Friday, November 22, 2013

Blind Item #4

This View host is famous for walking out of a restaurant and not paying the bill. She assumes someone will pay it for her or that management will comp her. Her practice has led her to be denied entrance to a couple of hot spots around town.


  1. Jenny? Can't see Whoopi doing that.

  2. Star Jones used to pull this kind of shit, except with tips. Too bad she left The View, 'cause I got nothing.

  3. It always amazed me that people with lots of money who can afford to wat and shop in nice places dont actually have to pay for it. :(

  4. Jenny is so new though and already in jeopardy of losing her seat on the show. Barbara perhaps? She's big enough to get away with it, but would any restaurant actually ban her?

  5. It's either Babs or sherry

  6. Jenny won't be there long…

  7. This kind of shit pisses me off. Fucking assholes.

    It really does. ;(

  8. I can't see anyone denying Babs a seat anywhere. Her face is on the walls of many a NYC joint.

    Sherry "the world is flat" strikes me as dumb enough to keep trying this, though. I wish she hadn't done the View because I like her as an actor. Like finding out Jack Donaghy is a douche IRL.

  9. Barbara. Did you see the article about going to a movie with four assistants who had to clean her glasses for her and then proceeded to talk through the whole thing asking assistants questions about the plot cause she was such a lame brain she couldn't figure it out? Of course annoying everyone around queen Barbara.

  10. Wasn't Sherry revealed as being a Kate Gosslein 2.0 after she was on DWTS? I could believe this of her. Barbara seems way too classy for this.

  11. Id say sherry does seem dumb enough,byt barbra entitled and head stuck up her own ass enough. No disrespect.

  12. I dont see barbara acting like this. She knows value of a dollar, she supported her mother father and retarded teenage brother forever. How about whoopi? Shes dopey.

    1. You gonna get eaten for using the word retarded, auntliddy. Not by me though.

    2. It was her sister, not her brother.

    3. Please don't use that word!! It's very offensive!

    4. Zero offense intended. Sorry.

  13. I don't think Barbara needs to be comped because she wouldn't go to a place by herself which means someone else is paying anyhow. Whooping could be arrogant enough to pull rank tho.

  14. I remember watching the View and Rosie was discussing how Barbara never eats and will order an entree and just pic at it and play with her fork to look like she was eating. I dont think it is her. Besides she is a producer of the show so if she is expecting the View to pay for it then it is basically coming out her pocket anyway...

  15. Seriously, Aunt Liddy! Use your nice words. When I read the word 'retarded' in replies, its like hearing nails on a chalkboard. No Ma'am!

  16. It's Barbara. She pulls that entitled shit in boutiques, too. I think the 'banned' part is a red herring to make you think it's another one of the hosts, but this is for sure Barbara.

  17. This can only be Barbara, from another era. Still deserves it, imo. Whoopi is too honest to do this.

  18. Babs. But the entitlement on that show is over the top, anyway. I'd rather have a root canal than watch that mess.

  19. I think it's Whoopi. She strikes me as the type who would think that a meal would be paid for simply by her patronizing the restaurant.

  20. Babs' dad ran a nightclub. I can not see her pulling a stunt like.

  21. auntliddy: that's okay with me. Sticks and stones, and all that. If I took umbrage at every word deemed offensive, I'd have time for nothing else. Some battles aren't worth it. And what happened to living by that adage?

  22. Taylor Swift used to do this after she had gone on tour but before her big national Kanye moment that made her famous.

  23. Whoopi. She has a rep among normal people associated with the business as being one of the "no direct eye contact" types. According to a woman I know whose husband has dealings with her, and she has dined at their home.

  24. But don't forget that Babs is older; brains don't function all that well at that age.

    Translation: She's old as fuck and can't remember shit.

    The words are different, but the intent is the same.

  25. Barbara has been famous FOREVER, and to be honest, I don't see any restaurant manager denying her patronage, whether she pays or not. She has too many VERY powerful friends she could take away from their establishment, too. Whoopi is too entrenched with the power folks, too, and would totally out the establishment publicly--probably on the show. Jenny is too new. It's got to be Sherry because other than that show, who the hell is she? Just another B-lister.

  26. I agree that Barbara would be comped and people would be excited to have her eating at their place. I could honestly see it being Whoopi, Sherry, or Jenny. I don't know if anyone else is on that show.

  27. Since 'the r word' has come up, I have a question--what is the correct term to use? Mentally handicapped, or mentally disabled? Or something else? I've heard people say "handicapped" is offensive (whether you mean mentally or physically).

    I'm curious because I can see auntliddy clearly didn't mean it to be insulting, and for a lot of us it's just confusing because we want to say the right thing but are unsure of what that is. But I'd like someone to educate me on the subject.

    Thanks :)

    1. Developmentally delayed

    2. Had same question thanks.

    3. As a special Ed teacher, the "PC" terms preferred are intellectually disabled (that's more in the academia field) or . Some prefer differently-abled. It's a big soup bowl filled with alphabet soup.

