Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Blind Item #8

This A+list celebrity with A+ list name recognition also thinks of himself as an actor. He isn't very good. He also isn't very nice to people. He went to Hawaii not that long ago and took some of his employees with him. Instead of a vacation he said they were working and they should treat it just like they were back home. He spent the days on the beach and having fun and he kept them working almost 24 hours a day back in a hotel conference room and only let them sleep and have meal breaks. He treats his fans worse.


  1. Definitely Justin. His ego is ridiculous.

  2. If it is timberlake enty not giving him enough acting credit. He may not be winning any academy awards but not a bad actor. If he was so bad he would not be getting pretty big roles and, if you're not a JT-hater, most would feel he is at least a decent actor.

    1. That being said he may well be a shit to work for.

    2. No, he really cannot act. When Variety tells you you cannot act, you cannot act.

    3. He's ok in very, very small doses, and doing comedy bits. That's where his talent lies. But yes, agree this is JT.

  3. Yeah, I buy that's its JT...

  4. He is not a bad actor, he's THE WORST actor. And a dick.

  5. JT. Yes, he's a terrible actor and only gets parts because Hollywood is trying to make him happen. His sense of entitlement is notably huge. I can see this being him.

  6. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Did they get overtime? That's the onlythinkg I c wrong.

    The nerve of this asshole asking his employees to WORK.

  7. Even though I think it's Justin Timberlake, to be different I'm going to say Kanye West.

  8. I agree with Liv, the studios are trying to cash in on his appeal to the young. His acting is rather wooden, he may learn, he may not.

    If the employees are paid overtime for their almost around the clock work, and breaks, meal times and time for sleep are not hindered he is just being a tough boss. He should not expect to win any "boss of the year" awards.

  9. I would think that if you were to take your employees to Hawaii, there was prob some discussion of what would be expected, no?

  10. "If he was so bad he would not be getting pretty big roles"

    Hahaha! Yeah, the Hollywood system works on merit.

    I don't think he's horrible, but he's on the low end of mediocre.

  11. Because the clue was celebrity and not musician, I'm going with Ryan Seacrest...

  12. This is supposed to be justin but he's been working non stop for the past three months. He hasn't had any down time he was flying from New York to Europe to do promo for the movie and the second half of his album. He's been to Brazil doing promo and played the rock and rio festival and back to the states to perform at the iheartradio radio festival and do the preimere of runner runner. Plus the press junket where he did most of the work for it. He then flew back to Europe to perform the iTunes festival and now he's rehearsing for his tour coming up at the end of this month.

    1. @starglitter. I just saw pictures of him golfing a day or two ago. Looks like he can make some downtime for himself.

  13. Look, the boss gets perks the employees don't. It's that simple. Ever worked with a manager that sits in the office and only comes out if there's a problem? Then they are doing their job.

    Sure the employees see it as the boss being lazy, but in reality if the boss wasn't doing his job then they'd be having to do the employees work in effect giving the employees a check for doing nothing.

    Plus people seem to not realize that if something goes wrong, it's not the employees who are taken to task, it's boss.

    I was sent to the SDCC one time for a job and I hated the fact that I couldn't do all the stuff I would normally do at a Con but realized I was there to work. I was sent because comics were my thing and I knew and understood the crowd. I declined the next year because I wanted to do the Con thing the way I enjoy doing it and the big bosses understood and we found a way for me to work and enjoy the con because I did such a good job for them. Not everything is supposed to be fun when you are employed, people just need to understand that. I see nothing wrong with someone expecting their employees to work when they are drawing a check.

  14. Justin T, the biggest douche on the planet.

  15. I'm just curious how he treats his fans worse. What exactly does he do?

  16. What does Timberlake got going on he needs a bunch of people working overtime on his vacation. Oh wait he has that clothing line stuff.

    Diddy sounds more likely because he does have an empire to run. The only good thing about Diddy is if you perform Diddy will give you a promotion

  17. It's Timberlake. He's a terrible actor, and worse, he's AnnE Hathaway's male counterpart: someone who mugs constantly and shamelessly on camera. They honestly believe "the camera loves me!" Instead, they come across as supremely self-conscious, mannered and utterly annoying.

    I truly hope they never make a movie together, because the level of "MEMEMEMEMEMEMEEEEEE" fuckery will be off the charts.

  18. I think it all depends on what and when he told them. If he said we have to go to Hawaii but you're going to be working, not a problem, But if he said were going to Hawaii! and when they got there said oh no, you have to work, that would be awful.
    I think it's written to be JT, who has been terrible in every acting role I've seen him in.

  19. Agreed on JT's acting prowess. I've really enjoyed him on SNL, but put him on my screen too long, even in comedic roles like in Bad Teacher, and he's... eh. It's not the worst, but it's not anything else either. He's just there. Sort of uninterestingly, vacuously there.
