Friday, October 25, 2013

Ramseys Knew Who Killer Of JonBenet Was - Helped Him Get Away

The grand jury indictment of John and Patsy Ramsey has been released. We knew the child abuse charges were going to be in the document. What we didn't know was that apparently John and Patsy Ramsey knew who the killer of their daughter JonBenet was and helped him go away. The indictment says, "the parents intended to delay or prevent the arrest of the alleged killer." Umm, yeah, that is probably why John Ramsey didn't want to have this document see the light of day. If they had given up the killer then they would have to admit their role in the death of their daughter. The grand jury indictment says they were accessories to the crime of murder and their participation in the abuse of JonBenet led to her death.


  1. Say whaaaaattttttttt????????????

  2. There's a book that outlines the theory that their son murdered his sister. It's a fairly sound theory presentation, I'm very sad to say.

    1. I've always said it was the son, he was jealous of all the attention his insane mother gave to his younger sister.
      My guess is that the death was an accident, but these two idiot parents thought they could cover it up with their crackpot scheme of a kidnapping.

      The #1 reason to suspect the son is, why would the parents not separate if one of them did it?
      You only stay together if neither did the deed & you're protecting someone else.
      And before someone brings up the "unknown DNA" found there, it had to be brought in by one of the cops because the Boulder Police were thoroughly incompetent & didn't properly preserve the crime scene.
      Or, the DNA could have been much older, due to the following: John Ramsey moved her body at least once, possibly twice before the police had the body.

  3. i always thought it was the son.

  4. Yep. It's the son!!

  5. I am reading a book right now about this. It was written by the detective on the case. He comes to the conclusion that it was the mom.

  6. This story gets sadder with time. Poor kid never had a chance. She was a commodity and an object all her sad young life.
    Sleep well little darlin'.

  7. I don't come here for dead little girl stories. I only care about your Rape/Molestation/Incest stories if the chick is still alive and making a public spectacle of herself. LIke Lohan, Bynes, Miley, etc.

    1. Count - I agree but I suspect this item will generate the most comments today by far.

    2. @Count I'm with you. And why has no one still discussed the Ja Rule prison cookbook?

      Murdered kids is way too heavy for me.

    3. Less and less people have been commenting lately, Ent needs to drive up hits and shim knows we all love a good conspiracy.

    4. JSierra - agree- Just look back a year and see number of comments. I wonder if it is because 20 items everyday though.

    5. Texas I think that has a lot to do with it. I don't even read most of the posts anymore, let alone comment on them. Some of the numbered blinds barely have 5-10 comments most days, Enty needs to re-evaluate if he wants to save this slowly sinking ship.Not complaining, I'm obvi still here every day despite the shit

    6. Lack of hits is due to lack of gossip. Used to be real insider info, now it's half-news and stories that start with "in the new issue of kneepads..." like wtf, I feel I'm getting better gossip from safe sites like blind gossip

    7. Plokzy - I think you are right although think most blinds from DM but still like them. Not as juicy as a few years ago though by a long shot.

  8. "Foreign Faction" by James Kolar (also a detective on the case) asserts the son theory.

  9. All these years later doesn't make it any less tragic or sad.
    Poor girl. Hope she's resting peacefully.

  10. What confuses me is that they were cleared in around 2008 as new DNA testing suggested an outside intruder. Would love to see the evidence the grand jury saw but I don't think they are going to release it.

  11. all the family was cleared of all suspicion by DNA in 2006 so stop with your" it's the son" "it's the dad" "it's the mum"

    it was only a theory of the DA

  12. Shoddy police work was done so any chance of finding out who did it was lost that night.

    Patsy's dead, JB is dead his eldest daughter died in a car accident.

    Leave the man alone already he has had enough tragedy.

    The family was cleared. These documents were early on in the investigation and there was no proof to support it. Just witch hunting.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Of course, there was never a trial. The evidence, such as it was, given to the grand jury was never tested in a court of law, and it's pretty well-known that grand juries almost always uncritically present indictments as presented to them by law-enforcement. And, of course, this indictment never led to actual criminal charges, much less a trial and conviction, here in a country where one of our most treasured values is that a person is considered innocent until proven guilty.

    But don't let that get in the way of spreading the rumor that people are guilty of a gruesome crime without a spec of proof. Where's the fun of using a little integrity?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. @Jonathan Andrew Sheen: +34
    you're the reason voice

  17. Poor little girl. I hope she rests in peace. I wish we could just let this go already.. RIP JonBenet

  18. @Count, as an adult who was abused as a child, I follow stories like this. So shoot me. I don't give a damn about Lindsay Lohan.

