Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

April 22, 2013

"I don't even know why I'm here (Coachella). There is no one here who can afford my rates and it is so f**king hot I don't even feel like drinking." An hour later I guess she (former B list mostly movie actress who is now a C lister who is clinging on to fame) decided drinking would be ok because she was already hammered and was doing lines of coke off an iPad.

Tara Reid


  1. I am shocked!!! I would never have thought Tara Reid liked to party!

  2. ACL this past weekend was hot as shit and those giant water bottles full of wine were not refreshing

  3. I don't think she is "clinging to fame". This reveal is a joke.

  4. So that's another functional use for the iPad.

  5. I think that quote is BS.

  6. Damn, those iPads would'a come in handy for me back in the day.

  7. For the record, what are her rates?

  8. She is too old for this.

  9. Lol "can't afford her rates". Tara its no longer 2009, now take this $20 and show me what you can do.

  10. Clinging to Fame was a reference to Sharknado

  11. A Hipster uses an IPad appropriately.

  12. @JSierra, ACL is always hot. This was my 10th straight ACL and I've seen temps in the 60's once and that was at 10:00 PM. You've got to want to be there for the music because the creature comforts are scarce to nonexistent.

    1. @Lazy the music definitely made the heat worth it. The rain was also a nice touch, although not so much when they cancelled day 3 because of it. I wish this cool front (75 degrees whoohoo!) was last weekend, that would have been perfect.

  13. Agreed, lazy day. After the first 3 ACL fests, I said "fuck this shit." I'll listen to a cd at home in the air conditioning and drinking good beer at good prices.

    1. @Disco you mean you don't find $8 tall boys to be reasonably priced? *insert sarcastic eye roll here* Thank god for the invention of flasks

  14. Betch was so drunk she didn't realize it was just an app and there wasn't really any coke on her IPad. She snorted air and dust for an hour.

  15. Her loss. She will be surprised. Since most of the cool kids that goes to Coachella are loaded with their parents money. Too bad she is dumb enough not to ask around.

  16. Give it a few more years and we'll see what she does for $100.

  17. I wonder if the IPad has an app for coke lines....

  18. I wouldn't give 5 bucks to fuck Tara Reid. In fact I wouldn't fuck her if she paid ME. Played out skank ho.

  19. Anonymous12:32 PM

    It's not a music festival unless someone's doing lines off an esky.

  20. What happened to this girl? She was cute, not the greatest actress, but interesting enough to get movie roles offered. Pissed it all down the drain. Sad.
