Friday, November 15, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A list television/B list movie actor would blow a gasket if he knew that his wife was calling the paps each time before they leave the house. He threatened to leave her last year after he caught her doing it but she hasn't stopped. She loves having them take her photo.


  1. Replies
    1. Ring the bell, Kristin got this timely blind about famous camerager Hulk Baldwin, in 1. He has a disease I call lividiocy.

  2. timely blind also

  3. I was thinking maybe ANDY GARCIA might be a possible guess on this most frontal of Fridays

  4. Alec and Hilaria (or whatever)

  5. Take your pick. Really.

  6. I thought Liev Schreiber as they are ALWAYS pap photos of him and Naomi doing stuff with their kids. And he NEVER looks happy about it. Well, he never looks happy about it full stop really

  7. @talkstoomuch I agree. This is possibly Andy Garcia.

    Or Alec Baldwin.

  8. Wouldja lookit that?? Hothotheat also thinks it might be ANDY GARCIA on FRIDAY.

  9. Sooner or later Alec is going to smack her, if he hasn't already. With his temper, this guy is a hitter. I just fucking know it. There is a video at Kardashian Family Network (aka TMZ) showing Baldwin chasing the paps around his street.

  10. Hiiilllaaarrriiiiaaa!

  11. Oh for sure, Alec. Ratings fit and he just had a fit - on a day he should have been happy - at a pap.

  12. Alec…she's a little fame whore…he sure can pick them..

  13. Hiiilllaaarrriiiaaa!!!

    Does anyone else giggle when they type that out?

    1. I picture the Addams family, EVERY TIME! Snicker..

  14. Ya know, Alec Baldwin would be a good sleeper pick in a death pool. He gonna work himself into a massive heart attack some day.

  15. I was going to say Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudekis. How could Baldwin not already figure out Hilaria is tipping off the paps all the time.

    Liev is just not a jovial guy as a rule. He's Mr. Serious.

  16. Did Baldwin make yet another gay insult? I am shocked there isn't a rainbow army camped out on his doorstep.

    Methinks he doth protest too much. Self loathing is so sad.

  17. How does Baldwin keep getting away with his behaviour. Maybe he can step in as Mayor of Toronto.

  18. Is Liev on tv? If not, then it's not him.

  19. Liev on cable show. Why does everyone assume its Hilarious? Why wld she do that? Not saying she didn't just wonder on what u basing her so into publicity?

  20. Count, Baldwin is in my top 50 Dead Pool. When it comes tome to place the bets and lock in top ten next month, I might do him as a wild card. But, then there's Ephron, Bynes, Culkin, Demi, LiLo, Joe Jonas...could be left fielder like Biebs or MC, or a lesser tweener. That kid from Twilight that pissed in the airport, need to update that.

    Andy Cooper and many more shut down Baldwin on Twitter. Maddow looks like a toady not posting about it. Even human ventriloquist dummy, David Schuster, was throwing down.
