Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Blind Item #6

This B list mostly television actress from a former hit network television show that just fills out the lineup on a network now was forced to trade some favors to make sure a photo of her kissing a guy were not released for a few weeks. She wants to control everything about the timing so people don't get the wrong idea. Whatever.


  1. SMG is popular in the blinds lately, I think it's her. Buffy frequently said "whatever".

  2. Hayden P (Heroes, Nashville) making the rounds this am talking about her engagement. I thought she announced a while ago?

  3. I'll go with Lea Michele.

    1. Glee was a former hit, now just sits there, and she probably wants to buy more time. Separate herself from the Cory tribute episode so his death won't be so fresh in everyone's mind. Then she can sell it as a lea is moving on! So brave! Story.

    2. @Kristen - or the was from when she was supposedly still with Cory.

    3. Like this guess, a lot. New drama where the old left off.

  4. What Kristin said

  5. like the lea michele guess. this week is the tribute to cory on glee, so would be bad timing for new boyfriend pics

  6. I wonder what the favors were?

  7. Lea, no one cares that much, honey. You were good friends and costars who dated and he seemed like a nice guy and it's a shame and all, but living your life giving a damn about the opinion of anyone who would judge you harshly for moving on at this point is... well, fuck them. Go live your life.

  8. Nashville is on the verge of being cancelled Lea is still the lead of Glee so I am going with Hayden or SMG

  9. I'm guessing Ellen Pompeo.

    1. Off topic but I've grown to like her. She will dish dirt on anyone and gives zero fucks.

  10. Isn't that what they all do in hwood?

  11. Lea Michele makes a lot more sense, I change my guess.

  12. I think this is Lea Michele. Timing wouldn't be right for her if a pic like that leaked.

  13. Sarah Marie Gellar

  14. Glee - former hit that is now filler for FOX's other more attention-grabbing shows like new Girl, Mindy, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Glee still gets ratings high enough to stay but the new characters and the lack of controversy other than Cory has left it as a cooled-off commodity now. Notice how long it's been since Glee did a stadium tour, or you saw a Rachel Berry backpack in Kmart.