    FrenchGirl, the recent DA release refutes that entirely. Alex Hunter refused to prosecute the parents. The later DA simply blocked all attempts to resurrect the case. Given the circumstances, one can see why, but it remains a sound theory that the son was involved.

  19. This again? Count, TR, Kristin nailed it.

  20. @Sheen, how is there integrity in allowing the murderer of a child to evade justice? Is she less human because she's young?

  21. well, since nobody's ever been arrested for this crime, what's wrong with speculation? after all, this child WAS murdered. by someone. i never thought her brother did it. but so many questions remain----the weird note written with materials in the house, the body found in the house. like, who takes a child out of their bed and stays in the home, with adults sleeping who could wake up any time, and kills her there??? the whole thing's a mystery but i don't see why we can't talk about it without being horrible people or something. jeez.

  22. She still deserves justice. Why not still try and figure it out. It's awful.

  23. oh, and as for the snark about grand juries, that's simply not true. i've served on 2. grand juries really WON'T indict a ham sandwich, regardless of what you believe.

  24. Melody Clark: there's no integrity in calling someone a murderer without proof. There's no integrity in dragging a real, living human being's name through the mud with no evidence and no cross-examination, no trial and no conviction, because you listened to Nancy Grace.

    nancer: So how many "True Bills" did your grand juries present, and how many "No True Bills?" In how many of either group cases were the people being indicted represented by counsel? In how many was the evidence offered by law enforcement challenged and authenticated? How many witnesses cross-examined?

  25. They have the killer it was the DNA found in her underwear that isn't associated with anyone in the family.

    I don't think it is a mystery or conspiracy. I think some toddler pagent stalker was obsessed with her raped and killed her. Some random lowlife who got away with it and hopefully is dead by now.

    We will never know I feel.

    1. I agree and I think the guy is now dead or in prison now.

  26. Victoria pointed out with the other days post about a web site' A Candy Rose' had a ton of documents, info about this case, some of it changed my opinion about things. Worth checking out if this interests anyone.

  27. Unfortunately, nothing & no one can bring her back. It's obvious, this was covered up for a reason. When u have money like the Ramsey's, u can make anything go away.

  28. I have relatives in Boulder who used to live around the corner from the Ramseys and I asked them years ago what they thought (especially since one is an attorney). They said that everyone in Boulder believe it was the son.

  29. Enty, you're the most vicious gossip out there, and the most wildly inaccurate.

    John and Patsy were cleared of any involvement in the death of JonBenet back in 2008, thanks to newly discovered DNA evidence.

  30. I bet the little broad was going to blow the lid off pagents being the feeder ground for MK Ultra Mind control sex slave manchurian candidates, so the CIA and Illuminatti had to silence her. Fearing for the lives of the rest of the family, the father, mother and brother assisted in the murder. Add in some international banking, so we can get bonus points for blaming Jews and we can get Jesse Ventura to do a show on it.

    Can we get a Casey Anthony update? At least she is alive and hot. I still hope to see her broke and drug addicted on Backpage sometime so I can ream her cornhole for 250 roses.

  31. I didn't get this from the 2 articles I read this morning

  32. I still believe it was Michael Helgoth and someone else NOT the Ramseys. He was a pedo, had ties to another child murder three years b4 JB, and supposedly "committed suicide" the day of a JB press conference where they said they were narrowing down suspects. However, he was right handed and the gunshot to his head was on the left side at an impossible angle. He had a hat with SBTC on it as well as stun gun, HI-Tec boots, etc. Still don't think ANY of the Ramsey's were involved. Sad all the way around no matter what...

  33. Ok anyone who says we should just let sleeping dogs lie -- please explain the ransom note and how it doesn't implicate the Ramseys?

  34. I think the son is not the biological child of John Ramsey. I think (all you science people-yes?no?) this would explain the DNA clearance of the remaining 3 family members in '08 by the new DA at the time.
    And also explains the strange behaviour (and in my opinion, cover up) by the parents- protecting their son.

