Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Today's Blind Items- Kindness

This is not the biggest blind item in the world but I put it in this time slot because I think it shows you what you can do with not a very large budget and when you just make the effort to try and do something. This B list foreign born actor who has just taken off over the past couple of years and has always focused on movies here until now is most beloved by me for a foreign television show he was on. While he was filming his show last season he and the show's creator who is also a genius found that they had a ton of stuff left everyday from the craft service table. They started shipping the extra stuff to homeless shelters around town and food banks and then got the bright idea that they could use the budget of the show and order even more food everyday saying what they had was not enough. Soon their budget for food was enough for a group of people five times their size and not only did they manage to send thousands of dollars of food everyday to homeless shelters but also fed any homeless people who happened by the set.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love Cumberbetch for this.

  3. Poss. Cumberbatch and Mark Gatiss (Mycroft, but he is also a creator). Gatiss spends a hell of a lot more time on set.

    Anyway, love whoever is doing this.

  4. Charlie Hunan, he was on the original Queer as Folk in the UK

  5. Aww, I like nice people.

  6. Definitely some of the Sherlock folks! I have seen video of Martin Freeman giving his own personal pizza to a fan one night while they were filming. The whole crew appears to be lovely.

  7. so some of them are decent then?

  8. It cannot be cumberbatch (fucking spelling). It says "a foreign television show he WAS on", and many fans are expecting for his rebirth from Reichenbach.
    I like Gervais as a guess for this, and for the way he presented the Golden Globes, and many other things.

  9. Instead these guys should buy food from their own salaries (or better yet, make cash donations to the food banks so the charities could get exactly what their clients want/need) rsther than effectively steal from the production compsny. Not cool.

  10. Okay some really good guesses for this one.

    Chris O'Dowd Martin Freeman and to an extent Cumberbatch.

    Chris O'Dowd has the IT Crowd and has been mostly movies here other than the Christopher Guest HBO show. I think he is awesome, but does his role in Bridesmaids get him a B?

    Martin Freeman has the UK office and Sherlock if you fudge the details. Plus he is Bilbo. Just for that he might start pushing A here.

    Cumberbatch has the previously mentioned Sherlock but this could be the Parade's End miniseries. Plus the B is conspicuous.

    Wish this Richard Ayoade, but his foray into american movies flopped big time.

    Really fudging ratings, but you could argue Simon Pegg with Spaced being the show.

  11. Cumberbatch and either Gatiss or Moffat. And the "was on" means nothing - the blind doesn't say anything about the series being over. So far Cumberbatch was on Sherlock and will be on it again here (US) next year.

    My only quibble with this blind is rating Cumberbatch as a B - although he still enjoys an ensemble, he's becoming a leading man now.

  12. Chris O'Dowd. The beloved show being The IT Crowd and the genius creator of the show (Family Tree on HBO) is Christopher Guest.

  13. I think you got it, hey it's me

    I heart Chris O'Dowd

  14. Is Cumby still B? Also, he hasn't done TV here, Sherlock and Parade's End are both BBC. Could just be poorly written blindm but it sounds like the TV shows are American.

  15. I would love if this was Chris O'Dowd - there was a final show of the IT Crowd on UK tv last Friday - brilliant stuff.

  16. Hey if you knew what some production companies were claiming as "deductions" I'd rather see this

    Hollywood Reporter has Cumberbatch on the cover of their magazine with the new A list as their main feature story, I'll take HR rankings over Enty

  17. Dan Stevens. Left Downton Abbey last year and has The 5th Estate coming out, along with a movie with Liam Neeson.

  18. Wait what?? Final IT Crowd aired?? I must torrent all the bits!!

  19. I think it sounds like Chris O'Dowd.

  20. Hmm. I'm thinking Freeman - is taking off here because of Sherlock and The Hobbit...has always focused on making movies in America (Hitchhikers is one) until NOW (he was just confirmed to be starring in that new Fargo reboot). The "until now" makes Cumberbatch not viable, because he's exclusively doing films here now including Star Trek, that Assange movie, and Osage County. He's not doing a tv show/appearance "now" in America. The show Enty could like of Freeman's could be Sherlock or the original Office.

