Friday, November 08, 2013

Levi Johnston Owes $65,000 In Back Child Support

Levi Johnston should be grateful he doesn't live in California or he would be in jail right now. The former wannabe reality star and baby daddy to Bristol Palin's kid is currently trying to get that amount reduced by asking a court to let him see his son half the time. Right now he barely sees his son and has to pay a lot of child support. Does the guy even make $65,000 a year? How does he owe so much? Oh yeah, the idiot got nailed while he was selling stories to tabloids and getting a couple of big checks from reality shows. When those dried up he didn't ask for a modification and went ahead and had another baby with another woman and allegedly even got another woman pregnant who he doesn't speak to any longer.

Levi says he wants to pay the back child support and I guess it will take him about ten years to pay it off unless he can get Bristol to agree to another reality show. I don't think he can get one on his own.


  1. Dumbass should have filed for a modification the moment he realized the $$$ was not flowing in the way he expected to. On top of that he has not one, but two more kids to support. Stupid pretty boy, wrap it up son!

  2. What is, "Things I couldn't possibly give less of a rat's arse about" for $1000 Alex...

  3. question is what did she ever see in him in the first place.......

    seems like she has wised up somewhat

    he is a LOSER

    1. raja I don't think she had too many options to choose from up there. Something tells me it is pretty slim pickins

  4. Levi's an idiot, that said Bristol has made plenty of money off her baby and her mama….

  5. Be careful who you breed with.

  6. Heis a loser, doesnt even want the kid because he loves him and misses him, just to save money. His parental rights should be terminated!

  7. @rajajcat--raging teenage hormones make you horny, blind, and stupid.

  8. @rajacat.. I would imagine the pickins' are pretty slim up in Wasilla

  9. And she's a catch? Um, no. They deserve each other. The only victim here is that kid.

  10. ahhh perhaps it is slim pickins.......

    but he is as dumb as a box of rocks......

    kinda pretty though

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. He owes so much because the payments were calculated based on the huge year he had when the kid was first born. He needs to get it reduced, but unfortunately, he isn't going to get out of the $65k. They will only reduce the future payments. He should probably give up on the kid and move to Florida. They don't honor any out of state payments or warrants. That is why they have so many winners their.

  13. Does he have a job? If he doesn't, he should get one and start to pay his debt and support.

  14. Nice to know California is hard on something, given what I have witnessed with celebrities over the past few years. Never happen where I live even if they were celebrities. Unfortunately we don't put enough dads in jail for failure to pay child support and judges will often forgive part of the money owing. There you go you want drunks and addicts driving cars on the same roads as you or deadbeat dads running around free.

  15. Why does using a condom seem to allude even men that are considered smart otherwise - maybe they need to teach this guys how to do it and they need to practice practice practice or the morning after pill needs to be on the night table every time. Sorry I am in a ranty mood, I just get so mad at people who take having children so cavalierly.

  16. I don't think any Palin could get a reality show at this point. Even Sarah has seen her 15 minutes pass.

  17. Contraceptives are a 2 person problem Tina. It isn't all on the men or all on the women.

  18. Snip. Improve the genetic pool.

  19. I don't think Bristol could get a reality show these days either. Their last attempts at reality shows informed us that they're both way too dumb to be interesting. You can put lipstick on a pig, but you can't sugarcoat stupid.
