Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Kelly Clarkson shows off her dancing dress.
Long time never see anywhere for Kirk Douglas.
Katie Holmes actually has friends she goes out with. Crazy.
Speaking of crazy here are Kourtney Kardashian and
Bruce and his kids while filming yesterday.
Kelly Osbourne and
Toni Braxton were at a party together last night.
Kelly Rowland wasn't there but did go to work out.
Alison Williams and Kevin Spacey share some like.


  1. Kirk Douglas is how old now?

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Folly, he's waiting for a telegram from the queen. Queen Victoria.

  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Kelly looks happy and cute. Rockabilly.

  3. Anonymous12:27 PM


  4. What Rach no soundtrack today? Come on I'm depending upon you.

  5. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Sherry: I'm listening to early Beatles. It put me off!

    1. Excellent choice. Follow that with some solo Garrison "Clod Nine" Or Stare "Blast From.Your Past" depending upon whether you want mellow or whacky. Enjoy!

    2. Anonymous12:39 PM

      @ Sherry: oooooh! More for me to check out! I've got time since I broke my ankle and am working from home. Send me more for my auditory bank.

    3. Jeebus this phone : Ringo Starr and Cloud 9. And if you can download, going with a theme here, Elton John's "Johnny's Garden".( I think that's the name) never been a Macca fan so nothing for ya there..oh wait Something from the first Wings.

  6. Forgot to say I heard that the Kartrashians are going to be cancelled or stop filming or something to that effect. Anyone know if our dreams will come true?

  7. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Another one bites the dust (Kuntrashians)
    Dancing queen (Kelly Clarkson)
    Crazy (Katie Holmes)
    And Dancing Queen a second time for Miss Kevin Spacey.

  8. Something odd about clarkson.

  9. I wonder if Kirk Douglas was the answer for the blind about the older actor that is never seen anywhere and is completely controlled.

  10. Kelly Clarkson, why do I love that chubby girl so much? She could be in my top ten of banging perfectly.
    It amuses me the fact that K.D. can still walk by himself, being 96.

  11. Stay klassy, Jenners! If you didn't want to be photographed, I don't know, maybe not hitch your wagon to the biggest famewhore on the planet.

    Katie Holmes is 5'9"! For some reason, I always thought of her as short, even next to Tom.

    I like Kelly's outfit.

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Seven: it's amazing how control and brain washing can diminish one's height. Five 9? That's my height. She needs to balance some books on her head.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Keep teaching those daughters manners, Bruce. You and Kris have done a stellar job so far with those narcissistic, texting and driving whores.

  14. I thought Khloe was supposed to be pregnant?

  15. Kelly Clarkson bugs me. Something about her seems fake, like she's supposed to be a woman's woman but really isn't.

  16. Glad to see the Kraptrashian/Jenner Klan is Keeping It Klassy.

  17. I like swampwater rock, like Webb Wilder

  18. Well TTM now I have to go listed to Webb Wilder. Swampwater rock actually sounds good. Is it like Sonny Landreth?

  19. @Sherry, it's kinda southern bluesy rock, like Howlin Wolf

  20. Spacey never fails to give me the creeps

  21. Alison Williams looks like Amanda Peet. Kevin Spacey has the creep factor in spades. Kelly Clarkson in a dress? I don't buy it.

  22. @layna, yes, she is now living her fake picture book marriage/family/kids thing she always dreamed of. Except it's not her. The only good that will come of this whole Blackstock thing is that she'll end up writing some amazing songs about the mask she wore to try to "fit in,"

  23. I love Kelly Clarkson, but I do not love her as a fake bottle blond. Back to your lovely brunette locks please, stat!
