Friday, November 22, 2013

Blind Item #10

This B list celebrity/reality star/judge/talk show host got spittle all over a woman at a store last week after the woman brought out the wrong size dress for the B lister. Apparently the size was one larger than the B lister asked for and the B lister accused the woman of calling her fat. It was unreal and uncalled for.


  1. sharon or kelly osbourne

  2. My guess is sharon. She's a huge diva but always tries to downplay it.

  3. Mario Lopez. She's not a size zero no matter what she says.

  4. Women can be crazy if you get them the wrong size. I have worked with women in clothing and the dressing rooms can be very ugly with lots of crying. I have been screamed at because people felt our sizes were too big or too small. It was rare to have someone yell at me, but if they did I ignored them the rest of the time and they had a hard time checking out.

  5. lolll seven of eleven--my fav line from that movie!!!!

  6. Bethenny's not a judge.

  7. Could be Kelly also, she's got serious weight issues in her head.

  8. Kelly isn't a judge of anything.

  9. So what's the big F*ckin' deal, do these people wear their clothes inside out so the size tag shows?

    Get upset over part of a finger in your salad or something!

  10. Del-its a huge deal to some people! They dont care uf dress has to be sewn on them, they are gonna stick with their size no matter what!!! I worked in ob/gyn office- you should hear the hysteria if you even SUGGEST a 45 year old woman may be in menopause!!!!! Ridic!!!!!

  11. Getting all bent out of shape about your body/age? People are stupid. That is all.

  12. Maybe she said it jokingly?

  13. Speaking of Sharon, the other day my mom had The Talk on. They were discussing the Canadian Mayor who is accused of smoking crack. She was acting super judgy judge rain about his drug use. Really Sharon??? Your hubs & kids have done more drugs combined than most of the world!!! When it's ozzy or Kelly or jack, it's an illness they need help for. But she looks down on this guy???? She needs to STFU. She was bitching about all the reality shows that are in now....a trend she started!!!! The Osbornes led the way for ppl like the Kardashians. Boy she's gotten delusional in her older years.

  14. Hannah: He mot only is accused of smoking crack, he has admitted to that and other acts of debauchery. Second, the difference between the Osbournes and Rob Ford, other than they're riding the same crazy train, is that Ford is the mayor of the largest freaking city in Canada.
    No malice intended.

    1. By no means do I think rob ford is a saint, lol! But, I was just suprised by her reaction. Simply because they've definitely dealt with their own issues with scandal. Here's hoping Rob doesn't start eating animal heads!!!

  15. Yeah ever watch What Not to Wear Woman and these women will refuse to buy larger clothes even thought they are actually up one to several sizes and they look hideous, like exploding sausages.

  16. Sorry Megley Rob Ford has never bitten a head off a bat so far as anyone knows. Besides a lot of mayors have done much worse. Long as we don't start seeing nude photos of the Fordster like the Weiner dude.

    1. LOL!!!!! Wow, I hope we never have to see that!!!

  17. Never mind the dress try to bring them the size shoe their foot really is!

  18. Sharon was on America's Got Talent also, another reality show.

  19. Can you imagine what Rob Ford smells like?

  20. Reminder of that sorry story about Liza (with a "z!")

  21. I wouldn't call being drunk in public a few times "other acts of debauchery". He smoked crack a couple of times, got caught, and still saves Toronto money. He has huge (no pun intended) support locally. He has quit drinking, is at the gym every day, is undergoing counselling for his obviously stupid comments and actions and has vowed to clean up his act. He's our neighbour, so we'll see how he does.

  22. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Years ago I was at Victoria's Secret an was being fitted for a bra. The sales lady put the measuring tape around me to get the chest measurement which needs to end at the nipple. She didn't get it right and said oh, well let me put it lower. Emphasis on the lower. The betch was trying to say my tits was lower than they should be.
    My point is that salesladies can be cunty. Not that this onewas.
