Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Amber Riley Wins Dancing With The Stars

There were enough Glee fans watching Dancing With The Stars to give Amber Riley the Mirror Ball trophy last night on the finale of Dancing With The Stars. This means that the a-hole Derek Hough has now managed to help five women win the competition. Currently there are two professionals tied with two wins a piece. Amber said she did it for all the women in the world who don't think they can do something because of their size. It also helps to win if you have been dancing on a network show for the past five years.

Kelly Osbourne's supremacy in her own family is assured after Jack Osbourne finished third. Kelly previously finished second in the show. Second this time went to Corbin Bleu who I thought would win but having Karina Smirnoff suck the life out of him each week probably was his downfall.

I think it's amazing that Amber won the show and I thought at best she would finish top 5. Of course I also thought that Bill Engvall would get eliminated much earlier and that Kim Kardashian would crash the stage and snatch the trophy from Amber's hands while screaming that she deserved to win it. Yeah, I have a lot of time on my hands.


  1. I thought Kelly finished third in her year...

  2. I thought Glee ended?

  3. Congrats to all the women who are not size 0's even if she won because of all the Glee fans phoning in. GET IT GIRLLLLLL!

  4. Yay, this makes me happy! I don't watch this stupid show but I absolutely Amber, congrats lady!

  5. Dear Enty,
    Stop riding Kim's jock. It's creepy and pathetic.

    1. No need to interject a kartrashian reference in every blind.

  6. Also, I would hardly consider the moves they do on glee dancing. I think it is more moving with style. Why is there never any outrage when gymnasts or pussycat dolls compete?

  7. Any of the three coulda won and I would have been happy. Hough may very well be an ass, but he is one of the best at dance and choreography.

  8. I'm glad she won too. Nice to see a full figured woman of color take home the prize. And the reason why Derek's partners win is he choreographs for them to be front and center in the dance. I think he's creepy too but Amber looked amazing week after week. (My husband made me watch reality tv. I'm so ashamed)

  9. Amber definitely deserved to win. What they do on Glee is in no way comparative to what they do on DWTS. She rocked it and made it look damn good. She killed it even with a knee injury every week! Kudos to Amber for doing the damn thing. That freestyle was A+Mazing!

  10. PugsterMom you are correct, Kelly Osbourne did finish 3rd. Just like her brother.

    Somebody needs a fact checker.

  11. I am happy with Amber's win, as she apparently is not the typical professional dancer that comes on the show. I Loved the "step routine".

    I voted for Jack Osbourn as he truly represented the purpose of DWTS - make a dancer out of someone who is not. He was a joy to cheer for and I hope this opens more doors for him.

    Derek Hough may be an a**, but he is the Fred Astaire for this generation. Wow.

  12. Yay Amber!

    I don't mind Derek winning because he is a good choreographer and seems to be very kind to his partners. outside of the show....who cares.

    I think Jack wins because he danced with MS and stuck with it even when he was not feeling good. He most definitely seems to have gotten a lot of satisfaction from being on the show so I'm glad he made it to the end.

    I didn't care for Corbin much.

  13. I was on the Derek-Amber train. Whatever you think of his personality, he is a genius at choreography. His work last season with Kellie Pickler was amazing and the jazz routine this year was amazing.

  14. JW,

    Agree. He is head-and-shoulders, the best coach and choreographer on the show.

  15. Derek is amazing....yea for Amber!

  16. Derek is the best, I don't care if he's gay or straight, or if he's an asshole. He can dance & is an excellent choreographer. Amber showed she could move from the beginning. She won because she was the best. Jack came close, but she deserved the win. Corbin deserved 3rd place because he's a trained dancer. He was on Broadway. I don't like when the person is a trained dancer, but they're running out of good celebs. Christna Milian would have won if she stayed, or maybe Snooki.
