Thursday, October 24, 2013

Blind Item #2

This B- list mostly television comedic actor who also pops up in the movies in certain situations was out partying the other night and was surrounded by hordes of women. I'm not sure how this guy does it. Anyway he told the women that he was only interested in brunettes for the night and refused to talk to any women who were not brunettes. He then winnowed it down even further before finding someone to take back to his hotel for a few hours. Yay she won. She must be so proud.


  1. Oh look, it's bitter slut-shaming Enty.

  2. Slate has an article on how slut-shaming doesn't really exist. It's really slut-criticism, and it's apparently a noble act.

    1. Slate's article is a commentary on the overuse of "shaming" and points out that in the case of slut and body-shaming it is used appropriately. The Slate article is asking people to please stop using "shaming" on everything from pets to librarians. "While shaming is often used to point out legitimately horrible behavior—especially against women—it is becoming so common that its meaning has begun to leach away."

  3. Barton Fink

    You do know not a word of what you just wrote is true, right? You do know you just lied your ass off for no good reason.

    The article you're talking about, seen here, specifically talks about how "slut shaming," and various forms of "body shaming," are real, and serious social ills, but that that problem is "diluted" by the co-opting of "shaming" by anybody who doesn't like being criticized.

    As writer Mark Peters puts it: "Breast-feeding advocates are sometimes accused of formula-shaming moms. I’ve also seen social-media-shaming, tattoo-shaming, luxury-shaming, attendance-shaming, snack-shaming, bigot-shaming, privilege-shaming, salary-shaming, single-shaming (i.e., shaming the nonmarried or nonattached), fedora-shaming, Drake-shaming, and filter-shaming. This last word was used, with all apparent sincerity, in an article by an acne sufferer who felt “shamed” for her use of Instagram filters by “selfie queens” (a term someone else will have to unpack)."

    Peters also notes a misuse of the term that perhaps carries a sting: he suggests that there's no legitimacy to a claim of "creep shaming." Creeps, he implies, should be ashamed.

  4. was once a good general news site that has become waaaay too self-righteous and preachy in the past 6 months. I used to enjoy it, but they just completely turned me off.

  5. I read this as Russell Brand, if you count his comedy shows as TV (they have been on tv a lot).

  6. Surfer, I'm with you on the David Spade guess. With the women he has dated, dude must be packing.

  7. Down with David Spade guess

  8. get some self respect, world at large, please!!

  9. Spade has always preferred blondes. This is Russell Brand.

  10. Gilbert Gottfried

  11. My first thought was David Spade. I can see the question on "how does he do it" because he's not what one would define as sexy. Maybe cute. But for some reason women are crazy for Russell Brand.

  12. Umm what in the hell is a "winnowed"?!?!?!

  13. Does this mean that we must stop illiterate-shaming Enty? Is being illiterate not Enty's fault?

  14. I love Slate, but ever since their latest redesign I can't comment on anything! If anyone has had to sign up again or has any tips for getting into the comments to actually make one, I'd be really grateful. Emailing and asking them directly does NOT work.

  15. @JoElla - to winnow means to narrow down to something, especially when choosing or researching. Drilling down.
