Friday, November 29, 2013

Blind Item #11

This former reality star turned C+ list actress and A list cheater is being the biggest diva on the set of her new movie. There is not an hour that goes by that she is not demanding something from the crew and constantly reminds them she is the star of the movie (so low low low budget) and they are lucky to be working. She is constantly threatening them with being fired and because she is having sex with a producer who is also married she probably would get them fired.


  1. Why isn't this easy-easy with the story a few weeks ago headlined "Katharine McPhee Still Wants Married Director Michael Morris - DaRting Other Guys For Now - No Divorce Plans"?

    (She's filming a movie in Vancouver.)

    1. Seven, not to be a grammEr nazi or anything but that should be "dating" not "daRting".

    2. @Harry, not to be a grammar nazi or anything, but spelling is not the same as grammar, even if the misspelling is intentional.

    3. Typos, Harry, there were typos! Typos that now mysteriously disappeared...dun dun DUN!!

    4. Ok, maybe my target selection skills need a little improvement, but I ain't done. You're BOTH goin' down.. and your little dogs too.

    5. I don't wanna to scare you, Harry, but I have a pretty awesome protector out there. That is probably eating leftovers and not commenting. But you never know!

  2. She's a nasty piece of work isn't she.

  3. I was about to say the same thing Reno. Her fall will be greatly rejoiced by many.

  4. I think she fell along time ago. She is a bottomfeeder just trying to hang on to any gig she can get by fucking her way through it.

    All around, pretty pathetic.

    1. But that describes sooo many of them,sadly.

  5. @ Seven I see whatcho did. Nicely played.

  6. Yikes, she really is a ho bag, isn't she? #TeamMaryM

    I hated her on American Idol, and haven't seen anything she's done since.