  35. Karma was served to the family..looked what happened to them after the cover up.

  36. Speaking of not commenting: Did Rach Around finally OD on whatever meds she was on the other day when she commented 50 times on every item.? It's crap like hers and the Count that puts us regular folk off. I don't come on hear to read comments about some loser reaming cornholes. I come here for hollywood gossip and interesting stories. The JBR case is one I find intriguing. Attack away. (ducks for cover)

    1. @anothergrayhare - Rach was a little annoying the other day- must have been off her meds and she's on a 4 day lockdown. A lot of people like the Counts comments(I do) but I can see how others don't- just ignore them.

    2. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Riiiiight we have to ignore the counts comments but you guys don't just ignore the posts you don't like ??? Bit hypocritical but still post on here why you don't like this post hey

    3. @char: no one should ignore my comments. You should be on the edge of your seat for every word I grace your eyes with. Half the time being on the edge of your seat will save you from making a wet spot where you usually sit.

      Did you know I am so popular that people talk about me in the comment sections of other sites? I've gottens screen caps in my inbox. Thanks for the shout outs, whoever those people are.

  37. Oh, yeah, Enty's a lawyer alright. *eyeroll*

    Anyone interested in the story should go read any one of the hundreds of news articles about this today. This post is pure click-bait with a really shitty angle to it. I don't know who killed JB or why and I hope whoever did it is caught and punished to the full extent of the law.

    With all that said, CBS is reporting that "earlier this week, John Ramsey asked officials to release the entire grand jury record if the unprosecuted indictment was made public."

    Does that sound like a dad who tried to protect his daughter's killer?

  38. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I always thought it was the son, and the parents covered up for him.


    Here is the 911 call from Patsy.

  40. @Anothergrayhare, a little old (going by your screen name) for name calling, don't you think?. Skipping over the comments of those you don't care for is an easy solution, and more befitting mature 'regular folk'.

    @plozky, yep, the new Enty is a hate monger who clearly can't stand most celebrities and yet leeches a living from them. Go figure.

    1. Anonymous10:34 PM

      Wow condescending much

  41. +1 @ Piper. The Ramseys were cleared of any involvement in the death of JonBenet. This happened in 2008 and was based on new DNA technology that wasn't available at the time of the indictment.

  42. @Grayhare: Enties loves me and the clicks I generate. Another 120 to my profile since I said I was at 8500 the other day.

    And really, who wouldn't want Casey Athony to be subject to frequent painal?

  43. Every time I see her picture it makes me sad. Poor little girl.

  44. And with all due respect JAS, speculation about criminal cases happens every day. This news will be covered by the Washington Post to the National Enquirer, from CNN to Extra. Books have already been written.

    And it still doesn't mean that something somewhere isn't amiss in this case. DAs make mistakes and can be political motivated or persuaded with people of money and status. It may be worth another look. Or maybe not.

    For example the fact they found DNA from an outside intruder doesn't mean this family did not help a killer get away with the murder. You can draw many conclusions from the same set of evidence.

  45. The son wa only like * or 10 at the time of murder, too young to be tying the elaborate s and m knots on her body. It isnt him. This case is one of those the more you know, the more questions you have. The whole thing is wonky as hell.

    1. The theory is her parents covered up for the son. No one thought he tied knots, moved the body, wrote the letter

  46. 1st off. a nine year old????!!! ?Because that was the age Burke Ramsey was in 1996. Where would he have gotten a stun gun to stun JonBenet? Would he have the physical strength to strangle her? There is no evidence that the Ramsey children were ever sexual abused, and is a nine year old capable of sexual abused? And he seems too well adjusted now to really be able to handle the psychological damage to kill your sister and get a away with it.

    1. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Abuse victims often repeat the abuse they receive. It isn't uncommon at all for children experiencing abuse to act the same way. Even as young as 9.
      Not saying that happened here though at all. I really don't have a clue what happened.

  47. @becca, according to the autopsy report, no way was this an accident. whoever did it wanted to intentionally hurt this poor little girl, and she suffered dearly. stunned, sexually abused, a huge blow to the skull, and strangled.

    1. The son undoubtedly did it. But it's almost impossible for a 10 year old to be prosecuted, as they have no idea what they really did.
      Also possible that was done post mortem, like immediately after death by the father to fuck up the crime scene.

  48. Strange that the DA was the father in law of Rielle Hunter aka Lisa Druck. Can we judge someone on the friends and family they keep? Ms. Hunter's wealthy father was accused of a horse-killing scandal in which horses were electrocuted to death for insurance money. She's quite the character, according to Jay McInerney and we all know how she helped the Edwards campaign.