      People first language. Ie "I have a student with an intellectual disability" over "I have a disabled student" is much preferred. because with the latter when you put the disability first it is all that defines the person, like there is nothing else. When you put the person first followed by the disability, it is saying it is not the only thing that defines the person.

  28. OK-This is the difference between being PC and cruel. Using the R word is cruel and hurtful and breaks the heart of innocent people like my late sister who did not ask to be born like that and really wished that she had the advantages of those other people who would call her that terrible name. "Handicapped" or "Disabled" may not be politically correct, but they don't cause the same pain and terrifying gut reaction as the R word. The R word is used by people whose purpose is to abuse the mentally disabled.

  29. And for those apologists who say that they don't mean any offense by using the R word-BULLSHIT! Don't try to tell me that you have never been in a schoolyard or playground where that word was used to bully, abuse, and terrify a child with special needs.

  30. This is Whoopi. This is bizarre but before Whoopi joined the View she became a fixture near where I live. This is when she didn't have much going on professionally. She became friends with a restaurant owner and in the summers would come and bartend. It was really weird because we aren't anywhere hip or glamorous and it's not like she needed the money. Anyway it was reported that she was horrible to people. I think she invested in the restaurant and felt entitled to be there. If she was friendly and nice it wouldn't be as weird but apparently she has a giant superiority complex. Don't know if she still comes I haven't heard a thing about it the last several years.

    1. @M.Brown, do you live on the Enterprise? Because she did the same thing there.

      [Snicker ... Star Trek TNG nerd-alert :]

    2. You're right! That's funny. No just in New England.

  31. Political correctness is nonsense.

    If someone calls someone else a retarded gay nigger, it won't change his prospects of getting accepted, being a mentally disabled homosexual African-American.

    The belief that the meaning of anyone would be different by using different vocabulary is hopelessly naive and thoroughly wishful.

  32. I was in the airport in key west in 99 or 00 and Carson Daly + Tata Reid did this. It was incredibly awkward because our flight was delayed and it was the only restaurant in a very small airport, so the waitress realized what had happened and ran out afterwards screaming and waving the bill. They had nowhere to hide and looked like the complete assholes they are.

  33. @Lily
    I do believe Tata would also work in this case! :)

  34. politically correct is all a bunch of BS... Retarded means to be delayed, move more slowly, or be less advanced-mentally, physically or emotionally.. there is NOTHING wrong with describing something-especially when, in somecases, YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS ACCEPTABLE right now.. BUT, yes, going up and calling someone, ANYONE, RETARDED-whether they are, or not, is WRONG, HATEFUL, AND HURTFUL. Calling a child 'developement disabled'-WELL, that would be hurtful too.. if used in a hurtful way.

    I just do not like when people come down on others who do not use it as a hurtful word.. as in posting it 'inocently'in a sentence (as opposed to calling another poster a 'R') It would be different if they went up to MY kid or any other kid who had problems and used the word.

  35. Thanks all for weighing in about the proper terminology for those with mental/intellectual delays/disabilities. Unfortunately I'm still confused about what the right thing to say is. "Retarded" was a word that was turned into an insult by hateful people--they took that word and used it as another way to call someone stupid. No matter what terminology we use to describe those with mental disabilities, hateful people can always take those terms and adopt them as slang for insults.

    About 15 years ago it was popular for high schoolers to say "oh that's so gay" instead of saying "that sucks" or "that's stupid". People can take any word they want and change the intent so it becomes something horrible. "Gay" is not a bad word. "Gay" is meant to describe something as "homosexual" not to be an insult. Now it's happening with the word "fag" which is a word that I find offensive and don't use. For words like "fag" and "the 'n' word", I think they shouldn't be used at all because it's hard to think of a time when they weren't used in a hurtful, hateful way.

    My friend has a daughter with Down Syndrome. I don't worry about the proper terminology for her abilities because I know the name of her condition and just use that instead. If she's being discussed in a way where her condition comes up (like we're talking about the special classes she goes to and the different programs she's in with other kids who have Down Syndrome) I wouldn't say "mentally handicapped" or "developmentally disabled," I'd just say "Down Syndrome." I just don't know what terminology to use for a child who has something other than Down Syndrome. When I was a kid, the term was "mentally retarded" and no one went around yelling "retard" as an insult for stupid.

    Please don't assume that people who say "mentally retarded" when discussing the developmentally disabled are being hateful. Using it in that capacity is completely different than hurling it at someone as an insult. I asked a simple question--what is the PC term we should be using instead? No one had the same answer. Some people were offended by the alternatives suggested. This is why it's a hard road to navigate. I find it annoying that auntliddy got called out as if she had used it as an insulting way to call someone stupid. No one was able to provide the proper alternative, so quit being so judgey when people are trying to be as PC as possible and THEIR INTENTIONS WERE OBVIOUSLY GOOD.
