Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

April 12, 2013

This former almost A list mostly movie actor is now a C lister. Rarely gets work and lives off the money he got from his ex, he still has a big name. Big enough that when he does cheat on his girlfriend, he goes for his favorite angle. He tells women that he can get them in his new movie if they will sleep with him. I bet that B- list mostly movie actress who fell for it recently wishes she had not.

Ryan Phillippe/Ashley Greene


  1. Ashley's an airhead anyway. So in case he had to introduce himself to her as Ryan Phillippe she still doesn't know enough about her business to know Ryan isn't getting work and knows better than to screw him for a job? :(

  2. Bullshit..... Ashley Greene isn't struggling that much for work, she could always fuck a producer.

  3. That Ashley gets around, don't she?

  4. And now she's being sued by the building's doorman. Hope it was worth it, Ash.

  5. This was already revealed, right?

  6. Wasn't she with him the night her place caught on fire?

  7. Ryan Phillipe has his own money.

  8. I hear he does pretty well on the soccer mom circuit

  9. We all got this one...and like I posted then, Phillipe has been doing movies, tv, directed and narrated a documentary, and is directing another movie now, as well. Worth around 30 mil. Cute asshole.