    O'Dowd has taken off in the past few years. He WAS on The IT Crowd (the "was" works here) and has done all movies in America (Bridesmaids and Friends with Kids) until now, with Family Tree created by the genius Christopher Guest.

    It's between Freeman and O'Dowd for me.

  21. I would also suggest that HBO has a smaller budget than the BBC. The BBC doesn't have a massive budget but clearly allocates a lot of it to Sherlock. HBO has Game of Thrones and so Family Tree probably has the smallest budget or one of the smallest.

  22. I'm thinking Chris O'Dowd for this - I know the old Enty mentioned his love for The IT Crowd multiple times. Plus he seems like one of the good guys.

    Whoever it is, big hugs to them - so much better than "the hookers and blow for the big star" that seems to be incorporated into most budgets.

  23. I didn't know there was a final IT Crowd! @Cara, it's called "The Last Byte." Woot!

    Love, love, love Chris O'Dowd and Richard Ayoade.

  24. Actually, it's going around the web as "The Last Byte" but actual name is "The Internet is Coming"... per Graham L on Twitter :) It's v. funny.

    1. @Snapdragon, thanks! I found it on a tor as The Last Byte. Only caught the first few minutes with the coffee guy, can't wait to finish it!

      I need to rewatch Bridesmaids. I believe I was tipsy the time I saw it, because I only remember Jon Hamm being a complete jerk in one scene (with the caterer? is that the right movie?).

  25. Oh, the final IT Crowd was full on laughing for a whole hour. Brought back lots of good memories.

  26. being generous with someone else's money/stuff is not awesome or noble. even when "everybody does it", it's called stealing.

  27. The food is already paid for from an approved budget and would just go to waste otherwise. I think it's great.

  28. Some may consider it stealing and I will admit adding more onto the production company has pushed it into that territory but them giving away the extra was a kind touch. So much good food thrown away every day. The company I worked for did and we tried everything we could to donate but laws prevented it from being done. Sad.

    1. @Sherry you're right. I'm calling BS on this. Most (if not all) shelters cannot legally accept food that has been opened/prepared.

  29. The last IT Crowd was great. And it was nice to see Richmond the Goth again.
    We caught a glimpse of Moss' mum & Moss discovered confidence (by wearing woman's slacks) & described himself as "a young Leonard Kravitz" which seeing as Enty or main Enty is a fan, might explain the mini Lenny Kravitz revival here over the past week - Kravitz was described as 'cool' in the random photos yesterday,
    There was also a fleeting little tribute to the legendary Father Ted & Matt Berry continues to be the finest human in existence.

  30. For what it's worth, a few years ago I went to a Dragoncon panel with an actor who'd done quite a bit of TV both in the UK and US. He said that American productions were far more enjoyable in large part because the craft services tables were amazing -- but that the BBC catering was notoriously skint, and the productions themselves had much lower budgets. Plus, the BBC is taxpayer-funded, so I doubt the producer could get away with overcharging the bosses.

    That said, I'd love for this to be O'Dowd & Guest or even Cumberbatch & Moffat. It could also be Matt Smith from Doctor Who, which films in Cardiff (the blind item says "town"), and Enty has said several times that he's a DW fan.

  31. I so wish it was Mr Bean. Rowan Atkinson.

  32. I so wish it was Mr Bean. Rowan Atkinson.

  33. Why not Chris Hemsworth, show is Home and Away, not sure if it's on in the UK but I've seen it in the UK and South Africa.

    1. Also Summer Bay is a real town, not too far from Sydney. And considering how laidback Aussies are, they'd be chilled out enough to accept opened food if it meant someone didn't go to bed hungry.
