Saturday, November 16, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

May 13, 2013

Thisclose to A list in both movies and television, this actor has a big temper. Not for the first time, and certainly, not for the last he yelled at his wife. Before they got married he would yell at her in front of friends and family and strangers to let her know what she was doing wrong or how she had displeased him. Lately he has been doing better, or at least trying to keep his yelling to a minimum and at home. For the past week though he has been on her every chance he gets telling her he knows she is focusing on exploiting his name for her gain and that she needs to stay at home and take care of him and not be traveling all over the place using his good name.

Alec Baldwin


  1. it doesn't work,we see them or her every day in the tabloids

    1. This is from May. She disappeared for a few weeks back then. You know, heavily preggers, dropping the kid.

  2. Then stop marrying fame whores you drama/anger addict, geez. (guess we haven't quite figured out that you're creating you're own sh** dumbass).

  3. She must've taken it in the poop chute to get him to participate in that HILLLLLARIA yoga video...

  4. Awwww he thought she married him because he's so wonderful & loves him!


  5. Alec Baldwin is such a dick

  6. Not sure either of them is correct in assuming the power or goodness of his name. Beetlejuice was the last thing I saw him in.

  7. He must be seeing the same therapist Woody Allen saw when he decided it was okeydoke to f#ck his step daughter. Ah the endless enabling of bad behavior. Can't wait for new vmail from the latest little pig!

  8. I think he could yell at her all day she is not going back to being a $10 bucks an hour yoga teacher having to smell her students yoga farts all day.

    She got the kid now so she fulfilled her gold digger duties.

  9. Big deal. She knew exactly what she was getting into and was blinded by dollar signs. Somebody wake me up when he hits her.

  10. Ugh, asshole day?

    I'm going back to BatKid...

  11. @gypsy The greatness of Beetlejuice should not be under estimated.

    Despite his assholeness, he does continue to work because he's good and professional. It's just his temper outside of work that's the problem.

    I think they deserve each other but I feel bad for people when others exploit them. I'm sure he thought she loved him for him.

  12. I love Beetlejuice!!

    But I don't feel bad for either of them. He only believed she loved him because he is an egocentric jackass, she got her paps and he got his little trophy.
    My pity is for the innocent children born to these meglomaniacs.

  13. Yeah good luck with that Alec

  14. He knew she was a fameho; she knew he had anger issues. Karma.

  15. Has Baldwin acted like anything other than an angry pig with any woman he's been involved with?

  16. Kim Bassinger could have told her this. Apparently he loved to embarrass a woman at dinner parties with friends. Or his many encounters with the paps.

    It's kind of like when Lisa Marie Presley said that she didn't know how weird Michael Jackson was. Uh, we knew. Everybody knew.

  17. His anger got him suspended from Tv yesterday. Maybe next time his anger will get the shit kicked out of his old fat ass.

  18. Someone needs to.slice Angry Al a little Molly. He'll be in love with everyone then.

  19. Anonymous11:03 AM


    Lol@angry Al. That's an awesome idea actually. He needs to do something. Life's too short.

  20. And now I have Shake, Shake, Shake, Senora as my earworm.

  21. LMAO at Alec's "good name"!!

  22. I don't care what he does to her, I will be on his side. She is a fucking pig. Who the fuck tweets saying they're bored at a funeral? Gandolfini's funeral no less??

  23. I really want to feel sorry for AB. He WAS manipulated and lied to, after all, and Hilarious gets NO sympathy from me for what she's unleashed. At the same time, though, well, karma's a bitch, Alec. And really, how stupid do you have to be not to see her coming?

  24. I must be a terrible person because this made me laugh. I can't stand either of them. Feel sorry for the baby though.

  25. Um, how was this a blind?? It is an article.

  26. I feel so bad for her, as I am married to a "man" who does the same thing to me, non-stop screaming and verbal and emotional and mental abuse, and I think he's WORSE than AB. He slams doors all the time, just for Drama Queen effect, and the shit he says to be should be grounds for Life in Prison WITHOUT Parole. If you haven't lived it, you don't KNOW. Sadly, I'd rather be HIT (because then I could claim self-defense and kill my abuser).

  27. be is me, sorry, as in "says to me". Sorry.

  28. Bazinga! Love that L!

  29. No sympathy for Hilarious. She knew what she was signing up for.

  30. @KSierra No, you can't. I lived w a brutal abuser for 15 yrs, you can't even count on the courts limiting or requiring sup visitation. Its not easy like it should be. Please try and leave. I'll be rooting for you.

  31. @pusssykatt - hahahaha
