Thursday, October 03, 2013

Your Turn

How long could you go without using your cell phone?


  1. As a phone, days.

    To surf the web or text or play games or take pics, couple hours.

  2. I actually didn't use mine for a week on my last vacation. I texted everyone to say I'd arrived and put it away. Didn't use it again til I got home.
    Now my tablet on the other hand?
    Oh hell no.
    You'll pry that from my cold dead hands.

  3. I can't. I did go mostly without it for a few days when I was in Mexico except for talking to my daughter and a few texts to my business partner. I was in Israel recently and I lived on the app viber. It's all free!!

  4. I barely use my phone anyway. I often either leave it at home or switch it off & forget about it. I still have a Motorola Razr from like 2005 or something, just does texts & calls, perfect.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I usually call a friend or family member every day, but apart from that I rarely use it.

  7. I could throw it in the ocean and not give an eff. It's so distracting. I cringe when I'm at an event - like a concert - and people are viewing it through their cellie instead of using their own two eyes. Because, honestly, are you REALLY going to go back and rewatch all of your shitty cell phone videos?

  8. The amount of time to takes to recharge.

  9. sorry i'm late posting- got a text.

  10. The time I need to see what hour I'm living for I use it as a expensive watch. Internet in a phone is unlovely, I don't like to make photos and I fucking hate people too much to talk to them on a daily basis. The only reason I have one is because it can be an insurance in case I get lost somewhere or have some accident.

  11. I accidentally left my phone at work the other day and I was mad-dogging it all night long on my computer find my ipone app from home because I just knew some scallywag was gonna come and take it. I also reached for it about every 45 seconds. I need help.

  12. Coupla hours. I use it for EVERYTHING-weather, news, maps, time, coupons, look stuff up, games.

  13. it's been like 3 months.
    i got used to it.

  14. An hour or two at best. I'm an addict.

  15. 10 months ish. That was my longest deployment.

  16. At least two weeks. I mostly use mine as a watch.

  17. good one VIP

    probably awhile-not a phone slave

  18. On holidays, don't want it. Every day life, I like having it, even if I'm not using it. I find it strange how much I want to have it near me when I grew up without anything like it & was very happy.

  19. Couldn't care less about my phone, except that my son keeps in touch by text now. If not for that, I'd miss my laptop more.

  20. What do you MEAN without? *panics*

  21. It says here I last made a call on Sept. 23 and the last incoming was Sept. 6. I carry it every day so the wife can call me if she has an emergency. Also so I can call 911 in case of heart attack, stroke, etc.

  22. I hate talking on the phone, so I could go forever without using it that way. I use all the other features every few minutes!

  23. The rest of my life if I was lucky enough.

  24. Forever. I hate phones most of the time.

  25. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....there, I think I did pretty good!
