Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Blind Item #4

This former almost A list reality star turned reality judge and general celebrity turned her little (not legal) sister on to pot. That is what the sister said as she was doing lines of coke at a party this past weekend.


  1. Perhaps there are greater crimes than turning a younger sibling on to pot. I started toking when I was 15.

  2. Lionel's second wife never wanted Nicole around her daughter. I guess we know why!

  3. Nicole Richie is a 35-year-old woman. It's one thing for a dumb teenager to give a younger sibling drugs, but absolutely disgusting for a grown adult who is an addict to do so. Uugghhh. The girl is only 15 now, so when did Nicole intro her to pot? Awful.

  4. Yep, it's Nicole:

    Shame on her. How would she feel if someone treated her daughter/son like that?

  5. Nicole is 32, Elita.

  6. Come on!! Siblings often start drinking/ smoking weed with older/younger siblings. Not a big deal unless the sibling is a lot older than little brother/sister.

    1. Which after reading post above seems to be the case - burn her at the stake!!

  7. so was this recently? If not and she is 32 then it is ridiculous.

  8. Wonder how she would feel if it were her own children?

  9. Anonymous8:32 AM


  10. My sister did the same to me but she was only 5 years older than me pathetic for a grown woman to do

  11. Anonymous11:33 AM

    My sister stoked my first bong. She then blamed me when mum & dad found her mix bowl in her bedroom.

  12. My husband's parents smoked pot, their 3 children started somewhat early in their teens; none of them smoke pot anymore except for one of my husband's sibling; he/she has a solid career, married 16 years with 3 thriving children.

  13. And on the other side of things, I know a guy whose parents smoked pot openly in the house but asked their kids never to touch it until they were 18. He's a 40-year-old loser now with no job and no direcion, and he's regularly smoking pot in front of his kids. I smoke daily myself, but you do NOT expose children to this stuff. They can find it on their own if they want to.

  14. *direction. Long day. *L*

  15. if it is Sophia Richie then I HIGHLY DOUBT Nicole was the person to get her smoking pot (and doing coke?) have you seen the crew she hangs with? ha. maybe she saw/knew her sister smoked pot when she was younger, so now Sophia isn't scared of it... Nicole is the LEAST of that girl's problems.

  16. Nicole/Sophia Richie. But, I agree that she runs in a really bad crowd.
