Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blind Item #2

This B list mostly movie actress with the C list talent and the A list looks has been a regular visitor to the craft service area on her latest movie. Every one remarks to her how she can eat what she does and stay looking so thin. What they don't know is that whatever she eats in front of the other cast and crew gets thrown up the second she walks back to her trailer and the pile of food on her plate goes straight in the trash. Our actress has severe bulimia but was thought to have been ok for years. After her last pregnancy though, the actress has dropped twenty pounds lower than she has been in her life and looks like a skeleton.


  1. Anonymous7:38 AM

    What a way to live your life.

  2. All that money....and they want u stick thin in Hollywood. Sad....I would be so happy to have FOOD in my kitchen. I really don't know how these women can stand it. You have fame & riches, but you can't eat...fuck that noise.

  3. Have you heard the one about the B- list celebrity with C- looks but D list talent who has a B list dog and dates this A- reality star who, on a good day is a solid C list singer?

  4. From what little I know about Jessica Alba, she has two kids and a stay-at-home husband she provides for, has an organic products business that is not doing well, and is on the wrong side of 30 when it comes to ingenue parts, which is what she is best suited for. (It's not like she'll be going for the Meryl Streep parts once Streep retires.) Alba must be under a tremendous amount of stress, and I could see how that might trigger an eating disorder.

  5. Amen Hannah! I was an actor and I was thin because I couldn't afford to eat. Eating is the most wonderful thing on the planet. I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation of the craft table.

  6. Is Alba a major bitch or something? She seems pretty low key in general, but Enty has an obsession with her, constantly snarking yet choosing to post photos of her on a regular basis.

    Besides a recent reveal where she got it on with 50 cent ages ago, is there some other "bomb" that's been dropped about her? Does she slap assistants? Sleep with kids? "SWAT" fellow celebs that she doesn't like?

    I've gotta be missing something more than "she gets by on her looks", right? If I thought someone was truly that bad, I wouldn't give them any attention or press. Then again, I don't run a blog.

  7. Nom: apparently no one runs this one, either.

  8. Agree, Nutty. I don't think Alba has it easy at all.

  9. Anonymous8:47 AM

    It sounds like alba but she hadn't been looking extra thin? But enty seems to exaggerate weightloss often

  10. Mmmmmmm. Bulimics and their lack of a gag reflex. Certainly on my bucket list.

  11. There've been plenty of pictures of Alba on the set of How to Make Love Like an Englishman and plenty of pap shots, and she doesn't look like a skeleton, she looks great.

    I also doubt she'd make a show of gorging at the Craft Services table when she's trying to make a go of a business that's based in large part on a "healthy eating" lifestyle. Whatever you want to say about her, she's not that kind of stupid.

  12. Ya, I don't think Alba looks skeletal at all

  13. @Count...the downside is their breath smells like puke and their bones poke you.

  14. @Nutty, Honest just raised another $25MM in VC funding so someone has to believe in the shit she's pushing.

  15. Jessica Alba is actually a fairly nice, charitable person, so I think the snark toward her is more about her absolute lack of acting talent.

    She looks very thin in these photos, taken just the other night:

  16. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Alba's always posting pictures of food on her instagram.
    and i always see them and wonder how she stays so thin.

  17. Very, very sad. There is so much shame involved in this illness and stigmatizing, mocking and uneducated remarks like people are making on here right now is why so many suffer behind closed doors and are afraid to get help.

  18. @Brainy Angel: yer still not swaying me away. I have my own padding and always bring Scope to liaisons. Plus, if she knows what she's doing, her breath will smell like jizz by the time she leaves.

  19. Could this be Lena Dunham?
