Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Blind Item #6

"I don't expect him to be faithful. I think men are never faithful to women. A man is supposed to be a provider and to take care of me and to love me but I'm not getting married expecting him to be faithful and would be disappointed if he was."

Former A list mostly television actress who was on a hit show for years and who has had her own share of affairs in the past discussing marriage.


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    If it's his job to "provide" and spread his seed, why did she bother working?

  2. Kristen Bell? Engaged, on her own show for years

  3. Heather Locklear

  4. I think the last part of the blind (about her own infidelities) explains the first part.

    1. Could be any one of dozens of actresses that meet that criteria.

  5. What a sad person. She must have major issues. I think she only hooks up with cheaters to help her justify her compulsive cheating.

  6. My random guess is America ferrera

  7. She'd be disappointed?

  8. Except for her being a slut, I wish all girls were like this.

    1. So he's allowed other women, but if she has other men, she's a slut? Wow. What a scummy double-standard. Go back to the 1800s where you belong, asshole.

    2. Awww, Harry. Are you still trying to push your 1950's values onto us girls? I thought we'd had this discussion. :)

    3. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Youre just a dipshit troll searching desperately for the attention you dont get in life by offending strangers, weve already got one of your kind, the positions been filled,so fuck off you tiny dicked pea brained forever alone adolescent p.o.s..

    4. Seachica, cece and Anna, perhaps "slut" was a little unfair. At least in this particular context. I take it back and I apologise.

  9. Don't know about these blinds today - most have stopped guessing and just starting conversations. I hope entys are paying attention. Just had a really boring Jude law reveal.

  10. Goldie hawn says this all the time, all men cheat. Hope not.

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Not all of em Aunty.

  11. Hey, it works for them, so it's all cool with me.

  12. Sounds like something Jennifer Aniston would say if she fit the rating. JLH I could also see saying this.

  13. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Sometimes it's hard to be a woman....giving all your love to just one man....

  14. Harry, that's a huge double standard you just put out there. You wish all girls were like that (that a woman is okay with a guy sleeping around/cheating), but you have a problem with HER doing it.

    Pot...kettle? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

    Quit with the slut shaming. if they both have that kind of relationship and are in agreement, no harm/no foul.

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Hes just looking for attention imho Cassy

  15. "I think men are never faithful to women."

    Oh, lady...

  16. No, they all cheat. ALL of them, even the ones you think won't. It sucks but as long as you know it, and don't have any feelings for them, it's cool. Whoever this is seems to know the score and that's a lot better than foolishly thinking that a man is capable of being faithful, devoted and honest and having your heart broken when you find out the truth.

    I hope I don't come across as man hating or anything like that, there is a lot to like and admire about men. However, when my marriage ends, I am done with them. It's just not worth it. Lol not going to take up with women though, they are actually worse than men (and the idea makes me want to vomit, no offense to any lesbians out there). It is what it is!

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Jelus: what we can garner from your statement is a lot of self disclosure, and it's sad that's been your experience. But even if you've had many relationships, can't base an all encompassing finite statement based on that small sample group.

  17. On this site nobody is ever faithful to anyone! Its amazing everyone in the entire world of show biz is an animal with no character or morals and incapable of feelings.

  18. I am beginning to think the longer I live that it might be the more realistic view of the world unless you want to be celibate and alone. Of course a man who cheats on you after a good run of fidelity seems preferable than one that cheats from the get go and probably during your courtship.

  19. Garner. Married to Ben. Cheated on Scott foley her first hubby.

  20. Which also means ladies if you are lucky enough to find a good man cherish him. It is sad to see decent men with horrible women.

    1. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Amen Tina! Testify!

  21. Jelus - you sound like a bitter loser.

  22. I kinda like the Jen Garner guess, even though it kinda breaks my heart.

  23. I've never actually caught any of my men (including my husband) cheating, but they're men, and I would honestly be shocked if they didn't. Not that I would believe them! Lol. Not that I care, that requires feelings and like I've said before, feelings are for suckers!

    SueRH, I'm sure you're a successful, happy WINNER, amirite? Well good for you!

  24. @Jelus

    BS. I have never cheated

  25. Either Sarah Jessica Parker, because we all know she doesn't have sex with her husband.

    Or Sarah Michelle Gellar. She seems psycho.

  26. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Shirley Jones, and I think our Puritannical culture in the states creates this imaginary idea that monogamy is necessary for a long standing and happy marriage. While that certainly may be true for some, it is definitely not true for all. Men are indeed wired differently than women, and to pretend otherwise is just silly.
