to open the door of the refrigirator)

    my nasty revenge will be very mean LOL

  14. @Freya @Harry I definitely think Miley is all the way live in her 'sexual revolution'.

    WWBRD- what would billy ray do

  15. Snoop Dogg? If he is still married.

  16. And Miley would be the chick.

  17. 3 women pregnant? Is AIDS real or not because people are fucking strangers bareback like it's the healthiest thing EVER!

  18. Didn't know Timbaland was married. How can men be so smart in some areas and not in others.

    Just for fun, Timbaland and BeyBey

  19. Please tell me Miley is not A++ list, gross!! I think Beyonce is a good guess.

  20. Timbaland and Bey? Nope. Timbaland is apparently many things but stupid isn't one of them.

    That said I had no idea he was married. I always thought he was gay.
