Monday, October 21, 2013

Blind Item #3

This A list movie director has spent almost zero times with his kids since his divorce. He is too concerned with making sure his much younger significant other is happy than anything to do with his kids. He never really calls either. Of course if he wants to see his kids he has to speak to his ex which is something he doesn't like to do since she always brings up the cheating.


  1. Is Rupert Sanders A?

  2. Kate Winslet's ex?

  3. Rupert? The guy from Snow White & the huntsman? (yah'll know who I'm talking about)

  4. I thought Rupert too. Also wasn't sure if he is A list.

  5. Mendez much younger girlfriend Rebecca hall (31). Not sure Rupert has a girlfriends right now...

    1. Wow. Hall will do anything to land a role.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Cleo: or ANYONE. Damn, that women looks much older than her supposed 31 years. She has the personality of a beige paint swatch.

  6. Sanders isn't A list, or even B list for that matter. Snow White was his only movie, and it was fair at best. Plus, bonking his starlet and jeopardizing the future of the franchise slowed his career progression. He's not working on anything of note.

  7. Johnny Depp. Wasn't there a blind out about him ditching a fan thing because Amber Heard beckoned him?

  8. Sorry, i missed the director part

  9. Mendes

    didn't his relationships before kate fail because he didn't want kids?

  10. @jodi benton, Sam and Kate have a child together.

  11. Replies
    1. U, I was thinking Ritchie too. Anyone know if he sees his kids?

  12. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Robert Rodriguez. He has five kids with his ex wife and he allegedly cheated on her with Rose McGowan. Here are some recent pics of him and his much younger looking girlfriend:

    Kate and Sam have one child together (the blind mentions kids) and in her recent Vogue interview she stated that her children have lovely relationships with their fathers.

    Here is Sam and his son Joe vacationing last December:

    This video is from March of this year, and towards the end of it Sam mentions something funny his son said to him:

  13. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I might be the only person not buying the Hall/Mendes relationship. If you check out Datalounge there have long been rumors that he bats for the other team. She also "dated" Simon Woods right before he went on to marry a man. We see no pictures of them together until she's in NYC with a movie to promote and isn't it funny that they are just, wow! Spotted! In busy NYC, where neither of them live, and she has a movie coming out...who called the paps?

  14. When would Depp be considered a director? Did I miss anything? He took his kids on vacation with Heard.

    I'm going with Robert Rodriguez guess.

  15. Anonymous9:10 AM

    @RachAround, you talking about Hall? She seems like an OK person (based purely on interviews) but it wouldn't surprise me if her people linked her to someone famous to help increase her status. She was linked to Mendes right before she had probably the biggest movie of her career coming out (The Town) and since then she's been in Iron Man 3 and she recently finished a Johnny Depp movie. If it weren't for the Mendes/Winslet connection you've got to wonder if she'd be where she is today, with more high profile roles and more recognition. Put it this way: Kate had 5 Oscar nominations at age 31. Rebecca?

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      I think you may be right ealt985!

  16. I'm on.the Rodriguez train too especially in light of the blind yesterday.

  17. Anonymous10:03 AM

    It definitely makes me wonder, Rach Around! Check out one of Enty's blinds from last December about the B+ actress who always thought her ex husband was gay...Kate and Sam are the top guess for that blind.

  18. The guy who used to be married to Rachael Weisz? Except they were never married and only had one kid. Nope. No clue. Will go with the Mariachi director bc he has just sleazebagged his way into the history books for ahole maneuvers.

  19. But when was Rodriguez ever A list? For a minute?

  20. Rodriguez may not be considered A list to some, but Enty did refer to him as A list in a recent reveal. The way the blind is worded it sounds like specifically two kids. "He never really calls either." I do believe he still works with his wife as well, since she usually produces his stuff.

  21. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I took "He never really calls either" to mean that he not only doesn't see his kids but he doesn't call them, either, otherwise he'd have to hear from his ex about his cheating ways. I think there should be a comma between calls and either to read "He never really calls, either."

  22. @ealt985 - Ah I see that. Silly me reading it that way. I should have known better on this site.

  23. Sam Mendes. The November 2013 issue of Vogue just came out and Kate Winslet is on the cover - in the interview, she mentions her children live with her and she's absolutely adamant about it. She did also say her kids have lovely relationships with their fathers, but when she said they don't go back and forth 50/50 between parents, it just gave me the feeling that Mendes hasn't been taking the initiative to show Kate that he wants to spend time with the kids. He might be too pre-occupied with work and making Rebecca Hall happy. As the blind says, sick of hearing about his cheating as well so he figures he just won't call.

    I definitely think he cheated on Kate with Rebecca. Sam and Rebecca knew each other back in 2007 (there are pictures of them at the premiere of Things We Lost in the Fire, a movie Rebecca wasn't even in). If you look at the body language between Kate and Sam during their promotion of Revolutionary Road the following year, it's so distant as if he really doesn't want to spend time with her and would much rather be doing something (or someone) else. And of course there's Kate's second speech at the 2009 Golden Globes. I mean, if your wife is sitting next to you and the first person she embraces/hugs/kisses is her friend Leo, you know you're doing something wrong. Leo was supportive of her, Sam wasn't, Kate felt more comfortable with Leo. Why? Because something was definitely going on. Kate also started dating a hunky British male model a couple months after her divorce was finalized, which seemed like a big LOOK WHAT YOU'RE MISSING sign to Sam.

  24. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Sam Mendes for sure - and when Enty says 'kids' it will be because, although he and Kate only had one together, he would have considered her eldest his own too.

    People give Kate a lot of flak for having (almost) three kids with three different men, but they forget what a douche Mendes was, and is. Her first husband was a sweetheart - she was foolish not giving that a good go - and Ned Rock'n Roll seems like a good soul - so hopefully she's on the straight and narrow now.

  25. Anonymous4:19 PM

    @vodianova, do you mean the film premiere of Starter For Ten? Sam was one of the producers and Rebecca was in the movie. Here's a picture of them at the premiere:

    As far as I know she didn't attend the Things We Lost In The Fire premiere.

    I may be in the minority here but Rebecca doesn't strike me as the type who's stupid enough to have an affair with a married man. I actually believe them when they say nothing happened and it wouldn't surprise me if this whole thing was concocted by their PR people. Why? Well, look at how much publicity it's garnered Rebecca, and if Sam does in fact play for the other team (I know, tired euphemism) then this Rebecca "relationship" is a great cover for that.

  26. Sam Mendes. She just gave an interview saying her kids never leave her and she doesn't believe in back and forth sharing. That was for her kids benefit when they read the article, being that their father's all but deserted them and doesn't want them to visit him, and has zero interest in having to see Kate, it would make the kids think that she loves them too much to share. When in fact dad dropped some sperm and doesn't want to deal. This isn't all that unusual in Hollywood. Dad's simply divorce them all when the marriage is over and figure a check is all they need from him. Hope the pretty young girlfriend is taking notes because if she has kids Sam will desert her too.