  49. @Anothergreyhare thankyou thankyou thankyou. Well said. I am shocked at how low the bar is set here. I mean, to have any one of those two people(ratchet and countMeOut) be encouraged is beyond me. Foul foul foul. I think ratchet did finally od, or cirrhosis maybe. Rest in Peace. We'll miss you.

  50. @Anothergrayhare I come to this site for a few reasons:
    1) VIP butt shots (not her butt, specifically, though I think we can agree we'd all take a gander)
    2) Count's layered yet all-encompassing sexual harassment. It makes me feel pretty.
    3) To counteract the crippling loneliness I get from sitting under a fluorescent light all day while listening to my boss talk about his wife's IVF treatments.

    Now @VIP, bring on more butts!

    1. Anonymous10:43 PM

      Well if that's what you think then it must be right.
      I love VIP, I think the count is a tedious, infantile bore that's anal shagging joke wore out ages ago.

    2. @char: balloon knot luvin is nothing to joke about. If yours is wore out, I feel bad for the man in your life.

  51. @Kristin: I'm sure you don't need me to feel pretty. Likely just a mirror will do.

    @Rosie: I'm sure people enjoying Rach and I isn't the only thing going over your head. Likely much does and that is why you go through life so bitter.

    1. @char: I just generated how much reaction from you? I'm doing exactly what I want here. Yer my newest huckleberry, sweetie. Was it as good for you as it was for me?

    2. Haaaaaa - Ill be your huckleberry

  52. countMeOut- if by "Enties all love me" you mean the 12 fake profiles you've made to click on yourself, then yes they all love you.
    Hey, tell us: how does a Caucasian, 40-45, 5'8" 245lbs and balding plumber with Monthly L&I checks and food assistance(that you sell 50cents to the dollar)score chicks? Keep it Classy. we<3u

  53. yes, I go through "life so bitter" because things go over my head. hahahahahaha keepin it real fucker

  54. Sorry, Tworon, I have no fake profiles. Enty probably doesn't click my profile, I just use those stats to show the interest I generate. If I am generating 120 clicks to my profile in a couple days, then I am probably generating many times that in clicks to this site.

    As for your query: Charm, humor, quick wit and occasionally drugs. I'm not quite 40 and all salt and pepper yet, but once I am I'll be hoping daddy issues help me to score. Chick w/o a daddy means 50% less parental complaining about the age difference, right?

    Now how does a bitter twunce land a man? Target an alkie, so you don't have to feel guilty driving a poor schlub to drink? Find a gay dude who needs a beard? I could understand how you could land a woman, all you would have to do is find another bitter man hating twolt.

    I rock, you suck.

  55. 1) what is up with all the Rach and Count hate?
    2) fully agree with Kristin about VIP butt shots. They always win.
    3) overall the blinds are entertaining, though I do prefer quality over quantity. $0.03!

  56. Hey, whatever happened to the gal with the armpit picture? I think it as Libby. Where did she go?

  57. Oh @ Rosie, it's all in vain. Count likes to see how gross he can be and imagines all these women loving it. Most of us don't and can't be bothered to say so. It's not worth the backlash. I consider it a waste of time. It just gives him his jollies thinking he's outraged someone else, meanwhile he's like the kid at high school who says the most outrageous stuff possible to get attention. And I originally was a Count fan, before he became so crude. I read Ratchet as Rat Shit, and laughed my ass off. Let's hope she recovers and gets the dosage right next time.

  58. Oh @ Rosie, it's all in vain. Count likes to see how gross he can be and imagines all these women loving it. Most of us don't and can't be bothered to say so. It's not worth the backlash. I consider it a waste of time. It just gives him his jollies thinking he's outraged someone else, meanwhile he's like the kid at high school who says the most outrageous stuff possible to get attention. And I originally was a Count fan, before he became so crude. I read Ratchet as Rat Shit, and laughed my ass off. Let's hope she recovers and gets the dosage right next time.

  59. I was actually cruder in the beginning when I wasn't part of the discussion. Participating in the actual discussion has humanized too many of these betches and taken the edge off.

    For someone who "can't be bothered to say so" you certainly do a bunch of pissing and moaning.

    I'll try and amp up the crude for you tomorrow, if the blinds are inspirational enough.

  60. As a couple others have pointed out, anyone who thinks it was the son isn't familiar with all the facts of the case. He was only 9 or 10 at the time. It wasn't the son.

