Friday, October 04, 2013

Blind Item #4

This almost A list singer anywhere in the world but here said that her recent boyfriend dumped her when she told him she had cancer. Well, her husband did the same thing before. She needs to find better guys.


  1. Kylie hasn't been married. Not her.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anastacia - and I love her!! Great voice!

  4. Anastacia just had a double mastectomy.

  5. These are the times you find out if you got a keeper or a jerk. How many women leave men after prostrate or testicular cancer I wonder.

  6. I was gonna guess Anastacia, too. I find her life fascinating. She's American, but over here she can live anonymously and walk around and not get mobbed by fans cuz no one knows who the hell she is & then she boards a plane to Europe and she's this HUGE superstar

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  8. Anastacia is hardly a superstar in Europe. Kylie however, definitely has superstar status here!

  9. I dont think its anastasia- def not A list in Europe at all. Kylie fits much better, she has breast cancer- not sure if she was ever married though. Wasnt she engaged to Olivier Martinez?

  10. Actually Kylies cancer was in 2005. I don't think this is her

  11. Kylie has never been married and has "only" had cancer once - as far as we know.

    Anastacia was married from 2007-2010 and had cancer for the first time in 2002, which doesn't fit the blind either.

  12. My b friend dumped me right after my last chemo. Diidnt want to look like a jerk for dumping me before. Wonder what's worse???

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Keeshlo...I hope you have/had a successful and speedy recovery!! You are much better off w/out that jerk off and you are too good for him! Reading and hearing shit like this really pisses me off! Urrgghhh!

  15. Did she actually have cancer? Too many recent stories of people using stories of a horrible diagnosis followed by a miraculous remission all for the sake of a few covers in a publishing cycle.

    I would walk on someone pulling that too.

  16. Anonymous6:53 AM

    What a fucking arsehole. Karma, work your magic.
