Friday, October 25, 2013

Blind Item #7

This C list mostly television actress who is lucky to have an acting job has been doing press for her lucky project and threw a huge diva fit when she was pushed back for another guest and had to go second. She threw out the do you know who my husband is card. Yeah, that is a huge winner. This is where it gets crazy. When the host asked her about her husband she played it cool but walked off the set and told her publicist that she was her own person and no one better ask about her husband again.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jenna Dewan Tatum?

  3. @mngoddess got it. That was my immediate thought. She was on Seacrest's radio show yesterday promoting her witches show.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      She was also on Kelly &Michael and went second...just sayin

  4. Sounds like Henna and the new movie.

  5. Lucky/magic/witches? I think this is Jenna. The rating fits, the husband fits. Channing is a hot commodity - people want him on their show so women will tune in. So her threatening to maybe have him boycott a certain show is feasibly a concern.

    So confusing. He seems like such a delight, and that he doesn't take himself too seriously with his choice of roles.

  6. Jenna's tantrums are the equivalent of a tree falling in the woods.

  7. Definitely Jenna. Every single appearance she's made lately that I've seen, she's talked more about Channing and her baby than her show.

  8. This suppose to be Jenna

  9. No. I'm pretty sure this is Jessica Biel Timberlake who was on one of the big 4 late night chat shows this week.

  10. I'm with Bookj. Sounds more like Biel.

  11. Courtney Stodden! She was on some big brother show acting like a nut recently I think.

  12. To be fair, I saw her in Ellen awhile ago and thought "gees is Ellen going to talk to her about anything other than Channing?!". It would probably get annoying for her.

  13. Jenna was kind and gracious at a charity-type appearance. I don't think this is her, but if this is her, I'd give her a pass at being post-partum and having to stay longer during the show than planned, which can upset a routine with a baby for the first 18 months; or it can make her run late for a second promotional appearance.