    @Anothergrayhare, you've more than made your point. Many of us can't stand whiny complainers, so pot meet kettle.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. @Becca,

    The autopsy shows sexual assault. How did the son get it up at the ripe old age of 9 and sexually assaulted his sister without leaving any DNA evidence?

    The autopsy also shows a stun gun was used. Where and how did he get a stun gun and manage to dispose of it?

    And how did a 9 year old manage to outwit the entire Denver police department and keep up the ruse for 17 years and counting?

    Not him.

  63. @becca parker: in 2008,new DNA tests are proved that the family was NOT involved in the murder of Jon Benet

    and the police also has tested all persons(police,family...) involved in this case

  64. Idk if the son did it, but trust a 9 or 10 year old boy CAN sexually assault and/or murder a 6 year old child. It happens more often than we'd like to imagine.

  65. I like Rach. She has good taste in music.

  66. I feel like the mother did it, accidentally. She wrote the "kidnapper" note. Entire cover-up paid for by the Ramseys, including the original DA's unwillingness to prosecute.

  67. Two comments makes me always pissing and moaning? What the hell does that make RatShit?

  68. I think wondering if the son did it (by accident) with a coverup is no more preposterous or ill informed than thinking some maniacal intruder carried out the act....I'm somewhat familiar with the case and there are many possibilities...and I doubt we'll ever know the truth.

  69. Funny how someone can complain about the repeat of the story on Jon Benet and they're not accused of whining and complaining but God forbid someone answer another poster about why commenters have dropped off. Bunch of f'ing hypocrites.

  70. @Burgundee,

    The original DA back in the 1990s didn't have enough evidence to prosecute and obtain a conviction.

    In 2008, new state-of-the-art DNA technology conclusively eliminated the Ramseys as possible perpetrators and they were cleared.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Don't know if I'd refer to them as completely exonerated by the touch/distal DNA testing done in 08...There is a very interesting (too much science for me) book about the case and the test by James Kolar.
    I also still question why she was wearing a brand new out of the bag, too big pair of panties when she was discovered.

  73. I always thought it was the mother. I don't believe it is the son, the crime itself being too calculated and vicious to be done by a 9 yo(unless he was Ted Bundy in training).

  74. Brenda L: I like Rach's taste in music as well.And I will admit at times she seems like she's on the manic edge and her crudeness can put me off but overall she can be really really witty! I'm actually jealous with the thoughts going through her head she writes.

    And FTR, if I recall correctly, she's never here on Fridays. Maybe she takes a break for Saturday with her husband since she's in Melbourne, Australia I believe.

    I think she's like the Count; very intelligent but just not for everyone's taste. Whatever persona they adopt I will it surmise may be very different from the people they are in real life. (I'm still convinced The Count is an accountant in Iowa.)

    So Rosie and GreyHare to sum up, I am a real person and not another profile from the count. He does actually have Jerkuladies.

    And your point of view is very valid. Not like you need someone you don't know to validate you.

    Different strokes for different folks I guess.

  75. Isn't there any DNA on the rope? Has to be!

  76. @grayhare: 2 times today, how many times in the past?

    @sherry: I couldn't hack it in Iowa. I talked to a tow truck driver from Iowa. Dude said it was a half hour down dirt roads from his parents' farm to get to a bar and 2 hours to the closest titty bar. Only reason he said he was headed back there is he didn't like northeast women.

    I have a bar 2miles in either direction from the end of my driveway and a dozen strip.clubs within about 1/2 hour. Couldn't give that up.

    1. Anonymous10:51 PM

      How many times in the past have you told people who rightly find you unfunny and forget about anyone else's arse but up your own to ignore your comments yet don't just ignore posts like this that you don't like?

    2. @char: you out yourself as a twunce. When some one calls me out or complains about me, I react. You should hit the midol and chocolate honey, it will make you feel better than crabbin on me will. Plus, chocolate don't talk back and stir you up.

  77. Remember when a certain someone dubbed Agent It as "Agent Shit"? Grayhair is giving me flashbacks with the dumbass name calling.

    Also, I believe the term ratchet was started by idiots who couldn't pronounce wretched.

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      Your point is lost by doing the very thing you are saying is wrong. Dumbass?

    2. @pip: how glorious would it be to have Agent back and a couple less miserable betches around here.

