Thursday, October 03, 2013

Blind Item #2

This actress is B list. Mostly television. She was on a VERY hot show back in the day for an almost network. She has been working since she was a teen and is now a couple of decades beyond that. She has never learned to be nice though. Despite being in failure after failure she hasn't changed. I'm not sure how or why her husband sticks with her. This week while doing press for her new show our actress had spit flying out of her mouth as she yelled at a doorman for setting down one of her pieces of luggage on the sidewalk. Not thrown. Set down gently. He did it so he could open the door for her.


  1. Replies
    1. She was my guess too.
      Poor Freddie.

  2. I"m terrible at these and even I know this is Sarah.

  3. Yep, sounds like SMG.

  4. How does she keep getting chance after chance?

  5. So basically, she's exactly like Kathryn in Cruel Intentions?

  6. Has Sarah Michelle Geller had failure after failure, though?

  7. @ LottaColada SMG and Reese Witherspoon on the same set.

    1. @Freya- can you imagine that today?

    2. I feel sorry for anyone who would have to be subjected to their "Do you know who I am?" moments.

  8. But 'failure after failure' - wasn't it just Ringer that failed? And why not mention her new show? I don't quite see SMG fitting for this one.

    1. Return To Me was a box office failure and Scobby Doo didn't perform well either

  9. Ringer bombed for sure (and I was one of the 15 people who watched it).

  10. I agree that SMG has a great career as a working actress. Failure after failure refers to several lackluster films and Ringer. None of which came close to Buffy stellar status.

    1. Her movie Return to me was a failure

  11. At chance this is Katherine heigl?

  12. @lollydarling, the article mentions her new show: "while doing press for her new show...".

  13. @Simon - Katherine isn't promoting a new show. Not her.

  14. Poor Freddie. That dude must be mired in the quicksand of emotional abuse.

  15. Heigl does have a new show. But Greys is all a network show so I think that rules her out.

  16. SMG has had plenty of failures.. Besides the failed show Ringer, she had movie failures - bombs and straight to dvd crap like The Return, Suburban Girl and Southland Tales.. The last successful movie she did was probably The Grudge.

  17. SMG was my first thought.
    Heigl does have a new show in the works but it has not debuted. SMG's show with Robin Williams just started airing.

  18. Why should she have to put up with a clumsy doorman that doesn't know how to open a door and hold a bag at the same time. He should have been flogged!!

  19. Sarah Michelle Gellar. She isn't famous enough to be that much of a b*tch. She should have learned that by watching Shannon Doherty's career, or lack thereof...

  20. @Tara17, you and everyone else have convinced me! Some of those projects of hers I hadn't even HEARD of...!

  21. Dang, it's getting harder and harder for me to defend SMG. But defend her I will!
    I like her still. I can't help it.

  22. I don't see how Ringer bombed with an epic scene like this:

  23. Not only has Freddie stayed with her, but he's also impregnated her, which means he has sex with her.

    She's a nasty person. He seems so sweet.

  24. And she is awful on the new show.

  25. Freddie worked for Vince MacMahon he can handle whatever crap that JAP can dish out.

  26. I still wonder what she did the last 14 summers. Has she had a film hit since I Know What You Did Last Summer & its sequel?

  27. Melissa Joan Hart?

  28. Aside from the "failure after failure" part, it certainly sounds like SMG, which makes me sad for Freddie, who I always liked.

  29. Indeed, she SUCKS on her new show, The Crazy Ones. Ugh.

  30. SMG has been a bitch since she was on AMC. It is well known that Susan Lucci couldn't stand her and hated working with her.

  31. @Sarah I forgot all about that and Susan isn't a prize either when it cones to being nice

  32. I like Sarah, because we have the same initials. I'd prefer it not be her. Also...she already has a pretty bad rep for being a turd (cue Alyson Hannigan), so would it be blind? I was thinking Tori or Shannon. Plus, Sarah seems to hydrate, and that combats gross spit!

  33. I just cant believe any of this about SMG.

  34. Doesn't Freddie work in Connecticut? He works for WWE, and a ton of their work is done in CT. When's the last time you saw him out? He probably likes being on the other side of the country. Also, I think they're together still because the Hollywood conservatives really stick together - see Angie Harmon and her husband. Who else is going to date a Republican in liberal, activist Hollywood?

  35. @Tara: I think it is more than a year since he was with WWE.

  36. Freedie is doing witches of the east end. That news show In lifetime

  37. Sarah Michelle for sure

    she has that sense of entitlement edge to her even though no reason to

  38. Does SMG keep Freddie locked in the basement? I have NEVER seen a single photo of him with her and the kid. All the paparazzi photos are of SMG out alone with their daughter.

    I know SMG is a bitch but I don't think Freddie is a prize either. Anyone else remember how he told a reporter that he was drunk off his ass during their entire wedding? Nice.

  39. @ Figgy, I am only watching the show b/c Jimmy Wolk is family. Otherwise, I did not like it at all.

  40. SMG ....her face screams mean bitch

  41. @ Krissie: "Anyone else remember how he told a reporter that he was drunk off his ass during their entire wedding? Nice."

    Well, from what people are saying here, its probably because he realised with a horrid clarity - just as it was too late to do anything about it - that he'd married her.

    I'd get munted too.

  42. SMG is very sexy to look at but that bitch probably is terrible sexually. I'm shocked that she keeps getting chances.

  43. I NE'ER liked SMG, and always wondered why she (and the Buffy show) were so hot. I recently saw an episode of "Bones" where FP, Jr. was a guest, and he looked SO old...
    "Chico, don't be discouraged..."
