Friday, November 22, 2013

Four For Friday- The Split

Today i Friday. The last Friday before Thanksgiving and while you are at the mall trying to get an early start on your shopping for Thanksgiving or the holidays I will be here writing away all weekend. Mostly blinds and reveals and also trying to catch up on a bunch of movies and clips you have sent. If you would like to follow me on Twitter and have me retweet your bacon photos I am @entylawyer. Oh, and if you missed that Secret Societies Of Hollywood thing on E! they were showing it again last night so it will probably have another 35 airings before they give it a rest if you want to see me talking about random Hollywood things.

This actress is an Academy Award nominee/winner. Excellent actress. Still very young. Quiet. Trying to pry a personal answer from her is just not going to happen. Those boyfriends of hers just fade away when the press of the movie does. Always funny how they seem to tie together. She doesn't like to do that but feels forced. She likes to stay silent like Jodie Foster. The thing is she dates women who have only come out. She has no interest in other closeted women which makes things much more difficult. Plus she is not exactly the most open person even to her lovers. This was the reason she recently split with the woman who gave our actress her biggest break to date. Casting couch? Not so much casting couch as our actress heard about the role and then went in for the kill with the producer a few months before casting and by the time casting came around our actress was the only choice. Our actress is not friendly enough or popular enough to be automatically be lined up with certain roles so she might be forced to eventually open up or come out.


  1. Replies
    1. Dammit, VIP!

      Yeah, definitely EP.

  2. Anna Kendrick? She seems very cool and nice on twitter though so maybe not.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Emma Watson or Chloe Grace Moretz.

    (KIDDING! It's Friday!)

    Oh hey look, Enty is finally talking about the TV appearance.

  5. Think VIP got it- sounds like Page.

  6. Agree with VIP, seems like Ellen Page

  7. Waitaminute do we REALLY SEEE Enty on this E thing or what? Anyone seen it?

    1. His face is in the dark. But he's not nearly as portly as he has implied :)

  8. Btw speaking of dammit VIP where's FSP lately?

  9. since when to do a coming out helps the career of AN ACTRESS?

    why do you believe that there are so few coming outs in Hollywood ?

  10. why doesn't anyone ever say where's skimpymist. Is it because I'm not part of the clique.

  11. Jessica Chastain isn't young, lol. Ellen Page FTW.

  12. No because skimpymist hasn't gone away And doesn't say damnit VIP:) but if you go away Ill ask if I notice I swear.

  13. Ellen Page - Juno or Hard Candy and what producer?

    or Jess Chastain and Megan Ellison (Zero Dark Thirty)

  14. @skimpymist, there's a clique? I don't think anyone's ever said "where's seven of eleven?" so I obviously don't belong to it, either. Don't care if I do or don't, though - it's fun just to hang out and read the comments. I guess some names are more recognizable than others for their specific contributions, like VIP for her guesses and FFF, Count for his pervy posts, the now (thankfully) missing racists who shall not be named lest they return.

  15. When I'm not commenting in a thread, I from now until forever implore everyone to ask collectively, "Where's Sugar???"

  16. Well, poo! Just poo, because no one asks about me, either!

  17. who gave her the big break then? the one she had the relationship with?

  18. Fuck me look what I started . Thank goodness its 5 o clock somewhere mist likely in the deep Atlantic Ocean where I wish I was.

  19. @sandy LOL!!

    BTW, where's Count Jerkula?

  20. Not true, Nellie! Someone said something in a post not very long ago about missing ReesesPeaces.

    LOL @ Sandybrook!

    @VIP, I'm guessing he's hitting the google after his Your Turn comment.

    Calling out some more missing - where are Lotta and her boo Dragon?

  21. Oh yeah, 7...that was Zeeky! Hey Zeeky, where are ya?


  22. Seriously tho, where is FSP?

    Come baaaaack.

  23. Her biggest break was Juno and that written by a stripper. Maube that was the chick who got her the big break?

  24. I thought of that SYCB, but as far as I can tell Juno didn't have a relationship with Diablo Cody (the stripper).

  25. i'm on board zero d 30 jess Chastain, bf always get trotted out for awards season then disappear, she also said she and megan use to just watch movies together before filming began.

  26. Does anyone remember Ellen Page on Trail Park Boys?

  27. I don't remember Ellen Page with a boyfriend? And 26 is young but I wouldn't say it was very young (I'm probably over -reading this!)

  28. I really likes celebs like this, who don't get over-exposed. I guess I agree with Ellen Page.

  29. i thought maybe the young comment was about Jess Chastain and the age dispute. Wasn't there something about her being older than she claims? And Enty is alluding to that-and that she is still very young even though it was thought she was trying to hide her age.

    1. Good catch rajah. I like your guess.

  30. and her sexual orientation...

  31. Can't wait till i Saturday!

  32. Second the Chastain guess with Ellison as the producer.

  33. Ellen Page is too obvious. What about Rooney Mara?

  34. Skimpymist no one asks where I am either. Some people just stand out. Eh, whatever. You know we all love you anyway even if we don't say it.

    I like the EP guess BUT while she stood out in Juno I can't recall her being in a whole lot since. I know I could IMDB her but I have to catch up on some gossip here.

  35. Here I am. I have no Ellen Page material, I have no Ellen Page material, so I didn't comment.

  36. @Seven of Eleven

    Even when I’m not thinking of you I am. To watch your struggle with regaining your lost humanity – I’ll be honest, it’s touching. I hope to share this journey of discovery into the human experience with you, even though they are no longer showing that documentary of your life and struggle; but from a distance so as not to impede your freedom.

    I love the way you have evolved in the past years, and seeing your laughter on CDaN – it makes me so proud of you; little Annika Hansen, all grown into humanity! Expanding your consciousness, as your breasts expanded in that unitard from week to week, shows that this is right – the solitary mind is nothing to fear.

    I want you to run free, wild, uninhibited. You are in charge of your destiny, not some collective construct that suppresses your right to self-determination. But I do wonder, what you’re doing and thinking.

    Don’t think that I don’t care, that I’m not thinking of you or wondering where you are. I do, always. You are the first thought in the morning, and my last thought at night.

    Sleep now, angel, xox.

  37. Is there any way di butler isn't Kelly Cutrone, while we're talking aboot commentors?

  38. Yes, Wen!! We just finished early Trailer Park Boys episodes on Netflix and saw her--she was a tomboy back then as well.

  39. Ellen page, hard candy, castings director Valerie mccaffrey