  78. Patsy definitely wrote the ransom note. The story is so bizarre. If I recall correctly there was snow on the ground, but no footprints leading to the house.

  79. ^^^ No fake modesty from you Count J. I love your posts and look forward to more filth and fury... Hopefully for your lady friends you are as much action as you are talk.; )

  80. Count, these recent days, it s all about how many times your profile is viewed, the fact that you re mentioned around, that you generate clicks ... you are starting to believe your own hype.

    But I m sure that for a guy who s barely been out of his comfort zone of porn addiction and the mastering of sexually exploiting damaged and unstable women, with a visible lack of social/personal/professional achievements, all that exposure seems to make you feel giddy.

    With this post, I even give you one more click dedicated to you. Put it in your statistics, I know it matters to you. You ve peaked as the new flavour of the site, the free-spirited, porn-shocker persona.

  81. "char said... Wow condescending much"

    "char said... Your point is lost by doing the very thing you are saying is wrong. Dumbass?"

    etc, etc, etc.

    @char, your lack of self-awareness is stunning.

    Socrates: "Know thyself"

  82. @babo, and your soap box has already bored this reader to tears.. so reaching the peak is something you should know about.

  83. @babo: it ain't my own hype, I'm no mark. There are people here who labeled me a SuperStar, women who call themselves Jerkuladies, 8600+ people who looked at my profile to either try to find out more about me or email me, and commenters on other sites who discuss me. That ain't hype, Sweet Tits, thems facts.

    I peaked a long time ago as far as what I wanted from this site. I have a hard time generating true, spur of the moment bile. The good lord jeebus has bestowed upon me a new quest though. I have been charged with protecting this site from the gaggle of twunces and tworons who used to hold sway over the comments and brow beat noobs into compliance or evacuation. I didn't ask for the job, I just stumbled into it, as they lost arguments and waddled off in huffs.

    Everytime one a them broads returns to hurl insults via an alternate screen name I win so much. The fact they embarrassed themselves so badly, using a name they were once proud of, that they can't stomach using it anymore is a huge +1 to my heart.

    There is no such thing as porn addiction, it is sex addiction w/o access to pussy or it is sex addiction w/ a boring wife.

    Mmmm. Sexually exploiting broken toys. If only I could. It takes too long to chat out the damage though. I hope one day there is an app for Google Glass that will do face recognition and intensive background checks to categorize women as you walk down the street. "Daddy Issues", "Coke Fiend", "Box of Rocks", etc floating over their heads as you double blink on one chick to search for bathroom selfies. Ya know, as ludicrous as that sounds, it is actually pretty damn plausible. My best tech idea since I suggested putting rfid chips in porn whores and mopes to contain their ID and testing info and to keep a record of who they worked with and when.

  84. I hope Enty is rewarding you for your efforts contributing to his website. Have you considered branching off and creating your own spin off website Count? If you don't I hope you won't mind if someone else does. You seem to have tapped into something I would never have thought of.

  85. @Alicia: How tall? ;) Are you still pregnant and sexy, or have you had your baby yet?

    @Snowy: I have thought about it. Cut and past articles and run creep commentary. I have also considered writing erotic/pervy tales, posting the first page worth and nicking the reader $0.99 via paypal for the dropbox link to the other 3-4 pages.

  86. Count, a whole bunch of those profile views are from me because I keep checking to see if it's you or the fake count, because a lot of the stuff you say I can't believe even you would be that repulsive, so I'm checking to see if it's the fake Count. I should've realized there's no depth to which you won't sink.

  87. @Iceberg: I hope you don't try to bill be for all the space I take up in your head.

  88. Count Jerk don't get ahead of yourself. I've clicked on your profile before and it in no way means you are a Superstar. It only means your profile was one page among the thousands of complete and utter bullshit sites I've checked out in the last 20 years.

  89. @Rose: I'm not getting ahead of myself. I'm not a SuperStar because I think it. I am a SuperStar because Lola told me I was. If you like I can post the screen cap.

  90. Not necessary, I believe you. I just don't believe it.

  91. The DNA evidence from 2008 is sketchy at best (it could have come from the underwear factory, FFS), and the DA should never have used it to issue a proclamation of innocence. That was an unprecedented move by Lacy.

    The so-called "stun gun" is also a red herring.

    Read Kolar's book. You will be amazed. I was. I know the case pretty well, and there were things in there that surprised me. I never ever thought Kolar's suspect (never named outright) capable of it, but I do now.
