Thursday, November 28, 2013

Brooke Mueller Accuses Denise Richards Of Child Abuse

I guess Brooke Mueller is back on crack or whatever her drug of choice is this week because she called the police and accused Denise Richards of abusing Brooke's two sons and also Denise's own children. Considering that Brooke has not even seen Denise's daughters in months I'm not sure how she could make that claim unless her boys told her that when they were telling their mom that Denise abused them too. So, what is going to happen now is that Child Protective Services is going to investigate the heck out of this with a microscope. Charlie Sheen is going to get more upset and say some nasty things about the agency and probably get himself tossed in jail for a couple of days for violating a contempt order but what does he care? Two days at the most with no hookers or drugs is probably something his body could use.

Then, after Denise is cleared of the accusations Brooke will look even more awful and make a judge even more reluctant to give her full custody. I still say that any judge that gives Brooke full custody without her being clean for at least a year to eighteen months is a judge who should lose in their next election. I think the judge should ask themselves whether they would let their kids live with Brooke full-time. If there is any hesitancy in their answer then there shouldn't be full custody.


  1. She was clearly in the meth queue when brains were being handed out.

  2. I think that any judge who takes anything Brooke Mueller says seriously should lose in the next election. That woman's a human trainwreck if there ever was one.

  3. Your judges are voted on in elections by the population, or elected by other judges?

  4. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and Enty! Thanks for posting Enty!! I am thankful for all the amusing stories you post here. I am also thankful for all the comments! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    And Brooke is cray!!

  5. Never mind, I'm all caught up now, Google is my friend!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to all yous Americans!! Have a great day!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to those it applies, Happy Thursday to everyone else.

  8. Forgot it was thanksgiving over there. Happy eatin' people!

  9. She has to say that to try and discredit Denise's claims about her children.

  10. Denise is no saint.
    I have a feeling this has to do with Charlie's recent trip with her and his daughters, talking about his 'modern family'.
    Brooke is nuts, that's for sure. It's just that all of them are pretty much nuts.

  11. Anonymous7:06 AM

    She is an outstanding parental unit. I don't know what all the fuss is about.

  12. Charlie just needs to give Brooke a cinder block sized rock of crack and let her OD. It would be best for everyone involved.

  13. What a heartwarming Thanksgiving story! Fills my heart with joy, how 'bout youse guys?

  14. It wouldn't surprise me if one of the boys got that bruise at Denise's. Sounds like they are little monsters. More likely is drug addict liar brooke making accusations to muddy the water.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I definitely think the boys need help but I hope CPS looks into all cases of abuse, imo. Unfortunately, if the claim comes from Brooke it doesn't seem that serious and it should be.

    In Arizona recently there was a case of three girls kept as prisoners in their own home for years, two escaped, the police were are able to go in an rescue the 17 year old girl and arrest the "parents". Arizona has 4000 cases of CPS claims to investigate on its desks.

    Brooke may really be using the system and hopefully a judge will see right through that and it will count against her (which is what Enty is implying) but all claims should be looked at, imo.

    The girls have also gone through a lot before the boys lived with them and they probably have issues too. Also, I think the parents have issues and Denise may be a saint for taking in the boys but I think she has problems too as well as Charlie (gazillion duh).

  17. At least Denise cared enough to try to give those boys a somewhat stable life. Brooke Mueller is a horrible person.

  18. Brooke is no saint? WTF she took in sons that weren't hers to try and give them some stability and foster a relationship between the brothers and sisters. It wasn't her fault they are little sociopaths in training. Put up with Charlie and all his mental drug issues and created some harmony between them so her daughters can have a relationship with their father and see the good side not the one that left her voicemails calling her a nigger.

    Denise is a fucking hero that's what Denise is.

  19. Clear case.

    Denise Richards should get raped by a roving pack of negroes infested with AIDS and nine months later the child of hatred born with HIV has to be taken away from her to grow up handed from one molesting foster home to another and follow mommy's example.

    Take that, abuser.

  20. Brooke has one hell of a nerve. Hoe she is seen and exposed as liar she is b
