Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blind Item #1

At an event the other day this A list rapper/celebrity and wannabe designer was speaking to two men about his wannabe career and kept referring to his b**ch and how b**tch does this and b**tch does that and one of the men finally asked who he was referring to and the A lister pointed at his girlfriend and said, "that b**ch over there." Maybe he was going for the shock factor?


  1. Nick Cannon

    (kidding. But that would be funny.)

  2. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Not first time he talks like that about Kim.. he calls her b*** all the time

  3. he wrote a whole song about her caled "perfect bitch"...must be love. Am I the only one who watched that soft core porn Kanye called a music video, with him fucking her on a damn motorcycle?!!! I don't think I've laughe so hard all year.

  4. Excuse all of my typos, I'm commenting from the skies and its so dark on this plane I cant see a damn thing.

  5. Excuse all of my typos, I'm commenting from the skies and its so dark on this plane I cant see a damn thing.

  6. nice respectful language......what a prize he is

  7. Kanye, she isn't your bitch, she is your ho.

  8. Yup, Kanye. So, was he trying to pick these guys up?

  9. Are we sure he pointed at her. Could have been a mirror.

  10. At Harvard?!?!?!?!!! No class. Either of them.

  11. @hollywood dime, I watched it yesterday on dlisted. I think my neighbors might have been disturbed by the howls of laughter!

    Kim was the best part of the video. Her hair blowing backward, her completely vapid face the entire time, her hand placement, the OBVIOUS photoshopping of her body - that was a work of art, only rivaled by the portrait studio backgrounds!

    After watching that, I'm starting to believe the rumors that he had some brain damage from a car accident.

  12. Lovely. I watched that video from the link on Dlisted. It sounds like cats yodeling and Kim looks like a Bratz doll smeared in vaseline.

  13. I had no interest in this video til I read the comments here. Thank u readers I need a good laugh!

  14. The uncensored video on her website. Make sure you read the comments so you can see gems like this:

    She’s an example of empowerment to curvy females everywhere and this is all in ode to convey a message of strength! Don’t you understand the power of a woman’s divinity let alone the love of two beings and their vulnerabilities? This video celebrates art and life in which life has imitated art. She’s a video vixen yes and always has been plus she always will be. This is where it all began for her. The camera loves her and you are watching:o) As far as the relationship is concerned, He liked it and he finally put a ring on it. They are happy. End of story!

    1. @SevenofEleven Haven't been able to post recently because of a crazy two weeks. Thank you for posting that. Best laugh I've had in awhile. Really needed it so TY again.

    2. Since I had already seen her first sex tape with her old face, pre-Siamese cat face, I can confirm that she had the same vacant expression in both.
      The Photo shoppers deserve about a million awards for all the eye strain and carpal tunnel.

  15. Wow never saw that vid before----what a piece of art!!!!!

    totally hilarious

    I take back my earlier comment-these two are perfect for each other-they deserve each other

    wait until this flames out-it will be a scream

  16. What is different in the uncensored version? I was too embarrassed for them to watch it again all the way through. "I want to f*^k you hard in the sink and then get you something to drink"? Surely this is really an elaborate joke. But it doesn't work as a joke if no one can tell it's a joke. I feel sorry for whoever at his label or on his management team could see the disaster coming and could not do anything to stop it. It's so cringe-worthy that I feel I need to hide for a few days until it goes away.

  17. As long as women have pussies there will always be empowerment.

  18. ugh, Why the huge delight in calling women foul names? I dont run around calling my hubby my asshole! Because its not nice or true.


  20. I really didn't want to watch this video but after reading these comments, I had to. This is easily Kanye's worst video. His first 3 LPs were fucking boss. This is awful. I really do hope Kim is his downfall. Her photoshopped body is fantastic.

  21. Isn't Kanye the mitch?

  22. That video looks like something a stoned college kid with a laptop, a green sheet, and a pirated copy of Adobe Premiere Pro could produce.

    I take that back. College kids would put together a much better video.

  23. I've seen blowup dolls with more acting range than Kim. That song is a mess

  24. This? This is what the GREAT KANYE puts out as "music"? Dear God, has humanity lost ALL sense of values, is there NO one to say "this emporer has no talent"? (and netiher does his bitch.)

  25. That piece of junk is absolutely ridiculous.

    Bitch better have a prenup.
    Whores be greedy.

  26. Wow, that video was the stupidest thing I have seen in a long time. Two questions. Why don't they have any visible chemistry? They had absolutely none. And what happened to Kim's face? Her lips and nose look awful.

  27. Okay, that video is a joke right?

  28. Weird...Kim looks exactly like Jennifer Lopez. Like twins.
