Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Joe Francis' Ex Had Unprotected Sex With David Arquette

Just the headline is enough to make me want to go out and get a penicillin shot. Christina McLarty, who used to have unprotected sex with Joe Francis and thought Joe was the most amazing guy in the world is four months pregnant with the baby of the permanently drunk kindergarten man child David Arquette. I'm assuming the sex was willing but I'm hoping Christina says she was drunk before she agreed to having unprotected sex with the man who loves escorts and strippers on a nightly basis. Of course Christina did love Joe Francis too and he had sex with Paris Hilton so yeah, I definitely need a Silkwood shower about now but for my mind.

David Arquette is probably thrilled because he will have someone to go all Billy Madison with for the next few years until his kid turns about three and realizes they are more mature than David.


  1. For fucks's sake. Sometimes birth control fails--just because someone is pregnant doesn't mean that they had unprotected sex.

    And if they DID have unprotected sex? Dear God, no! They clearly should have gotten your permission first.

  2. Damn Karen lol love it

  3. And like all pregnancy stories from Ent, this is bitter as ever.

  4. @ Karen enty hates pregnant people, sex and punctuation.

  5. I read that first as "Joe Francis has sex with David Arquette" and just about broke my finger trying to click

  6. Yeah, she sounds like a real classy gal. Him too.

  7. @hollywood dime, @dragon (the real one), and @Johnny, this fries me a little because it isn't the first time this Enty has equated getting pregnant with being irresponsible.

    In this Enty's bitter mind, only a man and woman who are married to each other are allowed to have babies; all other babies are accidents/mistakes.

    1. @ Karen all of these post sound like someone who thinks sex is 'dirty'. Unless its missionary, the room is pitch black and like you said, the people are married.

  8. AnnE is "pregnant" according to Radar online.

    1. Oh lord. Enty is gonna have a hate filled post about that.

  9. hahaha @talkstoomuch so did I. with enty, you never know.

  10. That explains David's "my first child" comment on Stern the other day.

  11. @hollywood dime, don't forget: bra and t-shirt on. Maybe even the boxer shorts. Isn't that what the flap is for?

  12. Things we know: Enty had a shitty absentee father (see Tom Cruise post) and is bitter/judge-y about people getting pregnant because that means they had sex, which this Enty is definitely not doing (Enty is Harry Knuckles?)

    Also, betting someone watches Supernatural which explains the Silkwood shower reference.

  13. Enty's always bitchin about unprotected sex because she never gets ANY.
    I don't know what is more pathetic--Enty's constant bitchin or my commenting on it.

  14. Duly scathing yet you criticize Courtney Cox for being exasperated by the end of her marriage to said infantile frat brat...

  15. TalksTooMuch, I am up at 3 am in the morning & thought I might have woken my husband up I was laughing so hard at your comment. I don't need to be up at this time, just am.

  16. I don't think this is a pregnancy shaming, it's a shame of having unsafe sex with a promiscuous and immature man who has substance abuse issues. So, yeah. I can see Enty's point. These aren't teenagers here.

  17. @Karen. Speak, sister. Shit happens. If he's happy, good for him.

  18. LISTEN.. If the man is known to love hookers and be a stupid ass drunk. WHY THE HELL are you having unprotected sex with him
    Who cares how much he is worth
    thats a shot in a million he isnt simmering in a STD
    no thanks

  19. So he drinks and likes strippers? Who doesn't? He seems like a nice guy, there's just something sweet about him. I'm sure marriage to controlling Courtenay was no picnic.

  20. @feral: I have to give all props for the ice comment to the most delicious sounding of all salad dressings: Bacon Ranch

  21. Sex is bad. Very, very, very bad!! *shakes finger* You sluts!

    Right on @ most of you.

  22. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Watching Turner Classic Movies recently, Enty? ...Surprisingly good movie for something with Cher in it.

  23. Anonymous11:00 AM

    @Lucas, Silkwood the movie was on TCM just the other night. But you definitely show your youth guessing it was from "Supernatural" ; )

    1. I had not heard it referred to as a Silkwood shower until I saw it on SN. And I am not that young.

  24. Shoulda put it in her butt, Bro.

  25. Excellent! Let's see what their drunken drugged up genes produce!! Maybe a couple more jewels like Bob and Max. Just what society needs. Now let's all be happy for the drunken drugged up breeders!!!!!!!!

  26. Because planned pregnancies never happen between adults who aren't married...

    And of course you agree with Enty on this post Topper. You don't like pregnant people either .. Hence parking in the " expectant mother " spots and snarking about it online.

  27. DANG! Topper must be a chub chub to be passing herself off as an expectant mother.

    And don't get me started on big womens answering Casual Encounter ads that are looking for pregnant broads.

    Not that I have anything against big women, I just despise bait and switch.

  28. Did anyone else read the headline as "James Franco Had Unprotected Sex With David Arquette"?...oh dear I should get my eyes checked!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.
