Saturday, October 05, 2013

Blind Item #1

This former A list tween start turned B list television and movie actress turned mess of the year sure does have a funny way of showing she is serious about getting better when a camera crew was spotted where she is currently residing. Well she has bills to pay.


  1. Oh yea, Byrnes makes sense

  2. How could a camera crew possibly get into a rehabiltation complex to film Amanda? If this is supposed to be her this item is BS.

  3. are we implying porn or a reality show? let me go read it again.

  4. This has to be Lindsay- unless enty is an ass and mocking Amanda B's illness

  5. I'm thinking Lohan since she has the reality show coming up. Is she living somewhere other than her home?

  6. Mess of the year though makes me think Bynes.
    Lohan was pretty tame compared to Amanda.
    I hope her mental illness was not a hoax.

  7. If this is Amanda Bynes I wish people would leave her alone. Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness and she needs professional help and support, not judgment and mockery. [/soapbox]

    1. I agree.
      Plus she's still in a treatment facility I think so it can't be her.

  8. But even at the height of her career, Bynes was never A list. Lohan was. She was everywhere.

    Lohan, final answer.

  9. Lindsay Blowhan living w/Mr. Hotel-Heroin

  10. Lindsay really wasn't a tv actress...Bynes did both

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. but! if it is lindsay, isn't she doing a reality show for oprah's network? if this is supposed to be her how are is the camera crew a surprise?

  13. I've read several varied articles that have reported White Oprah has been trying to negotiate the marriage between Blowhan & Hotel-Heroin for a price. If you read the news, he was engaged to a beautiful model & suddenly broke it off when Blowhan "blew" back into NYC.

  14. She's done tv appearances and does the Liz Taylor tv movie count? Anger Management and the one coming up.

  15. Lohan. The comment on Oprah's photo yesterday (rare pap photo) makes me wonder if dumbass herself arranged it.

  16. Can't be Lindsay. Everyone knows she is filming a reality show for Oprah. No surprise there. It must be Amanda. She got herself transferred to Promises or another fancy-schmancy rehab place. Camera crews couldn't catch a glimpse of her in the hospital.

  17. 50 bucks says Miley rips a picture up of Sinead O Connor or does something of that sort cause Miley is such an original thinker with much class....

    1. Ha! I thought about that too or do something else to it. I shudder at the thought of what.

    2. Actually, she's hilarious, and pretty great. I didn't care for her comment about Bynes, but Sinead using slut shaming and feuds with her, Cowell and Louie Walsh to get attn for her new music is gross and desperate.

      This is Bynes.

  18. Amanda Bynes is the mess of the year, so either this blind is off, or it's her. And if it's her, humanity is on a fast, deep, downward slide, because why would any decent person allow this considering her condition?

  19. So I guess Bynes is telling them where she will be so pics of her smoking a cigarette can be sold?

    What would they bring, $5-10K? She needs money that bad? Sad.

  20. I don't think we're going to see Amanda pics for awhile. I'm going with Blohan.

  21. @Count, I suffer from depression among other things. A doctor family friend told me mental healthcare is one of the most expensive types of healthcare there is in this country. If Amanda didn't save her money while she was working - and she was never making Julia Roberts money anyway - I can believe she's having a tough time affording her psychiatric care bills. Even with insurance, which I doubt she has, it would cost a small fortune.

  22. BTW, Miley isn't the Diz girl who's the train wreck, Bella Thorne is working hard to be a hot mess before 18, and poor Demi, just because she's on tv and seems ok, she's struggling, hard. Then there's Molly's other, and bestest friend, VHud..
