Thursday, October 31, 2013

It's Not Slu*ty- It's Sexy


  1. It has been over a year since I posted a comment or contributed anything to Enty. Mainly because I work in this industry and had too many close calls. Anyway - I felt compelled to crawl out of the morass to comment here (though few will read it so late in the day I guess).

    I cannot and do not speak for Jodie Foster. I used to know her via Ed Limato in the old ICM days. What I do know is this: She is a total barracuda when it comes to close pals. Why? It goes back to the 80s and when John Hinckley shot Reagan all to win Jodie's love. To say it wrecked her life and career is beyond exact. The entire town closed down on her. She was in college and hoping for a comeback, that dream faded fast. Her agent dropped her and only tabloids cared for her - hounding her night and day. She almost killed herself. She tried many times.

    But a few people (including Limato and his roster) saved her life and then her career. She took every shitty role offered to prove her worth, all while living in a closet. As time progressed, Limato and crew (including Gibson, Gere, Julia, Denzel, Michelle Pf., etc.) all protected her.

    She cried in Mel's and Denzel's arms many nights. It took until ACCUSED and SILENCE before studio execs wanted her full time again. Back when Mel did Lethal 1 - he was the hottest star alive. It took his balls and loyalty to force execs to allow Jodie to direct on her own, and if Mel didn't force it - there would be no Lil Man Tate or anything else.

    This is why the loyalty.
    When Gibson made Air America - the insurance bond wouldn't cover Downey. They refused due to his refusal of a physical (due to drugs). Mel posted the completion bond from his own pocket (as in millions). Even after 50 arrests and rehabs, Mel stood by him. There would have been no more RDJr. had Mel not threatened execs at Warners if they refused to hire RDJr.

    Those types of pals in this town are rare and very few. Now, as for Polanski? I do not know him.

    Mel Gibson has serious issues and I have talked with him several times in the past few years. All I can say is there’s much, much more to this than anyone knows. That does not excuse him or his drinking and rants. Mel has issues and is trying to get better. I will defend him professionally as he did for me.

    For two years people in town gossiped about ME being a dope head. Because I took MORPHINE every day. And Fentanyl patches (very strong). They all said I was a junkie. Some agents and execs stopped speaking to me. My movies got put into turnaround everywhere. Doors closed and invites stopped. Why? Gossip. They never knew that I had a tumor in my spine wrecking my life and killing me with pain daily. I didn't publicize it so they spread gossip. But when a film I produced earned almost a billion dollars? Suddenly they all wanted me again. Even though my tumor has gotten worse and my meds even stronger.

    I still can work, am still on meds - but they all come from my oncologist and neurologist – as always. I knew the truth, as did my friends and family. But they just wanted gossip - not compassion.

    Two big pals DID stand up for me and stick by me. One was Johnny Depp (who came to my house for my daughter's bday dressed as a pirate!). The other was Mel Gibson (without whom Batman Begins and Dark Knight would still be on a shelf. Though his name is not related to either. True story).

    Today? I keep going. We all have to. So anyone might hold judgment until we know ALL the facts. There's always 3 sides to every story. And as MLK said: The measure of a man is how he acts when everything around him crumbles." It's also a measure of loyalty and compassion. They may be stars, but they are people too. Bless you all.

    1. You are more annoying than the trolls. Writing your fuckin last will and Hollywood testament on a fuckin gossip site. Stahp.

      I'm actually enjoying Madame LaLaurie's comments more than yours. Shut up.

    2. @kels. That's not himmmm posting. It's a troll reposting these. They're all old posts.

    3. Hey, Renoblondee! Is that you in your photo? You look a lot like Holly from the Playboy shows. I was a guest at the mansion once. Those parties they show? Tip of the iceberg. I can't name any names but it was good times all around. There's a room on the second floor, third to the right, that you have to see to believe. I scratched my initials in there. Holly's a nice girl and has excellent timing. I offered to work on her show but she was locked into her contract with the people they chose already. I got a nice card from her thanking me for my excellent work (she knows my resume).

    4. I , for one, find this thoroughly entertaining. A nice halloween surprise, reading this instead of the same insipid, drole comments in comments section. Please keep reposting!

  2. What do you call a witch by the side of the road with her thumb out?

    A witchhiker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Tonight's gonna be a good night.

  4. Since when is "slutty" a word that needs asterisk?

    1. Me* me* me* me*

    2. Hey there, Seven of Eleven. Don't let that ass Beaker bother you, he's a predator. I've seen people like him, someone else's hand is always up their butt. Is your image Alex from Orange? I did some community theatre with someone from that show (I can't say who, that would give everything away and I'm very concerned about privacy). She was a pistol. After each sketch, we'd have to run back to the dressing room (community theatre means you share a dressing room) and change. The first time we had mid-show quickie was intoxicating. I thought I was going to snap my femur when I pushed her against the wardrobe closet but she was a trooper. The other best time was when we were going at it and she started shouting profanities. A grip knocked on the door and said the audience could hear us! The actors on the stage at that time weren't projecting loudly enough (that's why I don't do community theatre anymore, it's hard to work with amateurs).

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.






  7. Anonymous11:27 AM

    If it's not slutty, I don't want it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. If Harry wants a slut, a slut I will be! Harry, would you like to restrain me to your examination table, the one with stirrups, and tickle my clitoris until I am a whimpering little kitten that calls you Daddy? If not, that's cool too. Whatever you want. I'm 14!

  9. Hey, Delphine, who is that in your pic? When I was working in NYC, I had a one night stand with a makeup artist who looked that. It was very late on a Saturday and I was a little drunk (all writers are drunks, FACT). I walked her home and she let me use her bathroom before I left. When I came out, there she was, martini in hand and wearing a corset. I almost broke nose trying to get under that thing. Cindy Crawford's a hottie but when there's vodka and corsets, I shut the house down.

  10. Beaker, stop posting that over and over. When I worked on the show, you actually HAD lines, now you're just a one-trick wonder. I won't tell people whose hand is up your butt if you stop. Don't mess with me.

  11. I like today's comments. The ones not trolling but writing amazing things.

    I love himmmm's comment about Mel Gibson.

  12. @Harry's girl I tried to lure Harry but I'm too old for him. Back in the day though I would of let him be my Daddy.

  13. @himmmm thanks for sharing this one!

  14. Trick or treat,
    smell my feet,
    give me something good to eat!

  15. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I like turtles
