Thursday, October 03, 2013

Cory Monteith Died Of Heroin And Booze

In the coroner's report released yesterday in the death of Glee actor Cory Monteith, police found a spoon with drug reside and a used hypodermic needle. Also found in the room were two empty champagne bottles and multiple glasses located on a nearby table. Monteith’s toxicology report showed his blood alcohol level was .13% and morphine, codeine and 6-monoacetyl. Those last three things are heroin.

The report said that because he went through periods of being sober and the last period had been longer that the amount he used to be able to handle no problem was too much for him that night and he died.


  1. Why doesn't blind gossip get any grief for their inaccurate blinds? They're the ones who have trashed CDAN for fake blinds, yet they posted a blind about Cory that predicted he would be found to have multiple drugs in his system including cocaine and god knows what else. The next day it was announced that it was just heroin. I never went back to the site to see what excuses they made, or if they just deleted it. Jerks.

    1. Because you're splitting hairs.

  2. @DontRainOnMyPrada, Blind Gossip's comments are moderated so they don't let complaints come through. They can delete blinds (like the one about the perverted, drug-fueled Joe Jonas sex tape) when it turns out that they're bullshit and never speak of them again.

  3. This is still very upsetting. He had such great charisma. Fighting demons can be just too hard sometimes.

  4. No surprise there.

  5. Karen, I was going to say the same things about Blind Gossip that you just did. They came down pretty hard on CDAN a while back for writing fake blinds, yet they crank out the BS themselves. Plus, as you mention, they moderate the comments. Can't have anyone calling out "The #1 Blind Item Site in the World!". I knew that Jonas blind was bought and paid for before I even finished reading it.

  6. they also posted all that stuff how beyonce was pregnant and her surrogate was pregnant as well. or well they insinuated that it was her again. And then nothign ever came to pass about it.

  7. i don't applause cory for doing drugs but he's an all around nice guy. why can't justin bieber die? why does it have to cory.

  8. Every site posts bullshit blinds. Blind Gossip, CrazyDays and Lainey are the worst.

  9. Big surprise said no one anywhere. Rip.

  10. ian mcgrinty: Then why do you stay here and bitch?

    It's all for fun and I take it with a grain of salt.

  11. That poor, poor soul. RIP

  12. I know a lot of people hate glee but the first few seasons meant a lot to me and his death is the only celeb that really hit me. Cory seemed like such a loving, happy guy its such a shame that one stupid decision took him away forever. I honestly will not watch his tribute episode because i think it will be too hard and sad for me to bear

  13. Isn't this the same kind of situation that killed Brad Renfro? Using more than his lowered tolerance could handle after being clean for awhile? It's really scary that a relapse like that can just end it all.

  14. This just makes me so sad. Cory was by all accounts a lovely person, he just couldn't shake this demon. RIP.

  15. Why were there several glasses in the room? Was someone else with him?

    1. Yes, I think the original police report said his friends were there partying after dinner or someng. Then they left, he shot up, and that was that.


  16. This is still so sad. My sister is struggling with heroin addiction and the overdose after a period of sobriety is what scares me the most. She is 20 and has lost numerous friends to overdoses. The numberof young people who are dabbling in heroin as if it is no big dealis frightening. RIP Cory.

  17. I just don't feel bad for rich, beautiful celebrities who have every opportunity to get help and to address their addictions ($ and support for rehab to begin with) and don't. I know from experience addiction is a beast and even people who look like they "have everything" have issues w/ mental illness, upbringing, past traumas, etc. that make life tough. But, dammit, if I had the level of money & success & comfort these people had, I'd be sober as hell--or in rehab every month if neccessary--to make sure I didn't lose it!

  18. Ugh, Blind Gossip. Yes, they got all over this site after the April Fools Day article, and went on and on about the disclaimer at the bottom of this site and how they won't link to CDAN because the blinds are fake. I posted there to say that BG has a similar disclaimer at the bottom of their site, but oddly enough, that comment never made it out of moderation. Go figure.

    Rest In Peace Cory. :(

  19. I have nothing against Cory, but it's strange to me how much attention he's gotten in death. I thought people were sick of "Glee", and I don't remember Cory ever being the huge superstar he's being treated as now that he is dead.

  20. Very sad about Cory.

    As for Blind Gossip, I no longer visit that site. I don't care for sites that censor reader comments for having a differing opinion. I actually think Blind Gossip has had some bigger lies in their blinds than CDAN has ever had, particularly in their revels that never come to pass.

  21. I'm verklempt after seeing the previews for next week. I don't know if I can handle it. Cory touched my heart for some reason. That sweet, sweet man.

  22. I'm sick of hearing about this guy. Young and rich usually amounts to trouble.

  23. He made a common--& mortal--error. It is actually not easy to fatally OD on opiates (aside from careless IVs & polydrug abusers), but oh-so-VERY easy for people relapsing to be caught in the grip of PAWS (Post-Addiction Withdrawal Syndrome). Succumbing is a great way to do a header straight into the deep end of the death pool.

    Drug addicts, alcoholics... w/PAWS it seems right to regain the euphoria at the level they were at before detoxing. Thus you end with Amy Winehouses, Legers, Monteiths, et al.

    It is sads to see so many accidental ODs among young people with rehab experience. The first 1, 2, even 3 stints in rehab often fail (even if the addicts is not in industries where talent, managers, agents, &c try to stint on recovery periods, for dread they'll lose visibility if hidden from the public).

    Surely,a counselor's parting words would reiterate a dire--& graphic warning about PAWS; who to contact--plus suggestions for harm prevention if a patient still gives way to temptation during the PAWS period.

    Maybe the unsurprising frequency of early deaths among addicts & alcoholics somehow dovetails with the well-known failure rate of overly brief rehab stays? 2-3 weeks; 4 weeks; 6 weeks; whatever: "sign here; you're Clean! That will be $10-120 grand... Goodbye & Good Luck!"

    NB: if you work in rehab, no offence intended. Have a brother who's undergone a 30-day process, & my impression is that change has to come from the very top (& supported by a pricey PSA campaign...). Must be an occupation that is painful,& v difficult to leave behind when you go home.

  24. He shouldn't have been honored over the true veterans at the Oscars. But I have known that of addicts. They quit for a while and then kill themselves with a dose as large as their last. It's sad, but that's about it.
