Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Kris And Bruce Jenner Officially Separate

You know it's serious when you have to get Khloe and Lamar together in a photo for the first time in 129 days. The couple was sent out to distract the media from the official announcement that Kris and Bruce Jenner are splitting. If you need a good laugh you should read TMZ who, no matter the headline spins it entirely Kris' way and how none of this means they are getting divorced and that Kris doesn't want to get divorced. Of course she doesn't want to get divorced because she would have to cough up half her money. Bruce was the wealthier one when they got married so Kris didn't want a pre-nup. I bet she wishes she had one now because losing half your money when you have already dropped below your peak earnings is going to hurt. The show is going off the air, your talk show didn't work and it's too early to send your youngest girls out to make porns with celebrities.

In addition to the efforts of Khloe and Lamar, look who is going to show up on Kimmel tonight, Kanye West. I guess he is doing his part to get people talking about something else other than Kris cheating on Bruce with her ex.


  1. Dear Enties,
    Can we please get a Kuntrashian-free Fall and Winter? They make my eyes bleed.

    1. +1 @Kristin. Maybe you shoud put it in all caps so they can see and take note of it!

  2. Replies
    1. thank you for that

    2. I don't know wtf I just sat throught there

    3. I am so ashamed to admit this but they showed that on their TV show one season. I remember thinking how horrible taste & money can come back to bite you in the ass ;) thanks for posting this hilarious shitshow :)

    4. I love you!!!!
      Great vid, thanks for posting!

  3. For real. To hell with these people.

  4. VIP, whenever I'm having a bad day, I watch that video. Never fails to make me laugh. *rofl*

    1. I can attest to this video's healing powers too! I just watched it and laughed so hard it killed my migraine! :-)

  5. My vote is for a Trash free 2014.

  6. I don't trust Blind Gossip anymore after their Jonas blinds nonsense, but still, there's a pretty good writeup over there about the Karbuncles changing things up for the new season of KUWTK so that PMK and Bruce's seperation and the coming split of Kanye and KPig are shown in ways favorable to the KTurds. They are actually going to try and make KPig likeable. Good luck with that.

  7. Good, now Bruce can get his sex change and live happily ever after.

    OR make it official with John Travolta, that would work for me too.

  8. @vipblonde OMG ... Wow. The narcissism emanates from every pore of this video. And how creepy is it to see photos of Nicole Brown Simpson? It's scary to see how attractive and likable OJ was on the surface, knowing now what a psychologically damaged person he was and is.

  9. This is a gossip site. Enty is not going to never talk about the K's.

    1. @Reno Lainey won't talk about them and Enties give us a month off each year. Was worth a shot.

  10. who really gives a shit about these losers!???

  11. I love Kraptrashian posts as long as they are bad news for them. I never like the Housewives' posts.

  12. Wtf was that, VIP?!

  13. Im waiting to see why this smokescreen thrown up now. Whats really going on? And, btw, worst kept secret ever.

    1. @auntliddy Probably a cover for whatever comes out of the Odom divorce. Kris is selfless like that.

  14. You know Bruce and Kris did some kind of infomercial
    when they first got married......he actually got her started, yeah she owes him...

  15. Anonymous7:16 AM

    And I, officially, don't give a flying fuck!

  16. mean it wasn't official yet? Sorry.

  17. @VIP, Randy Newman should sue her! Man, that was craptastic! I kept watching, thinking it was some kind of joke. Nope, she really loves her friends, including Khloe's hairdresser dad and some random gardener. And barefoot treadmill twerking.

  18. That video, OMG I never saw it! Ty VIP, but now how do I unSee it????

    1. Michael K is always talking about brain bleach, maybe we can borrow some from him ;)

    2. Haha, yes going to need some of that! Sign me up!!!

  19. I agree with who said as long as it is bad news, I don't mind reading about the Ks....

    The Housewives? I skip every post. On any site.

  20. Bruce Jenner is gonna be a free man in the morning!!!!
    Anyone else see the Kuntrashian episode where he bought a gun? Methinks he's been watching Married with Children and has made Al The Shoeman Bundy his idol. ;-)

  21. Serious question, not meant in any hateful way: is he transitioning? Because the way his face looks reminds me of a former co-worker of mine who transitioned from male to female. Or in Jenner's case is it just a few too many facelifts?

  22. colibri---It's common gossip** that Bruce has privately dressed as a woman for 'fun' for years. He may not want to transition, but it may be very important that his face is 'prettier', for his perhaps hobby. I thought he just got a bad facelift the first time, but he does get kinda more feminine every time, I have noticed.

    If he is trans, more power to him. Divorcing and leaving that g-d 'show' would be smart if he IS, imo.

    **Obviously all of it is just gossip, but since you ask--YES, that rumor HAS been everywhere the last few years.

  23. Kris singing "Bible studies, Cheesecake Factory!" Ahahaha! That was a trainwreck!

  24. The only episode I ever saw of their 23-minute torture is one where Kris Jenner was considering changing her name back to Kardashian.

    I know it's just made-up bullshit, but who does that?? Get divorced, marry someone new... then while still married, go back to your ex's name?

    Anybody have a guess as to how long it'll take once the divorce finalizes?

  25. I remember he and the wife he had before Kris were on (I'm almost certain) Wide World of Sports. This would have been early 80's. They had their body fat measured and hers was lower than his! Lol. She was laughing, mocking him, saying a stay at home mother of 2 had less body fat than an Olympic gold medalist.

    Even as young as I was I remember thinking she was being mean. I also remember hearing not too long later that they were getting divorced, and it made sense. She was cackling; she was so happy to show him up.

    The things that you remember from childhood, eh.

  26. Bruce looks more feminine than Kris does these days. Whatever he is doing to himself, he looks abominable.

  27. I didn't really have anything to add about Bruce and Kris, other than I don't dislike her. She seems to be the smartest of them. I don't automatically hate opportunists, and 22 years is a pretty good run.

  28. The best part of this is how much it's going to cost Kris. See there's no prenup for her greedy ass. Karma's a bitch!

  29. Bruce had a really bad facelift years ago and I think he's had a couple mini ones since then to try to fix it. He looks so feminine because of that awful haircut and his earrings. I'm not sure if that part is intentional or if he's just unaware how awful his style is lol.
